Wolfenstein 3D for PICO-8 is a demake of the game with the same name by hungrybutterfly. Swastikas are replaced with a cute heart. It’s a pretty old PICO-8 game but sometimes it’s nice to cook up old things, or not? 😉

Pico Checkmate by Krystman is a simple classic Chess made in PICO-8. Full implementation of almost all of the Chess rules with basic AI to play against. Created as part of the Chess Jam 2018. Here is the game’s entry on itch.io

Michael Chiaramonte shows us once again how to do some NES Programming. NES Programming #25 – Status bars and proper scrolling Watch this video on YouTube. Quote: In this episode we took a page from The Guardian Legend and got a proper status bar working (although there’s no actual data there right now). From there, we started working on how [&hellip

Jayenkai released a first version of Roland Eats a Stale Biscuit. Help Roland get all his biscuits from the crazy maze, using only the power of his epic pushing arms. Please test and give feedback as much as you can. This is the first step to get the “A Game A Week” engine closer to perfection with more games to [&hellip

Crypt of Dracula by Matteusbeus will be first shown at Retro Revival 2018 in Walsall!
EDuke32 is a port of the classic 3D Realms game Duke Nukem 3D (or Duke3D for short) to several OS’es. EDuke32 adds many new convenient features and modernizations for casual players and many editing features and scripting extensions for mod authors. Ported to Nintendo Switch by cpasjuste. How to install: * copy “eduke32” folder to “/switch” folder * copy “DUKE3D.GRP” [&hellip

Jayenkai of A Game A Week fame shows more progress tweaking his AGameAWeek C++ Framework for the Nintendo 3DS. By 29th April there are menus and options on bottom screen, few more things to do. Read more at GBAtemp

2 Dudes and a NES are creating a regular Nintendo NES retrogaming podcast! Most content is accessable for Patreon supporters only, but you still find great content which is free

Two Cyclops is a new Sega Genesis game currently in development