Corytheidiot1 released an alpha version of his Unamed RPG for PlayStation Portable. Release notes: I have been working on this for a few days. I finally decided to release an alpha. Unfortunately there are only 3 maps and thats really it. I plan to have this become a full game. My view for this game is classic rpg. Feel free [&hellip
A virtual fan for PlayStation Portable by Crait. Quote: This is the coolest homebrew out for PSP! It’s a virtual fan that has four different speeds so you can set the coolness to your prefrence! Take it everywhere you go! It was originally developed by MobiMate for Palm Pilots running OS 3 and higher. I completely coded a version for [&hellip
Quran PSP allows you to read the Quran comfortable on your PSP. There is no english language version yet. Changes: – Adding mp3 player – Adding Chapter 32 – Bug in backup – search functions correct
DJB has updated Pandora Deluxe to v1.4. This application automates the process of making a magic memory stick for your Pandora into a very easy and noob friendly process. Changes: – Rearranged the GUI. – Added all the buttons for use with the Time Machine IPL (except RTrigger). – Added an option for DC 5 to be selected via Time [&hellip
Buunyan released a new PS3 BD-J Game. Guide men and women workers to their assigned location. Thanks to snesy for the Japanese translation
RACE PSP is a Neo Geo Pocket (Color) emulator for PlayStation Portable. Release notes: The latest release of RACE! PSP includes state saving, and the test switch that I mentioned earlier. The switch enables developer-level access to Card Fighters’ Clash, Card Fighters’ Clash 2, Dokodemo Mahjong, and possibly other games. To enable the switch/button, map it to any PSP button [&hellip
Sleepper & M@x released an update of PSPKVM. This application will allow you to run / play mobile java games on your PSP! Release notes: – FreeType2 fonts support. (Please see “Running tips: Use FreeType2 font files†of Release Notes) – Bug fixes: Mess display bug of NokiaUI for some games, e.g American Army. Fix PlatformRequest() issue of not launching [&hellip
This application by Akind allows you to use your Sony PlayStation Portable as a gamepad on your PC while connected with it’s USB interface
Alber_h released a Minesweeper clone for Nintendo
Steve Corey updated his port of PrBoom to the Nintendo Wii. PrBoom is a cross-platform version of the classic 3D first person shooter Doom from id Software. Changes: – Saving/Loading works (using Nintendo-style save slots) – Messages are now correctly displayed on screen – Automap works (panning, zooming, and follow mode) – Boot.dol distributed instead of Boot.elf (much smaller file) [&hellip