VideoGamesHero brings you homebrew action at it’s best – offering lasting fun and challenging action with over 65 Songs, 5 Game modes, Motion Card and Guitar Grip support, there is something for everyone! Changes: For now – Here is update 1! A new version [including 10 new songs] and some bugfixes is now available on There is also a [&hellip
GamePark Holdings officially announced their new handheld: The Wiz. The official page can be found here: Quote: – Create your own game with Wiz SDK, 533MHZ, 3D Accelerator, Open Source Platform, LinuxOS – Wiz official games to be released every month – Wiz features include Video, music, Photo viewer, Comics, E-Book, Flash Player and Planner – Slim Sleek and [&hellip
Dynamo is a cool, animated task manager for your PocketPC 2003/05/06 device. Say goodbye to boring text lists of running programs and instead manage your programs by sliding in images of all your running applications onto your screen. For each program on your device an image is saved and when you click the hotkey they all zoom onto your screen. [&hellip
You have to remember a way, which is marked with grey or black fields for 5 seconds. After that, you have to control your “block” through the fields the same way
An application by roe-ur-boat, view and sort your games and applications on your Playstation Portable. Release notes: Here’s another badly-named application I’ve made that I made so I could sort the many games and apps on my PSP. You can freely move your games up and down in the list and there is also an option to sort them all [&hellip
ZodTTD has updated his Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator Gameboy4iPhone. Changes: – Exclusively supports the new 2.x.x series firmwares. – Fixed the controller input to allow for 5+ touch points. – Fixed up the audio playback. Sounds great! – Improved performance by removing magnification filters in landscape and portrait views. I kept the aspect ratio so things look good still. [&hellip
Gaz comes up with his version of the dice game “Yahtzee”. Release notes: I have finally finsihed my first game for the Nintendo DS. The game is called 5 Dice and is very similar to Yahtzee, there are only a couple of changes from the original game (5 Dice) and (All Dice). You are allowed three thows of the dice, [&hellip
A port of id Software’s Quake to the Nintendo Wii, based upon the Gamecube port. Changes: Simple on-screen keyboard View locking so that you can aim freely without turning TV overscan adjustment working for the GX build Simple, ugly brightness control
An application by J3r3mie
A visual novel game by Orange-Melon Games. Release notes: Well i finally finished most of the coding for the game all that is left to do is add art and more story. So heres the Demo! I hope you all enjoy the first part of what is going to be a excellent game. Please feel free to comment on anything