Termula2x is a full terminal application, including the vi text editor, USB keyboard and GP2X F-200 touchscreen support, along wiht a customizable interface. Release notes: this is an early alpha of termula2x 0.3 “su”, having a transparent on screen keyboard. i want to get some feedback from the community
NeoCD2x is a Neo Geo CD emu for GP2x by
Basilisk II is an Open Source 68k Macintosh emulator. Release notes: Okay Wally, I know you’ve been waiting… Here’s a test build. It’s not meant to be used, it’s for feedback on the GUI mainly. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t work – it boots my 8.0 CD just fine. It’s just not usable yet due to limitations. Ignore the crappy [&hellip
FluBBa released a NeoGeo Pocket Color emulator for GBA. Release notes: New emulator! Woho! Well just like the Wonder Swan emulator this is really slow. It doesn’t support any kind of saving so some games won’t work correctly or at all. Other games have graphical glitches and are really slow. Some games doesn’t work and it’s really slow. It is [&hellip
WiiPhysics is a physics playground for the Wii, much like Crayon Physics or PocketPhysics. It uses Box2D and libwiisprite. Changes +Removed need for /data directory, compacting wiiphysics into single boot.elf file +Added Undo Button +Pulleys, Ropes and Gears (Pin) work great now +Improved Icons and layout +Line Drawing works perfect now +Many Bug fixes, clean up
UAPaint is a drawing application for Nintendo DS. Changes: -Added Guitar Hero Buttons as tool shortcuts – Blue= Pen, Yellow=bucket, Red=color picker, Green=Line tool -fixed another grid bug
Beardface released WiiPhysics, its a physics emulator for the Wii using Box2d and libwiisprite. Thanks to http://www.wiibrew.org for the news
PyKaraoke is a karaoke player by Kelvin Lawson, ported to GP2x by David Rose. Changes: * Much improved GUI with many new features and additional configuration options. * Export karaoke files to MPEG format (command line only). * Launch external media players – use the PyKaraoke GUI to catalogue and launch your entire collection. * Many enhancements on the GP2X [&hellip
Quote: This is a scrolling game where you fly through an opening in each force field. The force fields are blue right now, but I’ll probably change the color to something else later. If you miss an opening and bust through a force field instead, the energy bar will decrease. The scrolling will become faster if you press and hold [&hellip
This little NDS program demonstrates some of the hardware’s graphics capabilities. The demo shows how to use a bunch of NDS features and some otherwise handy code, like: – Hardware volume shadowing – A mini-tutorial is included in the readme! – Motion blur with video capture, using only one VRAM bank, at 60 FPS – Hardware lighting, texturing, fogging, antialiasing [&hellip