Visual Boy Advance GX is a Game Boy Advance / Game Boy emulator for the Wii and GameCube based on VBA-M and Visual Boy Advance v1.7.2. Changes: – Fixed save state saving bug – Fixed unstable SD card access – Proper SD/USB hotswap (Wii only) – Auto-update feature (Wii only) – Rewritten SMB access – speed boost, NTLM now supported [&hellip
Tantric has released a new version of his continued port of FCE Ultra GX a NES emulator for both the Nintendo Wii and GameCube. This new version addresses some sound issues from the last version and fixes compatibility with the Qoob Pro chip on GameCube consoles. Changes: – Fixed unstable SD card access – Proper SD/USB hotswap (Wii only) – [&hellip
Tantric has released a new version of his continued port of FCE Ultra GX a NES emulator for both the Nintendo Wii and GameCube. This new version addresses some sound issues from the last version and fixes compatibility with the Qoob Pro chip on GameCube consoles. Changes: – Fixed unstable SD card access – Proper SD/USB hotswap (Wii only) – [&hellip
Michniewski and Tantric updated their SNES9x port to Wii and Gamecube once again. Changes: – Fixed unstable SD card access – Proper SD/USB hotswap (Wii only) – Auto-update feature (Wii only) – Rewritten SMB access – speed boost, NTLM now supported (Wii only) – Improved file access code – Resetting preferences now resets controls – Fixed “invalid file size” error [&hellip
Michniewski and Tantric updated their SNES9x port to Wii and Gamecube once again. Changes: – Fixed unstable SD card access – Proper SD/USB hotswap (Wii only) – Auto-update feature (Wii only) – Rewritten SMB access – speed boost, NTLM now supported (Wii only) – Improved file access code – Resetting preferences now resets controls – Fixed “invalid file size” error [&hellip
TweakDISPLAY allows you to alter your PSP display settings. Changes: – NEW EFFECT: Grayscale. – NEW EFFECT: Oil Paint, makes everything look very artistic. – MAJOR: Center Mirror Optimized to Full Speed (60 FPS XMB benchmark). – MAJOR: Contrast Boost algorithm Optimized Close to Full Speed. – Dramatic reduction in number of CPU instructions every loop. – Flip Mode buttons [&hellip
Genesis Plus is an emulator of the Sega Genesis / Sega Megadrive for Wii and GameCube. This is a port of Charles MacDonald’s Genesis Plus to the Wii with lots of improvements. Changes: [NGC/Wii] – improved sound engine – modified frame synchronization (now use audio DMA interrupt) Thanks to for the news
Genesis Plus is an emulator of the Sega Genesis / Sega Megadrive for Wii and GameCube. This is a port of Charles MacDonald’s Genesis Plus to the Wii with lots of improvements. Changes: [NGC/Wii] – improved sound engine – modified frame synchronization (now use audio DMA interrupt) Thanks to for the news
Alekmaul released a first version of his single arcade game emulator for the game Klax. Quote: Here is the first version of my emulator PuzzleKlax. It is an emulator arcade game Klax and therefore the Roma in zip format it for use. The readme.txt file gives you a detailed files with their CRC, it can help The emulator is not [&hellip
SDL Space Invaders is a clone of the classic Space Invaders game for the WII developed using SDL for graphics and sound