AikenToAki released AGBMidi, it’s a MIDI player for GameBoy Advance. Quote: I’ve “officially” finished AGBMidi 1.0a. AGBMidi is a MIDI player targeted at the GBA. 32 channels, 128 volume setting, 4 song players. Check the “readme” file for more information. Thanks to www.nintendomax.com for the news
Franxis and team updated their MAME port for GP2x. MAME is a “multiple arcade machine emulator”. Changes: – ASM cores are selected automatically (according to an internal compatibility list). – Several optimizations and hacks have been implemented in the sound cores (selectable with the fast sound option). – Changes in the Neo·Geo memory management to be able to play more [&hellip
Bunjalloo is a web browser for the Nintendo DS. It under active development, and can already display simple pages, follow links and view images. Changes: – Update code for devkitARM r24 – Italian localisation courtesy of Paolo Ferraresi Automatic DLDI patching of downloaded NDS files from within zips no longer works. I’ll remove the option in the next release. I [&hellip
DS Invaders is a “Space Invaders” remake with retro/classic graphics. Changes: – Rewrote with his libnds (without maxmod) to manage the sound of the Ufo with a sound loop – Smoothing the screen zoom – Inversion screens – Ability to play on the screen zoom pen – Ability to configure the number of lives Thanks to http://www.nintendomax.com fro the news
maRk2512 released a remake of the Amiga game Stone Age. Quote: Hi everybody!! thist is the first public release of my first NDS game! It’s a remake of one of my favourite AMIGA games. Hope you like it!
bob_fossil released his game maketens for Nintendo DS. Quote: Mankind’s oldest enemy, the decimal numbers 1 to 5 have launched another audacious attack and it’s up to you to stop them. They have one weakness – they self destruct when they are combined to make the number ten. Select numbers with the stylus and make tens to save the world. [&hellip
XM7Play by sverx is a simple XM player based on libxm7. Quote: Hi! I’ve spent some hours these days to build this little tool (…forgive the UI…) that plays XMs directly from your FAT device. It’s twice useful: – it gives you a chance to listen to your XMs on the DS before you incorporate them in your project – [&hellip
sepulep updated his port of Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe’s CargoDest branch for the GP2x. Changes: – update to h3b244a8f version – fixes minor gui glitches – hide windows in z instead of outside screen
Copper has updated his Arcade machine emulator, specialized in emulating Pacman and some of its variants. Changes: 8 new roms supported Thanks to www.nintendomax.com for the news
z.Square is very simple game. You must avoid a red squares and collect a green squares