This application allows you to read large Text (.txt,.text), Palm Doc (.pdb), Mobipocket (.pdb,.prc,.mobi), Plucker (.pdb), HTML (.htm,.html), and Fiction Book (.fb2) files quickly and efficiently on the iPhone/Touch. This application doesn’t have the fancy formatting of ruBooks or, but it can quickly load and display large text files that currently cause or other UI Text View/Web View [&hellip
DragonMedia Player is a native Wii application with the intent of being a multi-source media player on the Wii
Yabause Wii is a Sega Saturn emulator for Wii and is the first of its kind as emulating the complex processes of the Sega Saturn is much harder then it looks and now even harder to run it on the limited hardware of the Wii. Yabause Wii can now run a small number of commercial games at usable speeds (5-10fps) [&hellip
Ledow obviously had a minor problem when packing up the latest release of STPPC2x, which is a GP2X port of Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection and contains a set of 27 addictive logic and puzzle games. You can get a fixed archive from his homepage. Source:
Lua is a powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language. The Saturn Lua Player is a powerful runtime environment for homebrew Saturn games written in Lua. It provides access to hundreds of functions of popular Saturn programming libraries. It’s simple, it’s fast, it’s powerful and it makes fun! Making Saturn games is now as easy as opening up a text editor [&hellip
Ura Kaiten Patissier is the runner up game of “Kaiten Patissier”, with more possibilites and features. It’s also a touch more difficult thant he original series. Kaiten Patissier is a “collect ’em all” game, but with the twist of having a rotating playingfield. After collecting all but the last item in each level, a bonus item will appear somewhere in [&hellip
D.K. has updated his game Kaiten Patissier. Kaiten Patissier is a “collect ’em all” game, but with the twist of having a rotating playingfield. After collecting all but the last item in each level, a bonus item will appear somewhere in the level, so be sure to keep an eye out for the bonus items if you want to get [&hellip
Sleep’n’Wake is an application for dozing off to your favorite music playing silently and getting waked up again with the music you chose, this time with the volume maxed to the system volume setting on your Playstation Portable. Features: Full support of cbr/vbr/abr 8kbps-320kbps 44.1kHz MP3 of arbitrary length Playlist Management for sleep and wake lists Set a special more [&hellip
WordStreamer (aka MiniMuncher) is a speed reading tool. t works on the principle that our brains only process text when our eyes are not moving. WordStreamer simply streams a text file a set number of words at a time, at a rate specified by you. Since your eyes are not traveling from line to line and across the page, this [&hellip
Every wanted to have an easy way to learn the for your driving licence? Here is a possibility, at least for our german visitors. The German Licence Trainer File for 2008 is included and working, everyone can now create such file for every country. Changes: -Fix: Removed Menu points from old version -Update: Complete use of CF 3.5 -Update: Licence [&hellip