First Strike is a topdown shooter coded by Miaudito
Spirits DS is a game inspired by Spirits, a spanish videogame from Topo Soft. Release notes: Just a new level added and minor graphics corrections. Now 50% of graphics are done (all upper floors). Waiting your comments
In Tilting Labirinth you have to get to the end of each level while avoiding red blocks and collecting green fruits. There are also other things like water. The game itself is controlled by DSMotion but Dpad works as well. Changes: * Should work with R4 * Updates in gfx (animated tiles etc.) * Add saving time in each map [&hellip
Morning Timer is an alarm clock application coded by Infantile Paralysiser
HeadOverHeels modified Reesy’s PocketSNES. Changes: – Sound frequencies have been changed (8250,16500) to make GP2X F200 compatible.NO more hangs in F200 with sound frequencies. – 256×240 games resolution problem have been fixed.Super Mario World PAL for instance. – I have compiled a version where i have changed SPC700 ASM (Notaz) to C. This new C version is more compatible (Terranigma [&hellip
Here comes a GL-Basic project, compiled for GP2x, by Achim called “Space Storm&#
Here comes an updated version of CFE… Changes: – Fixed a stupid bug with nethost in cfe_vsh that was causing to always connect to the computer ip address “
This a Texas Instrument’s calculator game Pegs for PSP with authentic graphics feeling, converted to by Judas
PReSS stands for Portable RSS. And that’s just what it is: an RSS reader for the Playstation Portable
GoSub2, the successor for GoSub has been updated… Build 51 is out! Release notes: Well, I’m up to 19 levels, the # that the original GoSub had, but with 32k, I’ll be putting way more. One thing concerns me, though. Bank 4 has 1,887 bytes left even though it has 20 playfield commands in it. How is that right? And [&hellip