Toy Wars by davidgf is a game inspired in Toy Commander from Dreamcast. The game consists on missions which take place in a house, like the original
Spacial Wars by 10$man is a game similar to Galaga, but just in 3D. The game features a small shop system to buy better bullets
Arsenal is a dual-screen 3D shoot’em’up game for the DS. Code by smealum, graphics by Lobo. Source:,7134.0.html
Control a fly, discover the levels and find the green sphere. Make sure to not collide with walls or other objects. Flyin’ is a game by ds
Wildlife Greenhouse by SimplexProductions is a guide for any enthusiastic camper who wishes to really dip their feet into the wild. You will find trivia facts throughout the guide on plants both common and mysterious to the average camper. Equipped with a variety of edible plants, this guide will help you differentiate from the nasty shrubbery across the temperate habitat
TuneItDS by SimplexProductions intended for any full-time guitar users, whether they be casual players or performers, TuneItDS is an essential tool in tuning your guitar. Equipped with 14 different tuning styles and the interface you would find in a modern guitar tuner, you may use the device to freely tune your devices. After all, there’s nothing more embarrassing than an [&hellip
WhatTheHexDS by x711Li is a Nintendo DS game/application created for aspiring designers who may test their hexadecimal color code proficiency by guessing the correct color among a pool of color squares, given a hexadecimal color code. Using the three bytes in the color code (#RRGGBB), one can guess the actual color
Myth64 Player by Conle is a video player for the N64 Myth Cart. It uses a custom video format and was made without using the official
Whether you’re thinking about applying for U.S. citizenship, or just interested in American civics, the U.S.A. Naturalization Civics Test for DS is just for you. Study on the go. Practice and review multiple-choice questions about the American government, history, geography and more. Features: * Fully-voiced questions from the official U.S.A. Naturalization test * Up-to-date list of elected officials (as of [&hellip
PSPythagoras by JamesC is an application to quickly calculate the length of a missing side in a right angled triangle, great for back to school!