Category: Caanoo
OpenBOR (Revision 3420) (Caanoo misc Port)

OpenBOR (Open Beats of Rage) is an open source engine to play Beats of Rage. Beats of Rage is a freeware open source video game and moddable game engine made by Senile Team ( ) and inspired by Sega’s classic Streets of Rage series. The term “moddable” means that the program allows users to create their own content, and thus their own beat-’em-up game, which is then called a “mod”.

Beats of Rage was first made available for download November 2003. It was not advertised in any way other than by word of mouth, yet it soon gained enormous popularity.


* Updated to Revision 3420
* Fixed .ini file,0,0,0,20,792

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Open Handhelds Browser (Alpha) (11-09-2011) (Caanoo Application)

Open Handhelds Browser is a program to be used on the Caanoo Handheld, it browses the “Open Handhelds Archive for Caanoo” – at least in its current form – using simple heuristics and can install apps directly to the Caanoo if the provided archive follows few simple specifications.,0,0,0,112,775

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Screen Break Time (14-09-2011) (Caanoo Game Port)

Screen Break Time” is a collection of minigames making use of the touchscreen only. It includes 1 vs 1 battles, scrolling shooters, Mode7 racings and other games.,0,0,0,37,793

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OpenBOR (Revision 3416) (Caanoo misc Port)

OpenBOR (Open Beats of Rage) is an open source engine to play Beats of Rage. Beats of Rage is a freeware open source video game and moddable game engine made by Senile Team ( ) and inspired by Sega’s classic Streets of Rage series. The term “moddable” means that the program allows users to create their own content, and thus their own beat-’em-up game, which is then called a “mod”.

Beats of Rage was first made available for download November 2003. It was not advertised in any way other than by word of mouth, yet it soon gained enormous popularity.,0,0,0,20,792

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The Amazing Adventures Of Echo v1.1.1 (Caanoo Game)

Echo is a little boy who loves action films, and he likes to go out dressing like a super-hero, always followed by his dog. But this time, Echo sees his dreams come true: I put him in his own action adventure series. So he must face the dangers of a haunted castle, with tons of enemies, ghosts and dragons, and repel the future alien invasion in a post-apocalyptic city, where humans fight with his machines.


– Added configuration menu (keys change).
– Fixed joypad use on PC.
– Fixed music of bosses of level 2.,0,0,0,35,791

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Shotsim v0.0.5 (Game)

Rikku2000 has updated his target shooting game “Shotsim”. As of now he still plans to add many features, so keep checking the release thread.


[v0.0.5] – Add Award for Skills

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Bomber Run Redux (31-08-2011) (Caanoo Game Port)

Bomber Run Redux is an improved Bennu adaptation of “Bomber Run”, which is a shooter inspired in the hospital scene from “Pirates of Silicon Valley” initially for the Wiz by Isidor.,0,0,0,30,790

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Shotsim v0.0.4 (Game)

Rikku2000 has updated his target shooting game “Shotsim”. As of now he still plans to add many features, so keep checking the release thread.


[v0.0.4] – Moveing Enemys (Tank, Heli)
[v0.0.4] – Number of Enemys
[v0.0.4] – Option menu update
[v0.0.4] – Weapon have diferent Shot times
[v0.0.4] – Add Frameskip(use full for PC!)

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MPlayer v1.0r (RC 4) (Application)

MPlayer is an SDL based multimedia player. Ported to Caanoo and Wiz by ikari.

Wiz Binary (Source)
Caanoo Binary (Source)

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Shotsim v0.0.3 (Game)

Rikku2000 has updated his target shooting game “Shotsim”. As of now he still plans to add many features, so keep checking the release thread.


[v0.0.3] – Explosion by GRENADEPISTOL/RPG
[v0.0.3] – Short RPG sound
[v0.0.3] – nature.ogg edit with some new sounds

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