Category: Virtual Boy
atari2600land goes VirtualBoy!
GoSub and GoSub 2 are well known from the Atari 2600 – and now GoSub hits the VirtualBoy! Collect treasures with your underground boat in a maze!
Release notes:
There’s a newer file where the collision detection works better.
atari2600land goes VirtualBoy!
GoSub and GoSub 2 are well known from the Atari 2600 – and now GoSub hits the VirtualBoy! Collect treasures with your underground boat in a maze!
Release notes:
In case you didn’t know, I’m working on GoSub, this time for the Virtual Boy. I’m going to make it 2MB, hopefully room for 32 mazes. I don’t know how to add sound, or flip the sprite so it’s facing the right way, but here it is so far. 17 mazes. To get a level select screen, press SELECT at the title screen, or start at level 1 by pressing START. You can play this using the RealityBoy emulator, or use FlashBoy. If you decide to use FlashBoy, tell me how it runs on it.
Tron is a well known game which is available for dozens of system and for now also on the Virtual Boy.
The famous Nintendo hero Mario now on Virtual Boy in an inofficial Jump’n’Run game. It has been coded by jorgeche and is an entry for the recently held Planet Virtual Boy Coding Competiton (see for more information).
Tron is a well known game which is available for dozens of system and for now also on the Virtual Boy. It has been coded by Virtual-E and is an entry for the recently held Planet Virtual Boy Coding Competiton (see for more information).
Hover Demo is a technical demo for Virtual Boy. It has been coded by RunnerPack and is an entry for the recently held Planet Virtual Boy Coding Competiton (see for more information).
MIDI Music Player is a MIDI music player for Virtual Boy. It has been coded by DanB and is an entry for the recently held Planet Virtual Boy Coding Competition (see for more information).
Mario Kart Virtual Cup is an attempt to remake the equally named commercial Nintendo Game. It has been coded by DogP and is an entry for the recently held Planet Virtual Boy Coding Competition (see for more information).
VB Racing is a classic style racing game for Virtual Boy. It has been coded by Martin Kujaczynski and is an entry for the recently held Planet Virtual Boy Coding Competition (see for more information).
Tonight the first Planet Virtual Boy Coding Competiton ended. They got a total of 6 entries – more than one would expect for a VB coding competition – including some real gems!
Within the next week, a secret community vote will find the three winners.
More Info and downloads at
Thanks to Kri55e for the news. Discuss here: //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=93&t=534
All six entries also have a seperate posting:
VB Racing – //news/12701/
Mario Kart Virtual Cup – //news/12702/
MIDI Music Player – //news/12703/
Hover Demo – //news/12704/
Tron – //news/12705/
Mario VB – //news/12706/
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