Category: Pandora
TJ Hooka ported the NeoGeoPocket / NeoGeoPocket Color emulator “Race” to the Pandora. It’s a beta so there might be a few bugs here and there.
Hey guys, decided I’d drop you a beta of a port of RACE! the Neo Geo Pocket Color emulator.
You can find it here ->
There are a few quirks with it atm, but in general I’m quite happy to say it seems fairly stable.
Roms go in sd://pandora/appdata/race
In the menu, use A to select a rom, B takes you to the options menu, but it isn’t setup to actually do anything yet and even mentions the PSP still…
load/save states aren’t implemented atm (sorry, I had it working on GP2X, but then realized it only worked with the C z80 core, not Dr.Z80, so I gotta fix that up first) BUT normal saves seem to work as of hotfix 2.
In game, X is the NGPC’s A button and B is B (due to placement being closer to NGPC’s)
I used a simple 3X scaling for the resolution, hope you’re ok with that, before the screen was about the size of a stamp on the pandora’s screen 😛
Umm, dunno what else I was gonna say… Really all the credit should go to Flavor, Thor and Judge, it’s their piece of awesome…
I’ll probably wait to see if I can get a slightly fixed up version with a readme and such setup before trying to upload it to the archive or pandora apps website (damn it, just call it the app box or some other clever little thing relating to the mythology already 😛 )
Pickle has update his port of UAE4ALL for Pandora. UAE4ALL is a famous branch of UAE, an well known Amiga emulator. Needs to be optimized but runs tons of games fullspeed!
* Added PAL / NTSC LCD Timings (if HotFix 2 is installed)
* Added Mini-Documentation
* Added Kickstart-Test,0,0,0,72,74
EvilDragon of the Pandora development team released the final version of their second Hotfix pack for the Pandora.
Release notes:
If you already installed the Beta Version of HotFix 2: The only change is some permissions of /etc/pointercal (from 777 to 666), a fix as Evince and Gigolo PND-Scripts got mixed up and I forgot to include the new script for the LCD-State-Saving. If you want to have that fixed, simply install the final version of HotFix Pack 2.
MilkyTracker is an open source, multi-platform music application for creating .MOD and .XM module files. It attempts to recreate the module replay and user experience of the popular DOS program Fasttracker II, with special playback modes available for improved Amiga ProTracker 2/3 compatibility.
MilkyTracker is an open source, multi-platform music application for creating .MOD and .XM module files. It attempts to recreate the module replay and user experience of the popular DOS program Fasttracker II, with special playback modes available for improved Amiga ProTracker 2/3 compatibility.
Schism Tracker is a free reimplementation of Impulse Tracker, a program used to create high quality music without the requirements of specialized, expensive equipment, and with a unique “finger feel” that is difficult to replicate in-part. The player is based on a highly modified version of the Modplug engine, with a number of bugfixes and changes to improve IT playback.
Where Impulse Tracker was limited to i386-based systems running MS-DOS, Schism Tracker runs on almost any platform that SDL supports, and has been successfully built for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, FreeBSD, AmigaOS, BeOS, and even the Wii. Most development is done on x86 (ia32, amd64/ia32e) and ppc (both the ppc32 and ppc64 flavors). Schism will most likely build on any architecture supported by GCC4 (e.g. alpha, m68k, arm, etc.) but it will probably not be as well-optimized on many systems.
Schism Tracker is a free reimplementation of Impulse Tracker, a program used to create high quality music without the requirements of specialized, expensive equipment, and with a unique “finger feel” that is difficult to replicate in-part. The player is based on a highly modified version of the Modplug engine, with a number of bugfixes and changes to improve IT playback.
Where Impulse Tracker was limited to i386-based systems running MS-DOS, Schism Tracker runs on almost any platform that SDL supports, and has been successfully built for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, FreeBSD, AmigaOS, BeOS, and even the Wii. Most development is done on x86 (ia32, amd64/ia32e) and ppc (both the ppc32 and ppc64 flavors). Schism will most likely build on any architecture supported by GCC4 (e.g. alpha, m68k, arm, etc.) but it will probably not be as well-optimized on many systems.
EvilDragon of the Pandora dev team released a wip version of the second hotfix pack for the Pandora.
Release notes:
I just finished packing up HotFix Pack 2 for our current OS. I tested it and it works fine for me – but before releasing it to the public, I want some more guys to test it out 🙂 So please be aware to NOT TRY THIS OUT UNLESS YOU ARE AWARE YOU MIGHT NEED TO REFLASH YOUR UNIT IN CASE SOMETHING GOES WRONG! (unlikely, but you never know).
HotFix 2 also includes all fixes from Hotfix 1, so there’s not need to install HotFix 1 on a freshly installed OS.
To install, put the PND-File into /pandora/menu on your SD Card and run the pack from the System-Menu. After it has been installed, you can delete the PND from the card.
Please let me know if everything works. The following things are included in the pack:
Hotfix 1:
* Kernel: Fixed a bug that caused the Linux Systemtimer to halt sometimes
* Included missing packages: python-shell_2.6.4, python-pygtk_2.16.0, python-pycairo_1.4.0, gnome-vfs-plugin-http_2.24.1, gnome-vfs-plugin-ftp_2.24.1
Hotfix 2:
* Bluetooth: Disabling and restoring state on startup now working properly
* XFCE4: When switching from MiniMenu to XFCE4, the settings are now properly loaded
* Brightness-State: When shutting down, a brightness level of 0 is not saved
* MiniMenu: Fixed caching and closed a memory leak
* WiFi: LEDs now working
* Kernel: Video: don’t force waiting for refresh
* MiniMenu: XFCE4-Apps now included in MiniMenu
* Automount: SD Cards are now mounted with noatime and umask 0 so that all users can access the cards properly. Added lazy unmount.
* New: Boost, Lua5.1 and Evince
* New: Script to change the LCD refresh rate from 50 / 60 Hz (ideal for emulators)
* Some typo fixes and general tweaks
PSX4Pandora makes its debut to the OpenPandora console! Thanks to ZodTTD ( ) for this! PSX4Pandora is a Playstation 1 (PSX) emulator, for those who don’t know.
Release notes:
Updated psx4pandora build. Not on AppStore just yet, should be up soon.
– Added frame limiting and show FPS options. Frame limiting on by default.
– Improved sound syncing/output.
– Improved audio timings.
– Added mapping to Q / P keys for L2 / R2 triggers respectively.
– Removed accidental hardcoded 600MHz overclock setting in PND packaging.
– Faster? You tell me. 😉 Remember to mention overclock settings.
I couldn’t fix the fact it scales without aspect ratio in mind. This is due to using fbset which scaler desn’t seem to take into effect margins with -left -right. Will need to confirm that.
Try this build out. I really had fun with it with the games I tested.
PSX4Pandora makes its debut to the OpenPandora console! Thanks to ZodTTD ( ) for this! PSX4Pandora is a Playstation 1 (PSX) emulator, for those who don’t know.
Release notes:
– Full screen scaling. Thanks notaz!
– File selection of BIOS on first run. Thanks aninhumer!