Category: Playstation Portable
Dark Basis (Demo) (PSP Game)

Dark Basis is going to be a cave/labyrinth game for PSP. It’s in very early stages.

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Webapp.prx v1.0 (PSP Application)

pspflashsystem released an update to webapp.prx. Due to lack of french knownledge, everyone who is interested can follow the link and find out details on his/her own 😉

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objLoader v1.0 (PSP Application)

objLoader v1.0 allows you to load 3D models, but also to export them for usage on a PSP.

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Transform v0.1 (PSP Game)

Transform is a Transformers themed fangame for PSP.

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PSP Wardrobe v0.7 (PSP Application)

PSP Wardrobe is a Mod & Theme flasher for 3.90 M33 Custom Firmware. Works on both PSP models “PHAT” & “SLIM”.


– click sound/bootsound previews are now to be in .mp3 format
– Now in 3XX kernel. Works on both PSP Models: Phat & SLIM
– Removed some features (Font Color Selector) for now

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Legend of Zelda (Alpha 3) (PSP Game)

“Legend of Zelda” by dan639 is a new Zelda game with an complete bugfree engine (according to the author). The game engine is based upon Zion’s Zelda game!

Release notes:

This is the release of the Legend of Zelda Alpha 3 which has a TON more features, it has three NEW outside levels no screenshots again but i guess you all now what the game is LIKE!!!

Full changelog in release but hears the core features…

-Couple of bugfixes
-added 3 more outside levels
-Changed around Links_Study
-Inventory menu (press start ) currently under development so it only works on the first level
Changed the menu



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PSP-Maps v0.4 (PSP Application)

Here is an attempt to port Google Maps to the PSP with a simple interface. This program is not using the Google Maps API, it is retrieving the images directly.


Digital pad: move the map.
Analog pad: move smoothly the map.
R button: zoom in.
L button: zoom out.
A/B/X/Y: change view.
Start: menu.
Source code: PSP-Maps


added a cache on the memory stick
allows offline browsing of maps in the cache
added a configuration file
added options to disable disk cache and transition effects
added an error image when view is not available
better zoom level (thanks to elefas for the tip)

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Heartlight Deluxe PSP v1.0 (PSP Game)

Written in C using SDL, Heartlight Deluxe PSP is a clone/remake of the classic Epic Megagames’ Heartlight, developed by Chaos/xLand Games originally released in 1994, since 2006 under a Creative Commons license. Heartlight Deluxe PSP comes with 70 braincracking Levels, a Level Editor, a Level Recorder (a successful solve of a Level is recorded and can be played back), an exclusive Hardcore Breaks Soundtrack. Please read the readme.txt for details!

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PSPMO5 v1.0.2 (Thomson MO5 emu for PSP)

PSPMO5 is a Thomson MO5 emulator for PSP.


– Disk and Tape support !
– Load and save state !
– Display and save thumbnail images for each save state
– Add new render mode (Fit height)
– New command/run menu
– Add optional disk mode
– Speed improvements
– Add new hotkeys for quick save / quick load current state

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UMDumper v0.2.0 (PSP Application)

UMDumper 0.2.0 is here, with direct-to-CSO dumping!


– CSO/ZLib Compression support! * Level 1 gives the least reduction in size with the best loading time. * Level 9 gives the best reduction in size with the slow loading times.
– Check there is enough free space before dump
– Minor speed improvement for ISO mode
– Improved memory usage
– Create ISO folder if it doesn’t already exist
– Fixed exception if you exit with no UMD inserted

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