Category: Playstation Portable
PSP MAME4ALL v4.7r2 Hires is a port of MAME to the PSP.
Fixed from 4.7:
– 133 MHz in menu and while paused, for battery saving;
– VSync really works now;
– Corrected build configuration and Makefile, so sounds in various games are now back;
– Correct fixed, div2, sw scaled and sw stretched resolutions, with autocentering;
Thanks to for the news.
This is waywardson’s attempt to recode “Tank Attack” for PSP. It’s in early stages.
IrDA Games” is a homebrew for the PSP system which allows to play you games with an interactive and groundbreaking game-controlling with help of the IR-port of the PSP which reminds the Wii-game-controlling. IrDA Games v0.7 includes 8 different games which allow you to feel Wii on the PSP.
IrDA Games v0.7 contains 8 games (5 Singeplayer(Remotefun, Big Bang, Mr. Bucket, iR Bowling, iR Pong)- and 3 Multiplayer games(IrDA Wars, IrDA Soccer, iR Pong))
– 3 new games
– Possiblility to create and change themes
– Option file added, now you can change settings as you like
– Possibility to listen to your own music while you’re playing IrDA Games – New Code Structure
– Updated to IrDA Wars v1.1
– New Weapons
– Better IrDA Receiving System
– Ammo System
– New Weapon System
– More Informations are blitted
– Option to disable or enable the play with an IR-Remote
– Updated to IrDA Soccer v0.3
– Better IrDA Receiving System
– Option to disable or enable the play with an IR-Remote
– Updated to Mr. Bucket v0.4
– More backgrounds
– New Point System
– More objects
– Now, you loose no points, when you change levels
– iR Bowling v0.5 added
– 3D
– Level System
– Life/Tries System
– Choose the position of the bowling ball, the power of it, and its fly-angle with your IR-remote
– Highscore System
– iR Pong v0.5 added
– 10 random backgrounds
– Level System
– Balls/Lives System
– Possibility to play with an IR-remote or with the d-pad
– Highscore System
Baly23 has coded this homebrew, Timers. The homebrew will start a lot of timers (maximum 10) in sequential mode like “Nike Running Triax” watches. This could be used in gym or other case.
Here comes a new game coded in Lua for PSP…
Author release notes:
I’ve been working on this for a while, but sadly enough I never had much time to finish it. Because its been too long since I worked on it and I don’t have the caurage right now to pick it up again I’m going to post what I have. Its not really a game yet, its playable though… but far from what I was planning to do with it. I’m not sure if I would call it a alpha release or a proof of concept, but leave it what it is and take a look at it yourself.
What I was trying to do is proof to people that Lua can be powerfull enough to make a decent game. The game still has a lot to be coded and recoded, but I guess it could amuse some people for a little while already.
Everything is drawn by myself, although the design of the chicken itself is borowed from New Zealand Story. Why? well… I figured that they drew it exacly like I wanted to draw it, so I started from one of there sprites.
The code is a bit messy… and wasn’t ment to be released like this, but I promise that it’ll be more readable once it’s finished. A lot of stuff could be written better and more effective, but when I started coding this I was using lua for about 2 weeks… so I guess thats a good excuse.
There are some elements that other people could use if they want, like the font writing script, debug script and debug menu script… but if you borrow stuff from my code then please give me credit for it.
Thats about it for now… I’ll drop by again soon to see what you guys think of it.
PS: I didn’t make the music… I’m not good with music… if someone would make me suitable music to use then I would greatly appriciate it. The music I’m using now is something I found on the net and then adapted it a bit.
PPS: the right shoulder button opens up the debug menu… One feature ‘the key’ isn’t accessable in the game yet… so if you wanna see that then you’ll have to obtain it through the debug feature
Author release notes:
I created this homebrew app so i could flash my own waves to my psp. It is fairly easy to use and it shouldnt brick your psp unless the file you select to copy is not a system_plugin_bg.rco file.
If anyone does use this then use it at your own risk and make sure you know how to change the system_plugin_bg.rco file in flash0 using the recovery menu.
The bug in the previous version is now fixed.
Also i have made the application look better by adding a background image, etc.
deniska has updated his GPS application MapThis to v0.5.01 (Beta).
-disabled map boundry restrictions:
you should be able to follow a route off the map w/o annoing popup mesage..
– better shared objects handling (seems to be very robust under 3.51 FW – no crushes yet)
-fixed relaxed lookup bug
– better zoom in/out logic
– new sounds
– better “speed limit” logic / graphics
Yet Another Operating System runs like an Operating System for the PSP. Using the file browser you can view PNG and JPG files as well as Run LUA Files.
The Team XK has now decided to join the Team Vertex Origin. And today is the first release of the V.O Team.
It’s a simple launcher BUT it is 100% compatible with every Custom Firmware : 1.5 POC, IE, EE, OE, M33, *.
It launchs, in this order :
1) ms0:/recovery.prx
2) ms0:/recovery.elf
3) flash0:/kd/recovery.prx
4) flash0:/kd/recovery.elf
If you’ve a flash recovery which is not working, just put one in ms0:/ and launch this EBOOT.
This is another flash application, this time from becus25.
– The Selection folder now is more beautiful .
– You can do backups of your flash0 rcos that can flash with the flasher.
– Support for return to the main menu when you are on a submenu using the circle button.
– Added a new screen for view the status of the rcos flashed.
When you have bad flashed a rco, the screen will show :
[rco name] -> [status] ; where status is ‘corrupted’
– Added four rcos more that are { opening_plugin, music_main_plugin, video_main_plugin and video_plugin_videotoolbar .rco } .
– Changed the color of the menu text, now you can see it better .