Category: Playstation Portable
Light Cycle 3D (Preview) (PSP Lua Game)

SG57 comes up with a preview of his 3D Tron game “Light Cycle 3D”.

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PSPrx Launcher v2.2 (PSP Application)

XMBDebug has released PSPrx Launcher a Sony PSP Plug-in (PRX) launching utility for those of you that happen to be using ChickHEN the homebrew enabler for the recently released Sony PSP-3000 portable video gaming console.


File Explorer that facilitates the choice of plugin.
Improved compatibility of the launcher.
Running PSX games! (Tested on 5.00M33-6, PSP Fat)

Thanks to brakken ( ) and for the news.

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Netfront Internet Browser HighMemoryMod (Beta 4) (PSP Application)

Netfront Internet Browser HighMemoryMod by Team P86 is the “Netfront Internet Browser” with as much memory freed as possible, to increase it’s speed and stability.


-Annoying prompt was removed.
-HEN support was added(Also PSP-3000 support)
-The theme was changed(EBOOT music, background etc…)
–We won’t remove music etc. because they don’t matter…
-It is more stable.
-Password Protected Version is added…

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PSP Paintball v6.2 (PSP Game)

PSP Paintball is a modification of CSPSP v1.61. This modification really changes the original CSPSP gameplay to a real Paintball gameplay!

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3D ArcadePSP (Demo) (PSP misc)

This is based on the frontend for emulators for PC called 3D Arcade where you move around a 3D environment of arcade cabinets or consoles.

You move around like the in game Mist; it loads up a different screenshot every time you move left, forward and right.

Go up to the cab and if you press the left trigger button it will boot Mame4All.

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Battle Fantasy v0.2 (PSP Lua Game)

Battle Fantasy is a 2D beat’em up game for PSP.


-Fixed some bugs of lack of memory
Automatic lock-free if the memory is not desired
-The life of the character automatically loads during the fight
-29 Characters and 4 transformations
-Save Game and Load Game
-System objectives
-Improved AI
-Number of victories and defeats
-Launcher items
-Fixed bugs in the combat
-Pause improved
-Hit Combos added
-Other fix bugs

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PSP Power Saver v0.0.6 (PSP Application)

PSP Power Saver turns off the UMD driver when you are not using it. This should save you about 5% of your battery power.

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IDKWTFTPIC (16-05-2009) (PSP Game)

What you have to do is get the whole screen one color. Red or blue, it doesn’t matter. However, its not as easy as it sounds, when you select a tile, all tiles around flip to the other color as well as the selected.

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LuaPlayer Euphoria v3 (PSP misc)

LuaPlayer Euphoria is another enhanced LuaPlayer for PSP. Please check the release thread for more information.

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Powder (Build 111) (PSP Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. Author of this piece of software is Jeff Lait.


Further Makefile clean up, using $(RM) and other niceties. (Zasenko Sergey)
Applied WinCE compatibility patches. (Ilya Kasnacheev)
Ibson the Grey’s tileset is now built into the SDL builds of POWDER rather than requiring you to use the From Disk… option. (It is not in the DS, GBA, WINCE versions)
Unique monsters have a ! badge to distinguish them before you engate in battle. (Andreas Bohm)
When fully charged spells will get a yellow glow so you can tell 99% charge from fully ready.
Tameness should no longer expire while you still live. (Tobias Pierce)
Tame creatures whose masters die will go wild after five turns and be also confused. You now have a good reason to go after the leaders of rooms first.
Kobold Assassins can inflict bleeding wounds, as was always intended. (Tobias Pierce)
Radius of the burst when bottles break is dependent on curse/blessed status.
Poisoned smoke potions are more useful. (Tobias Pierce)
Smashing potions will interact with existing smoke. (CYBER_Aeon)
Tridude on the keyboard is now a proper tridude. (Bunnyriffic)
Artifacts have an overlay to distinguish them and are always above mundane items in piles (Stefan O’Rear)
New POWDER icon thanks to Sam Goldfield!
Crash when you load the game on a level with more than 32 active smoke tiles fixed. (Lawrence T. Levine)
Iron Golems and Stone Golems have the proper second attack, and hence hit much harder. (Nicholas Young)
Spells and skills are listed even if you are amnesic in character dumps. (Meddyan)
Vampire bats should ignore bloodless targets. (CYBER_Aeon)
Vampire bats gain food when they suck blood. (Tobias Pierce)
Creatures will be more careful in what they eat, especially familiars. (Tobias Pierce)
Being poisoned by something more powerful will properly clear the weaker poison.

While the highscore is kept, save games are never preserved between versions. Please wait until your current character dies before upgrading.

Thanks to for the news.

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