Bug Attack about a servant boy who is being held in the buildings of Epitech. You will have to get rid of attacking viruses who infected the building. An arsenal of weapons is of course available

Bomb Em All is a Bomberman style game, developed by Epitech Console Laberatories students

Bug-O-Tron is a horizontal shooter for Gameboy Advanced, developed by Epitech Console Laberatory students. The source code, is attatched with the binary

This is a conversion of the famous brain-training game Sudoko, adapted for the Nintendo DS by morgan
Memory Me is a puzzle/brain game for Nintendo

Jump and Run platformer for Nintendo DS by Kiswa
HamHam DS is a game about a hamster&#

Night Stalker is an old fashioned styled adventure platform game for Nintendo
Horse race betting game in french language

Petzy Ball is a reaction game for Nintendo