ColumnsDS is a recreation of the Columns game from ages ago. It’s still an alpha though, so it’s incomplete and there’ll probably be bugs. One of which is the game not ending properly once you reach the top. So consider this more like a tech demo or something like that. One that doesn’t look like it was designed in Paint [&hellip
GAV stands for GPL Arcade Volleyball, and is an SDL remake of the old dos game Arcade Volleyball for several platforms

The Free Heroes II project (FHeroes 2) aim to create a free implementation of Heroes of Might and Magic II engine using

Freeciv is a Free and Open Source empire-building strategy game inspired by the history of human civilization. The game commences in prehistory and your mission is to lead your tribe from the stone age to the space age&#

LBreakout2 is a breakout-style arcade game in the manner of Arkanoid. Use your paddle to aim a ball at bricks until all bricks are destroyed. Lots of power-ups will help you with that task: extra balls, energy balls, extra lifes, weapons, glue, bonus floors, paddle expansion and extra score. Your best results are saved in a highscore chart

Stop the invasion of the aliens and blast them away!

openPirates is a fan game inspired by the classic game ‘Sid Meier’s Pirates!’ and ‘Pirates! Gold’ by Microprose. The purpose of this project is to capture the original feeling of the original, but while doing so try to improve and refine gameplay

OpenTTD is an Open Source clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe

Angband is a rogue-like game!

PandoraPanic! is a mini-game compilation, which is a collaborative project from the GP32X and OpenPandora communities