FPaint v0.5 (GP2x-F200 Application)

FPaint is a drawing app for GP2x-F200 working with touchscreen.


– 16 Configurable quick color
– Custom color picker (edit colors.bmp)
– Pen/Eraser tool with custom size
– Color picker tool
– Zoom (slow on big image)
– Undo/Redo
– Loading/Saving image (work with id)

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FlipIR v1.0 (GP2x Game)

Flip the visible-light images of the Universe into infrared-light images, by clicking on the gameboard. Programmed using GLBasic.,0,0,0,25,2579

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Quad (GP2x Game)

Quad is a Tetris game written using (less than) 100 GL-Basic commands.

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AFKIM v3.3.4 (PSP Application)

Here is a new release of AFKIM (Away From the Keyboard Instant Messenger), the instant messaging application for PSP written by Danzel!


– Fix issue with ICQ / AOL account icon / login stuff
(due to bitlbee server changes)
– Fix IR keyboard issue with fw >= 3.80 for FAT PSP
(thanks to Angelo)
– Fix online status issue

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CSDEVCTRL v2.5 (PPC Application)


Hi all,
this is just another auto locking program.

The difference is that it uses the Windows Lock and it can be activated:
a. A few seconds after the screen has deemed (Backlight has been reduced due to user inactivity) and/or
b. After the device has waken up.
Also during the above the program can run a specified executable/registered file together with any command line arguments that might be required.

The behavior of this program is driven by the next key/values:

> Key

> Values

– LockWhileOnExternalPwr=0 or 1
If set to 1 it will lock the device even while running on external power.

– LockAfterWake=0 or 1
If set to 1 it will lock the device after the device has waken (not soft reset).

– LockAfterWakeOnlyBlthOn= 0 or 1
If set to 1 it will lock the device after the device has waken (not soft reset) and Bluetooth is on.

– DelayBeforeLockMsAfterWake=250
Time in ms to wait before applying the lock from wake and running any program (no need to change).

– LockAfterDim=0 or 1
If set to 1 it will lock the device after the screen has dimmed (user inactive).

– DelayBeforeLockMs=250
Time in ms to wait before applying the lock from dim and running any program (no need to change)

– LockAfterDimSeconds=10
Time in seconds to wait before applying the lock once the screen has dimmed.

– ShowTodayAfterLock=0 or 1

If set to 1 it will bring the Windows Today Screen after applying the user selected lock.

— AfterTodayRunFilePath=XXX
XXX (if not left blank) it can be an executable/registed file which will be run after the lock and the Today focus
— AfterTodayRunFileParm=XXX
XXX (if not left blank) they are the command line arguments of the previous option.
— LockAndBackAfterToday=0 or 1
If set to 1, after unlocking the Today screen will be hidden so that the rest of the windows are visible.

If set to 0 then the next values will be used

— AfterLockRunFilePath=XXX
XXX (if not left blank) it can be an executable/registed file which will be run after the lock.
— AfterLockRunFileParm=XXX
XXX (if not left blank) they are the command line arguments of the previous option.

To install it:
> copy the csdevctrl.exe to a folder

The initial run of the program, will create the registry keys with default values which are:
– LockAfterWakeOnlyBlthOn= 0
– LockWhileOnExternalPwr=0
– LockAfterWake=1
– DelayBeforeLockMsAfterWake=250
– LockAfterDim=1
– DelayBeforeLockMs=250
– LockAfterDimSeconds=10
– ShowTodayAfterLock=1
— AfterTodayRunFilePath=(Blank)
— AfterTodayRunFileParm=(Blank)
— LockAndBackAfterToday=1
— AfterLockRunFilePath=(Blank)
— AfterLockRunFileParm=(Blank)

To run it:
Simply run it and it will spawn at the background as another process.

Running the program second time will cause the program to exit (It will show a confirmation window which will close in 3 seconds unless you close it sooner).

To uninstall it, close the process as usual (run it again or kill the process) and delete the file.
Also delete the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareCSDevCtrlOptions

As a note, do not rename the csdevctrl.exe as the uninstall depends on this name.

It has been compiled for WM5 so it should run on both WM5/WM6 (i am using a Kaiser with WM6.1)

Have fun

I can not upload the new version, seems there is a problem with the xda side.

This is the rapidshare link instead:


Added option to lock only if bluetooth is on after wake

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Pointui Home v1.5a (PPC Application)

Home is designed to allow easy viewing of critical information on one screen with quick access for locking the device, changing sound profiles, wireless, battery and general settings.

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Blargh Text Editor (Revision 103) (NDS Application)

Blargh Text Editor is a text editor to be used with a Nintendo DS.


* its only a demo, you won’t be able to save/load the typed text (although I will use this program to make an actual text editor)
* the vertical scrolling of text still has bugs: it will not work properly with word-wrapped lines & the last line of text gets duplicated when you scroll down (other than that, its working fine)
* the text cursor doesn’t blink yet
* the upper screen is currently used for debug. in the future, that area will be used as non-monospaced text display too
* cut, copy, paste of text not yet implemented
* no unicode support yet
* the other buttons in the gui do not do anything yet; they are conceptual
* no word-wrap yet

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ScummVM Pandora WIP (Pandora misc)

The first devers already got the new powerful handheld device “Pandora” and DJWillis had progress on a ScummVM port:


I have had a basic version up and running on the OMAP3 for some time and there will be a Pandora optemised official version (rather then just a simple ARM cross compile) in time for release (I hope, depends on my own free time).

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Football 2x v1.0 (GP2x Game)

Mookmac released Football 2x for GP2x.

Release notes:

Hey everyone, this is my second release for the GP2X. Its a clone of the popular web soccer game; Peg Ball. The players are loaded on elastic and when pulled will ping back into position – sending the ball flying.

The touchscreen provides perfect presice controls. F100 support will be added in the next release.
The game currently only supports 2 players on one console.

All feedback is greatly appriciated!

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pME Selector v0.2 (GP2x Application)

pME Selector is a simple GUI for the GP2x J2ME emu PhoneME.


– working, with few changes,0,0,0,4,2574

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