Anguna (GBA Game)

Anguna is a Gameboy Advance homebrew game created by Nathan Tolbert, featuring art by Chris Hildenbrand.

It is a short but exciting action-adventure game, reminiscant of the original Legend of Zelda.

Anguna includes:

5 dungeons and a large overworld to explore
Multiple weapons and items including: a sword, bow & arrows, bear traps, dynamite, lantern, magic boots, and more
Many hidden rooms, secrets, and powerups
Lots of interesting enemies and boss monsters

Anguna is available as a free download. To play it, you will either need to play it on a gameboy advance emulator, such as Visual Boy Advance, or write it to a writable gameboy cartridge. Alternatively, you can download a windows installer from here which includes everything you need to play Anguna on windows.

For those that are interested in obtaining a physical cartridge of Anguna to play on their Gameboy Advance, please contact the author, and for the price of the writable cartridge (which varies between $10 and $40 dollars, depending on what is available) plus shipping. It will be written to a cartridge and sent to you.

The first person can be to find all of the hidden powerups in the game. The winner will receive a free cartridge of Anguna to play on an actual Gameboy Advance.

Discussion: //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=452

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BlackFlip v0.5 (PPC Game)

BlackFlip is a Polarium clone, an easy to play (but hard to finish) puzzle game perfectly suited for stylus play.


– Added French translation !! (more to come if people participate 😉
– Bigger back to menu button on puzzle selection screen
– Faster boot up time
– Grade now ranges from 0 stars to 5 instead of 1 to 5…
– Added “Play Next” button !
– Change LOSER to YOU LOSE
– Quick and crappy stats page (sorry, I got lazy again !)
– Added menu state saving
– Slightly faster end game animation
– New better random puzzle picker (with level difficulty !)

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ThrottleLauncher v0.9 (Beta) (PPC Application)

ThrottleLauncher is a launcher app designed for Windows Mobile 5 and 6 in c# and c++. Basically it consist’s of several pages containing rows. Each of the rows depending of it contents can be scrolled horizontally by using the finger. The app is fully configurable through xml files so the rest of the features depends on the diferent setups.

The rows can contain several type of items:
icons: can execute any program or link.
clock: analog clock.
text: can be updated periodically and can contain dinamic dates or registry values.
photo dialer: you can place contacts with asociated photos on a row.
running and recent apps: all running and recent apps can be shown inside a row.

Main features:
Kinetic scrolling
Fully configurable
Skin support

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Slide2Unlock2 v1.01 (PPC Application)

S2U2 (Slide2Unlock2) is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don’t use your device. And it’s has a CallerID function (some devices may not work, so please try it first); and S2P control plugin.


– added option “ExceptionEXEisFG” – 1 means the exceptional applications list (ExceptionEXE0-9) will be checked against the foreground application only; 0 means the exceptional applications list will be checked not only the foreground application but also the background applications.
– added a charging animation when the device is charging; to disable it, delete the battery1.png under gfx.
– added DPAD Up/Down (besides the Volume Up/Down) to mute the incoming ring/vibration.
– if S2P is running, unlock S2U2 will invoke S2P.
– some fine tuning done when interacting with S2P.
– some minor bugs fixed.
– updated the Configuration & FAQs sections of the README.TXT.

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Vexed v1.9.7.378 (PPC Game Port)


Hi forum,

it has been about one year that I follow threads on xda-developers and I thank to all of you So, I decided to share something that I’ve done.

If you owned a PalmOS device in the past, sure you know this old blocks game that has roots in Puzznic. I’m a big fun of Vexed since the 1st PalmOS version. In 2002, I really missed this game when I bought my 1st pocket pc and decided to write it for that platform. Since then, I have a never ending Vexed project for Windows platforms that lives almost only on my pocketpc and my laptop. The game was only distributed to a couple of friends during these years since I was not able to convince myself on its quality to release it. A couple of months ago I’ve finally decided to seriously finish and package it as a freeware as the PalmOS version. But it’s still hard to finish 😛

So, what I expect by publishing it here for the 1st time is your support and feedback

The level packs and graphics are taken from sourceforge project of Vexed here:
The source code is entirely written by myself. This is an early beta version. Feel free to send feedback to fix things. Check options if block animations are not smooth for your device.


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Powder2x v0.1 (GP2x Game Port Source Code)

ParkyDR has ported the rouglike game “Powder” over to the GP2x. The original Powder is available for PSP, GBA, NDS, WIN32 and Linux here:

The source code is available by now too.,0,0,0,46,2584

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STPPC2x (Beta 4) (GP2x Game)

STPPC2x is a GP2X port of Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection, a set of 27 addictive logic and puzzle games.


– Fixed the crash caused by dragging off the screen in map/pegs/guess (why did nobody tell me about this?!)
– Centered all puzzles.
– Added default configuration saving.
– Added game saving (10 saveslots, use L and R while paused to select slot, Select to save and Vol-/Vol+ to load).
– Fixed timers while paused (only affected mines anyway which still isn’t working).
– Revamped all mouse code.
– Saved a bit of memory here and there.

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Webfest v1.2 (PSP Game)

Webfest is a tunnel shooter type game very similar to Tempest, coded by Jum, who is hosted here at PDRoms.

The game is a mostly cross-platform game, using Jum’s E3DOO cross-platform 3D scene engine, which is why there are PSP, Windows and Ubuntu Linux versions.

Leave feedback here:

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Fractal Junkie v1.0 (NDS misc)

Fractal Junkie, previously known as Mandelbrot Generator, has been updated.


So why the name change? And Im sure I downloaded v2.0 before, so how can v1.0 be a new version?
I wanted to change the name to a more generic name instead of limiting the name to the Mandelbrot set only, so now the new name Fractal Junkie implies several fractals, which it does have serveral fractals. And it’s now v1.0 simply because of the name change.

Whats new in this version then?
-Julia sets
-More colour palletes
-More efficient “only render when need be” system

How to use:
D-PAD: Move 32px
TOUCH: Draw a new view
R/L: +/- Iterations
A: Colour Styles
B: Colour Pallets
X: Toggle precise rendering
Y: Toggle Julia set mode
START: Start over
SELECT: Goto previous image

Current Features
-64bit accuracy
-Mandelbrot set
-Custom Julia sets (this includes Fatou Dust)
-7 Colour Palletes (Cycle without redrawing)
-3 Colour Styles (Cycle without redrawing)
-Successive Refinement Rendering
-Only calculates unknown pixels when moving
-Draw with the stylus a new view from any two points on the screen to zoom to that view.

Planned features:
-Custom Colours
-Take Screenshot
-Save Coordinates

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NeoDS v0.1.1 (NeoGeo emu for NDS)

NeoDS is a Neo Geo AES/MVS emulator for the Nintendo DS.


* Added level2 sprite cache in slot2 ram (if installed)
* Increased rom page size (fix grenades Metal Slug 1)
* Fix interrupt acknowledge (fix Metal Slug 2)
* Fix tile layer palette update (Last Blade 2 gui)
* Update converter to use latest MAME data (fix issues with King of
Fighters 98, etc)
* Thanks to FluBBa for a DAA Z80 instruction that doesnt need a stupid
lookup table (saves ram)
* Fixed -bios options in NeoDSConvert


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