LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Video: Game Boy Advance Longplay [002] Rotris [Homebrew]

Who remembers Rotris by Yarin? It’s a pretty nasty Tetris style game for GBA which will make your mind rotate as well.

Game Boy Advance Longplay [002] Rotris [Homebrew]

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Ninja II (NES Game)

Ninja II is an indie-game for the NES that’s a sequel to “Ninja” that was released back in 2016 (under Toshi503 Studios). It’s a continuation of the trials and tribulations that one must overcome in order to be honored with the title of Ninja. Loaded with a whole new soundtrack the game will feature ‘events’ that house their own unique sets of challenges; testing even the sharpest of gamers. You’ll run, jump, climb, sneak, and even gather rice-balls with your trusty wolf.

Ninja II - NES Homebrew Game (2017)

This game will feature:

— All original coding/music (NOT a hack or repro)
— 1 or 2 players
— Event selection screen (practice mode)
— Timed and “QTE” styled events
— Hidden scoring system (compatible with RetroUSB’s AVS)
— Extra Point rewards for faster times/mad skills

There will be a Limited Edition (LE) auction soon for Ninja II at:

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Video: New Games for Sega Genesis
New Games for Sega Genesis

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OverHeated (14-05-2017) (GCWZ Game)

OverHeated is a homebrew caravan shooter. The objective of this game is to score as many points as you can before the time runs out. Play over and over again and try to get the highest score possible.

overheated alpha 0.2 launch trailer

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OpenXcom v1.0.0.11 (Pandora misc Port)

OpenXcom is an open-source remake of the popular UFO: Enemy Unknown (X-Com: UFO Defense in USA) videogame by Microprose, licensed under the GPL and written in C++ / SDL. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.

How to install:

* Need Timidity Midi Installer.
* Need original data files for Xcom Enemy Unknown or Xcom Ufo defense.
* Data folder: appdata/openxcom/share/openxcom/data
* First execution ask for password to copy /etc/timidity/timidity.cfg to /etc or game will not start.
* More info:


– Fixed version number and deleted previous PND. Thanks to Sepulep for the feedback.

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Spellrazor v0.9.17.08 (Pandora Game Port)

Spellrazor is a riveting retro romp inspired by greats such as Rogue and Robotron. Spellrazor is a fascinating genre mash-up originally intended for release as an arcade machine in 1981.

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The Retro Hour EP70 – A Very Special Episode (misc)

The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK.


After 70 episodes of the show, we turn the spotlight onto ourselves. What are Dan, Ravi and Joe’s favourite retro systems, games and memories?

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Void Pyramid v1.4 (Android Game)

Void Pyramid by A. Hagen is a post-apocalyptic RPG set in the space-faring Egyptian empire.

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Candy Crisis v1.4.0.02 (Pandora Game Port)

Candy Crisis is an exciting combination of pure action and puzzle gaming! The game features twelve unique stages, complete with its own character and individual technique. Also, you can pair off against a friend, and even specify a handicap so that both players are evenly matched. And if you don’t want to play against an opponent, Solitaire Crisis mode allows you to practice without having to compete against an opponent. A tutorial is included with the game as well, so even puzzle novices can become Candy Crisis champions in no time. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.


* Use SDL_sound instead of FMod

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Pale Moon v27.3.0.29 (Pandora Application Port)

Pale Moon is an Open Source, Firefox-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows, Android and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!

Pale Moon offers you a browsing experience in a browser completely built from its own source with carefully selected features and optimizations to maximize the browser’s speed*, stability and user experience, while maintaining compatibility with thousands of Firefox extensions many have come to love and rely on.


* Update to 27.3.0 sources

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