LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Go Round ZigZag v1.6 (Android Game)

Go Round ZigZag is a new Android game by Gemini Software Studio. Make your little car staying on the path as long as you can. Just tap the screen. Addictive funny game. Control directions of the car and try not to fall off the edges.


– Cool Facebook share feature added. Share your fantastic score with friends on your Facebook timeline.

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The Retro Hour EP53 – Carmageddon & Lawnmower Man (misc)

The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK.


This week, we’re joined by Fergus McNeill as we talk developing Carmageddon, making the Lawnmower Man game and working with Terry Pratchett!

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Crillion v1.0 (PICO-8 Game)

Crillion for PICO-8 by balazs.nagy is a remake of the well known C64 game of the same name by Oliver Kirwa. The PICO-8 release recreates all 25 levels faithfully and tried to copy the physics along with the controls of the original game.

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Flow Rush v1.01 (Android Game)

Flow Rush by blackhornet.workshop is a free unique logic puzzle game. Your task is to deliver all messages to the destination points. To solve the puzzle, you should rotate and connect hex tiles in such a way as to find the right path for a delivery of abstract messages. Use the doves to fast transferring over distances.


– We have improved graphics quality for maximal screens resolution. Now the game is absolutely suitable for tablets!

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ctrmus v0.4.7 (3DS Application)

ctrmus is a music player for the Nintendo 3DS. For now it plays PCM WAV, AIFF, FLAC, Opus and MP3 files. Due to limitations in ctrulib, only ASCII characters are displayed correctly. Other characters will appear garbled, but functionality is not affected.


* Fixed an underflow issue in Opus decoder.
* Added support for MP3 files with error protection.
* Improved file selector to make it go faster after holding the up/down button for 500ms. Browsing large directories should be bearable now. Note that the screen may flash a lot due to the screen clearing and redrawing.
* Fixed a bug where the pointer may disappear off screen if the directory contained many files.
* Removed layer 1 and layer 2 support from mpg123, reducing the size of the binary.

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Twin Dragons (13-01-2017) (WIP) (NES Game)

glutock has news on his platform game Twin Dragons for the NES.

Update notes:

And here’s the first power-up in action ! You can now freeze enemies by pressing UP+B.

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FBI v2.4.7 (3DS Application)

FBI is an open source file and title manager by Steveice10 for the Nintendo 3DS.


* Fix URL payloads received over the network being corrupted due to not having enough space for a null terminating character in the buffer.
* Remove kernel exploits and switch to new kernel backdoor method. fasthax or waithax must now be run before launching the 3DSX version of FBI.
* Replace homebrew startup logo with a custom logo made by PabloMK7.
* servefiles: Add optional host IP argument to override the default IP address resolution method.

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Snakes v0.1.7 (3DS Game)

Desynched updated Snakes. It’s a snake game for up to eight local players, which makes it something very special to currently existing 3DS homebrew releases.


* Added new game option: Disappear on death. Now you can have a true tron cycle bike game mode by enabling: Tron mode, No apple, Disappear on death.
* Fixed a slew of bugs, including: ghost readies, being unable to press A for the first second at the end of a round, dropping death packets that force some players to stay in game when round is actually over, players getting stuck in “game starting…”, and many more.

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ctrmus v0.4.5 (3DS Application)

ctrmus is a music player for the Nintendo 3DS. For now it plays PCM WAV, AIFF, FLAC, Opus and MP3 files. Due to limitations in ctrulib, only ASCII characters are displayed correctly. Other characters will appear garbled, but functionality is not affected.


* Fixed an issue where exiting the CIA build was unstable.
* Major backend refactor to make decoders more modular and reduce duplicated code.
* Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.

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The Gizzle Wap and the Great Blizzard (09-01-2017) (A2600 Game)

Mountain King updated his new WIP Atari VCS game The Gizzle Wap and the Great Blizzard.

It’s the holidays in Sundra. A great blizzard hit the land suddenly trapping anyone that was unfortunate enough to be caught outside. You play as the Gizzle Wap and the Moum Moum searching the land for survivors. Move the Gizzle Wap left and right and press up to jump. The Moum Moum will follow. Press the fire button to dig in the snow to search.

Listen closely to the Moum Moum. He has a better sense of where a creature might be buried. Dig where he sings. You may have to scan an area more than once to find something. He will not sing if he is standing on the Gizzle Wap or if he is too high in the sky.


1. Moved some back ground sprites to eliminate some flicker. Changed the speed as well.
2. When you have rescued enough victims and the star appears in the sky. The next victim will be a Belanis soldier. When rescued he will drop a map.
3. An arrow will appear telling you which direction to go to find the boss. Follow the arrow until it turns into an “x” You will also notice a thin flashing “portal” Dig at the portal and it will spawn the boss.
4. The Blood Finch, sworn enemy of the Moum Moum will swoop in and attack the Moum Moum and Gizzle Wap. Disrupt his attack by digging a hole and let him fly into it. Defeat the Blood finch and he will explode and catch on fire. The Gizzle Wap and Moum Moum will heal and the falling snow will flash. Press the fire button and the next level will start. (There still is no true level progression, the game will just start over)
5. Fixed a bug where there the fraze branch spawns out of reach making it impossible to continue.

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