LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Qmmp v1.1.6.0 (Pandora Application Port)

Qmmp is an audio-player, written with the help of the Qt library. The user interface is similar to winamp or xmms. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.

Release notes:

– Latest stable release. See Changelog.
– Updated libs and sources.

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Twin Dragons (14-01-2017) (WIP) (NES Game)

glutock has news on his platform game Twin Dragons for the NES.

Update notes:

Finally, the second power-up will help you to kill tougher enemies by pressing UP+B, after picking up a red pepper !

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Super Sheep v3.4.4 (Android Game)

Super Sheep is an Android game by Gamex-Studio. The end of the world has come and the world is in danger of being destroyed by the aliens and giant meteorites, but there is a little hero that is arranged to save the it by flying in outer space and shooting laser. Will you be too rude to help him? will you have the skill you need? if your answer is yes then start now and be a hero!

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Xevious (Commercial) (Atari Jaguar Game)

Xevious is going to hit the Atari Jaguar! Based on the arcade game of the same name, Xevious for the Jaguar was written from the ground up and is a near-perfect version of the original game.

Xevious for the Atari Jaguar

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RVGL v16.0505.0.08 (Pandora Game Port)

RVGL is a cross-platform rewrite / port of Re-Volt, the famous remote cars Racing game, that runs natively on both Windows and GNU/Linux and uses modern, open source components to power it. We currently use OpenGL for the graphics, OpenAL Soft for the audio, SDL for input and OS specific support and ENet for networking.

You will need the data from the original PC Re-Volt game to play.


* Updated URL for the download data script
* New build
* Updated libs

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Rodas Cross (WIP) (Commercial) (GBA Game)

Kaffeeware is a pretty funny name, especially if you know German. But the name is not only funny, it’s an actual group of indie game developers doing new games for old hardware. Rodas Cross is their current creation, cooking up for the Game Boy Advance. As it looks it’s going to be released as Steam game, with most likely GBA emulation in the background. If you are into RPG games, keep an eye on this, it’s already looking amazing. Maybe there is a chance we see a physical GBA release too, keep your fingers crossed!

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Programming for the NES with Javascript (NES misc)

The NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) still is the favorite retro console in the hearts of many of us. What if you could write software and games for it using Javascript?

Programming for the NES with JS

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GameYob v0.5.1 (GBC emu for NDS and NDSi)

GameYob by Drienn is an open source Game Boy und Game Boy Color emulator for Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi (via Sudokuhaxx).


– Savegame management has been modified to prevent corruption as reported by some.
– Autosaving is laggier due to the above. Consider turning it off.
– The configuration file has been moved from “gameyob.ini” to “gameyobds.ini” to prevent
conflicts with GameYob 3DS.
– A “single-screen mode” has been added.

Thanks to for the news.

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Pin The Colors v2.2.1 (Android Game)

Pin The Colors is an Android game by Ad4m4. You have to pin each color of the circle with needles of the same color. There is also a special needle (the multi color needle) which can eliminate all the needles existed in one color of the circle without affecting the score. Oh wait! 2 needles can’t touch each other!


– Lag Fix

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Mallows v1.1 (Android Game)

Mario M updated his Android game Mallows. Tap to save the Mallows from the fire, but be careful, you only have 3 lifes. How many points will you achieve?


– UI improvements and bug fixes

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