Pin The Colors is an Android game by Ad4m4. You have to pin each color of the circle with needles of the same color. There is also a special needle (the multi color needle) which can eliminate all the needles existed in one color of the circle without affecting the score. Oh wait! 2 needles can’t touch each other!

– Choose Your Favorite Background Color
– New Animations
– New Buttons’ Icons
– Leaderboard + Acheivements
– Share a Screenshot of your HighScore and Challenge your friends
– New Chiptune Music
– Sound Control
– Continue Button ( if Score > 24 )
SNES9x for 3DS is a high-compatibility SNES emulator for your old 3DS / 2DS. It runs many games at full speed (60 fps). It supports games that use CX4 chip (Megaman X2/X3), and the SDD-1 chip (Star Ocean, Super Street Fighter 2 Alpha). It can also play games that use the SuperFX chip (Yoshi’s Island, etc) but they run with plenty of frame skips. It has generally much high compatibility than existing SNES emulators on the old 3DS because it uses Snes9x 1.43 as a base, and is a good alternative if your existing emulators cannot play all the games.
* Fixed nasty bug that breaks loading of the second ROM, if the first ROM was loaded from a directory path that has spaces in it.
* Added feature to allow users to page up/down the options in the menu while holding down X.
* Minor optimisations
* Includes an SMDH icon
POWDER is a roguelike originaly developed specifically for the Gameboy Advance (GBA). It is not a port of an existing roguelike as the controls of the GBA are very different from the traditional keyboard, and the screen imposes some additional limitations. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. It uses actual graphic tiles (16×16) rather than the traditional characters.
The game goal is very simple: Descend into the depths of the dungeon until you reach the foul daemon known as “He who the author cannot spell consistently”, or, Baezl’bub. When you have slain Baezl’bub in heroic combat, or, if Baezl’bub dies in any way, retrieve his black heart and bring it to the surface world.

Release notes by nop90:
This is only an preview release, everything seems to work but the game sometime hangs ant there are a lot of thing to do to improve the GUI (like using the bottom screen adding touchscreen support and increase the resolution to a full 400×240 pixel (now it’s a gba resolution zoomed). If you want to test it, save often to avoid to lose your game if the system hangs.
Teeth Man is an Android game by Bracksoft. Eat all the fruits without losing your teeth! Be very careful, precise and all the fruits out there. But watch out as you got limited amount of teeth. Score points by eating the fruits and be the most healthy person, in the world!
Gemanator: Shirlanka Paradise is an Android game by Kaleb Parham Productions.

Help Paris and Max overcome a puzzle by an ancient human civilization and overthrow an evil madman!! Quickly arrange multi-colored gems into lines and clear them away. Build up your skill, compete with friends, and obtain Shirlanka in crazy energetic puzzle madness!!!
Use quick witted strategy to shift four or more gems horizontally, vertically, or into a square for points. Do it quickly to earn combos and bring your score up even higher. As you figure out the game, you can push it to get higher scores. But as you push the game, the game pushes back even harder. If you fill up the entire playfield with gems, you lose!! Can you conquer the Gemanator and discover Shirlanka?
It’s not fair when developers keep on teasing the public 🙂 Luchs Soft showed the box design of Isegrim to the public.
CollectorVision released a promotional video of their upcoming ColecoVision titles.
Keystone Kapers is a clone of Actvision’s Keystone Kapers for the Gameboy Color by Haroldo de Oliveira Pinheiro.
Marcus Rowe, better known under his nick undisbeliever, released Horizontal Shooter for the SNES. It might take you by surprise now, but it’s a horizontal shooter game, just as the game title suggests.
Zalo is happy to announce the release of a new game for the Game Boy that he and sergeeo put together during the past months. Initially developed for the GBJAM #5 there were a lot of improvements since then. The name is now Super Princess’ 2092 Exodus and is some sort of Megaman Game, without final bosses.