City Advisor v1.0.1.1 (PPC Application)

City Advisor is a Public Transport Navitation Platform for Windows Mobile. Provide generic path searching services for cities.


* Settings: support home station and favourite station in more than one map
* Search Result: result is imcomplete if the result contains many connecting
* if you want to use “Century Gothic” font, copy GOTHIC.TTF and GOTHICB.ttf to WindowsFonts. (these 2 fonts can be found in your windows fonts directory)
* Max connecting is useless, will remove in next release.

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WiFi Monster v1.0.27.33 (PPC Application)

WiFi discovery tool (like Hitchhiker or WiFi companion).

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Outlook Email Scheduler v0.72 (Beta) (PPC Application)

Email Scheduler is an email scheduler.

Release notes:

-added polling to IMAP
-updated SSL code to hopfully fix the random lockups
-took a shot at fixing the CPU usage problem being reported, doubtful it worked though

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X-Soft v8.0 (NDS Application)

hiei03 and mastersonic released an update to their shell application “X-Soft”.

Thanks to for the news.

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Balance Board Tools v0.2 (Wii Application)

Wii Balance Board Tool for Wii.

Release notes from Eli Sherer:

My first release, I always wanted a scale program without going into WiiFit all the time going through the Body Tesy. So I made one! and I added the Center of Gravity (COG) feature also. Hope you enjoy.


Changed the buttons so they are text now and take less space on the SD card.
Fixed the cursor and the background position
Added an icon of the balance board on the main menu that becomes opaque on identification.

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Wii2600 v0.2 (A2600 emu for Wii)

Stella is a multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Stella was originally developed for Linux by Bradford W. Mott, however, since its original release several people have joined the development team to port Stella to other operating systems.


4-player paddle support
Ability to set the paddle mode to use (Roll, IR, or Analog joystick)
Wiimote “Roll” paddle mode (similar to Bit Trip Beat)
Ability to set “Roll” paddle mode sensitivity and center
Wiimote “IR” paddle mode (rewritten since 0.1)
Ability to set “IR” paddle mode sensitivity
Analog joystick horiz/vert paddle mode (Classic, Nunchuk, Gamecube)
Ability to set analog paddle mode sensitivity
Analog joystick control support (in game and during menu navigation)
Driving control support (via d-pads and analog controls)
Ability to toggle color/BW modes from controller (Starmaster, etc.)
Improved sound support
Fixed bug that caused some games to always display at 1x (versus 2x)
Fixed emulation of select/reset buttons (you can now hold them down)
Added ability to display rom info (screenshots) when browsing (slow, see known issues)

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TehSkeen Webmaster in hospital after suicide attempt (misc)

Earlier this morning we’ve spotted the currently first news item on TehSkeen. Brakken mentioned to take an overdose of certain tablets and he seems to be gone since then.

Obviously several people tried to get ahold of him, without success. Some called the police and regarding one response in the thread, they found him and brought him to hospital.

All this could be a hoax, due to a hacked account, but it could also be true, as he been talking about “bad life” a lot recently and also did not seem to care about himself anymore, without going into details.

TehSkeen, next to other sites, is a great source for homebrew news and related things, so having the webmaster brakken lost, would be also a bad thing for the community. May people like or dislike his style, is not the question right now.

Time will tell what happend!

Good luck, wherever you are, brakken!

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iPhoneToday v0.4.1 (PPC Application)

iPhoneToday aims to be an iPhone Today style interface for Pocket PC’s.

Aimed features:

– Multiples screens (With animates transactions)
– Notification on icons for calls, sms, etc
– Is a Today (No problems when we push the home button, no problems with incoming calls, …)
– Compatibility with others todays (By example: Date Today and iPhoneToday after), today height configurable
– QVGA, VGA, WVGA… (The user define the icon size and height screen)
– Icons configuration in xml (you can to do copy & paste to other device)
– Write on C++
– For now, only 62Kb + Icons in memory


– Changed Max Pages to 32
– Clean better the memory used on paint and on exit
– Fixed crash on load and unload the plugin
– If only we have 1 page, dont show circles for active page
– Added option for Calendar without notification (Type 7 in icons.xml)
– Added factor of movement (By default is 4, add in settings.xml 4 for change it, 0 is disable and 10 is “your movement” * 2)
– On softreset it works correctly (Update 0.4.1)

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Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) v6.08 (PPC Application)

Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) is another auto locking program which utilizes the Windows Locking for partial locking (phone related keys are active) or complete locking (no keys are active).


03/05 – v.6.08 – Fixed problem with alarm not being activated, added option for Locking after turning video off.

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Crazy Intro v0.6 (Wii Application)

Crazy Intro is an autoboot homebrew to use along with Preloader. You can use Crazy Intro to customize the opening of your Wii. You can display your selected picture and play the music of your choice at each start of your Wii. Also you can assign your frequently used channels to the directional buttons on the Wiimote. You can use B button to quickly access homebrew channel.


Using latest libogc, sdhc support along with it.
Birthday feature added. If one of your miis have a birthday a customizable image displayed and an mp3/mod file played along with it greeting the user.
Press picture can use tilesets which can be used in creation, of simple animations. For better description of the feature take a look at crazyintro-explained.xml in the archive. Also three images and three example configuration files supplied in the archive.
Dancing girl animation : Nipson / from demo Eiger
Birthday music : Jogeir Liljedahl

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