Pacman Remake v1.618 (GP32 Fenix Game)

Roland F.B. has released a Pacman game for Dreamcast, it’s written using Fenix.

This version is a little different from the original one from 80’s since the player cannot touch the walls of the levels so that him minimized its levels of power and their lives in the game, must escape of all the ghosts and to advance until I complete level to win in the game.

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Pacman Remake v1.618 (Dreamcast Fenix Game)

Roland F.B. has released a Pacman game for Dreamcast, it’s written using Fenix.

This version is a little different from the original one from 80’s since the player cannot touch the walls of the levels so that him minimized its levels of power and their lives in the game, must escape of all the ghosts and to advance until I complete level to win in the game.

Thanks to for the news.

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PSP Filer v5.1 Plus (PSP Application)

PSP Filer a file explorer with few extras has been updated.


– fixed a bug that the kernel3 Filer could not run under some kind of CFW version (that caused in 5.1 only). Instead, in those CFW, 5.1+ of kenel3 Filer cannot run USB feature.
Binary editor:
– fixed a bug that Filer crashed when it opens 0 byte file.

Thanks to for the news.

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Power Management Plugin v0.2.3 (PSP Application)

This plugin has been designed and coded to optimize the energy consumption of the PSP while we stay in the XMB.

This plugin has 4 main functions described here.

-Music Mode: To activate this mode you have to press L+R, this performs an underclock to 60Mhz for the CPU and 30 Mhz for the main system bus, suitable to listen to your Mp3 and even ATRAC music files. Pressing again L+R will set the CPU/Bus speeds to the ones you had previously configured.

-ToggleIdle: This mode disables the autoidle feature of the console (not of the screen) this mode can be toggled on/off by pressing R+START, useful when watching pictures of any kind.

-PowerLock: Pressing R+NOTE you will block the console power switch in order to prevent an accidental turn off of the system, if you toggled it on and you attempted to turn off the console it will simply don’t, but when you unlock it, the console automatically will turn off (if you did not touch the power switch it will unlock but it won’t turn off the system).

-Black Screen Mode: Pressing L+START we turn off the PSP screen until we press L+START again, the screen will turn on and set itself with the previous brightness level we had. Useful used toghether with Music Mode it can save you a lot of battery!

-Software full power off: Pressing R+SQUARE, the system will turn off totally, this feature was too easy to implement, I lef this here because you liked it, and if it is useful to someone I won’t remove it.

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LUA System SP3 (Beta) (PSP Lua Application)

LUA SYSTEM SP3 is a shell designed for PSP.This version is a pre-release (beta/demo).

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UMDrip v4b (PSP Application)

UMDrip rips UMD’s.

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Bermuda Syndrome PSP (PSP Game)

This is a PSP adaptation of classic side-scrolling action adventure game for DOS, made by Century Interactive and published by BMG in 1995. PSP port is based on a cross-platform game engine recreation by Gregory Montoir.

You’re a pilot of a B-17 bomber in 2nd World War. After you’re shot down by German fighters, you crash land through some sort of time hole in a strange world, where both dinosaurs and humans live. The first thing you have to do is save a princess; she’s your companion throughout the game.

The game itself is a mixture of jump and run and adventure; on most screens you have to think and watch first before you do anything.

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sdlBasic PSP v0.5 (PSP Application)

sdlBasic is a small, efficient multiplatform basic interpreter originally created by Roberto Viola in 2002.

Its core is based on wxBasic and syntax, inspired by AMOS, is easy to learn by beginners contains the reference guides language overview, comand syntax, examples and additional tools and resources, required for development.

Using the interpreter
sdlBasic program(s) should be saved in [program_name].sdlbas file and placed in sdlBasic folder, together with EBOOT.PBP file and fonts directory. Of course, sdlBasic folder can be renamed, and EBOOT icon/background can be replaced with a number of tools. If only one .sdlbas file is detected in the folder, the interpreter immediately runs it. Over wise the program selection screen is displayed.

PSP-specific features & limitations
– setdisplay() dimensions are limited to 640×480, 320×240, 480×272 (and some derivatives)
– only some keyboard keys are mapped (arrows, enter, space, escape) and available through key() / inkey commands.
– all psp buttons can be queried with getButtonJoystick() call with button indexes from 0 to 13
– mouse calls are partially implemented via the analog pad and buttons mapped to [x],[o],[triangle],[square]
– isPSP=1 and os=PSP variables are added for platform detection.
– network, mpeg and cd-control calls as well as shell() are not implemented yet.
– mp3 playbeack is not supported. Ogg, wav and tracker formats should be used instead.

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Gianas Return WIP (22-05-2008) (GP2x Game)

News from the Giana’s Return Team:

World 1 – Boss enhancement!
Our coder has tweaked the first endboss this night. Overall it’s slightly more difficult than before, but considering there are dozens of chances to gain extra lifes before, it should not hurt too much.

Concerning some critism from Fusion_Power about the “layout” of the boss area, we have adjusted it. A before after check will be posted the next days. It’s really just a MINOR change, but it was probably really required.

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Temper4iPhone WIP (PCE emu for iPhone)

ZodTTD, the iPhone’s emulation master chief, is having his hands on a new emulator. This time a PCE/TG16 emulator for iPhone.


Temper4iphone is a new emulator coming out for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch. It’s a port of Exophase’s original work titled Temper. It emulates TurboGrafx-16 and TurboGrafx-CD, which is also known as PC-Engine and PC-CD respectively.

It is actually fairly complete and has been for over two weeks now. It has remained fairly untouched and untested since then, though. I’ve been waiting for an update from Exophase for Temper. After not receiving it for awhile I recently contacted him. He seems to be under the impression of there being little to no interest in such an emulator.

Lets motivate by showing some support for his great work, and let him know how much we would like Temper. As you know, he made gpSP, the emulator gpSPhone is a port of. He’s full of talent and I truly appreciate his work.

For those looking for more information on the TurboGrafx-16 and related hardware, take a look here:
There is also a few lists of games for these systems in the “See Also” section.

I believe with a good showing of support an update will come quickly and a release will be made within this week. Of course I’ll want the seal of approval from Exophase. I will keep everyone updated.

Looking forward to the replies,

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