Freeteor v0.4 (iPhone Application)

Native iPhone app which allows Meteor Ireland subscribers to use their free webtexts directly from the iPhone.

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Steam Tunnel Bob (19-05-2008) (A2600 Game)

The main goal is to get to the mine car. Find the steam valves to turn off the steam flowing out of pipes. Press the button on the steam valves to enable/disable steam from a particular pipe somewhere in the maze (but you’ll need to find out what pipes are being impacted). Avoid the construction worker. If he sees you, you’ll lose a life. Touch steam and you’ll lose a life. If you run out of time, you’ll lose a life, and the value of steam valves will reset.

Release notes:

I’m going to take the feedback about steam valve animation, and then work on it.
I’ve been thinking about it, and there’s some difficulty to it.
In level 1, some people may not have noticed that the steam is off in 2 rooms and on in 2 rooms to start.
So, it may “look” like some valves are not working, when in reality, they’re making things worse. A sound indicates a successful toggle.
However, with some valves off by default, I thought that would be an interesting twist to add in. Of course, that’s too much for level 1.

This brings up a problem with steam valves being in a “moved” state.
Say I just changed the color. It would be a dead giveaway if on level 1, 2 valves were blue, and 2 red. No one would touch the 2 blue valves, as they are already off.
So, I need to make some changes so the valve color would indicate a “changed” state, meaning that the user toggled it. All would default to red, and change to blue if toggled.
On earlier levels, all steam would be on, so the mission would be to find every valve and toggle it.
On later levels, some steam would be on/some off, so the mission would be to find the correct valves to toggle, instead of all of them.

I’ve been thinking about the construction guy too. He’s way too unfair in level 2.
Level 2 was a proof-of-concept sort of level. In my later ponderings, I’m thinking of making the construction guy take time away rapidly from the user, instead of starting over. That may be too heavy of a penalty. I think losing time/points would be enough of a scare factor to get out of that room immediately, with a little cost.
I’ll keep thinking about it. I don’t think I’ll make things as tough as level 2 was, at least for initial levels.

For those interested, I made a new version that now has 4 levels.
Level 1 became level 2.
Level 2 became level 3.
And, I added levels 1 and 4.
1 is simple, to show how things work; it’s a tutorial sort of level.
Level 4 only has 1 construction guy (yay!), and is a pretty big map, showing what can be done with good boulder/ladder placement.

Feel free to try it out.
In the meantime, I’ll start figuring out how to show that a valve is in a “changed” state.

Thanks all for the feedback!

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Semi-Brick Fix Discs (Wii Application)

Bricked your Wii? This might help…


As promised, here are discs to install the latest version of the system menu for each region — v288/v289/v290 for JAP/USA/PAL, respectively…

Thanks to for the news.

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Nincest64 GP2x (20-05-2008) (N64 emu for GP2x)

This is a port of Nincest64, a Nintendo 64 emulator who can run only 2 demos at 1 FPS on GP2X. The author wont to any more work on it, sources are included.,0,0,0,71,2592

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MiPDF v1.0 (RC 1) (GP2x Application)

PDF viewer based on MuPDF library, way faster than PDFView.,0,0,0,4,2593

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Box2D Physics Library v0.0001 (GP2x Techdemo)

Here comes a new port from Hitnrun…


Box2d is a very cool physics library that is being used to develop very cool Physics games.

Just for fun I make a quick SDL port of the TestBed that comes with Box2d, and guess what, it worked!
This library could be used to make very fun games.

These are just demos with wireframe 2d graphics showing the library capabilities, it is fun to watch.

To switch the demos, press L and R, to exit press START.

It looks like to be fast, but as this library uses a lot of floating-point, I don’t know if a real game would be fast enough.,0,0,0,8,2594

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GP2x FW v4.1.0 Update Warning (GP2x misc)

For all those who planed to update to the latest GP2x Firmware, here is a warning.


Do not update to 4.1.0 unless your GP2x already has 4.0.0 or 4.0.2 on it. Current indications are that doing so will turn your handheld into an expensive brick.

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CubicMan v0.0.2 (iPhone Game)

CubicMan is a simple yet addictive puzzle game. The game can be played in both portrait and landscape mode. You can use single finger wipes to roll the cube and 2 fingers gesture to zoom in and out.


– Progress saving and loading.
– All new UI and texture.
– 15 new levels + enhancement of those old 8 levels (effectively 23 new levels).
– Music and sound effects.
– New triggers: bridges, thin tile and teleporter.
– New control mode using Accelerometer.

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iQuickBlock (iPhone Game)

iQuickBlock is very simple but addictive game. This game allows you to train your reflex by moving orange block around the screen trying avoid contact with green blocks. This is first game for iPhone from Poland and result of our first 6 hours of developing.

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RemoteNote v1.0.1 (iPhone Application)

RemoteNote is a native iPhone/Touch application which allows you to remotely edit, print, and backup the notes stored on your iPhone/Touch using a standard browser (Safari, Opera, IE, Firefox, etc) and a wifi connection. RemoteNote also requires Adobe Flash Player.


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