ViWi v0.3 (Preview) (PSP Application)

ViWi, previously known as pGOX, is a shell application for PSP.


[ADDED] New theme
[ADDED] New Interface
[ADDED] Unzipper
[FIXED] No more freezes


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Miro Lua v2.4 (PSP misc)

Miro is a IDE LUA programming, it allows you to write your applications in Lua. This IDE is oriented programming scripts Lua for PSP.

Improvements from 2.3 to 2.4:

— Fixed bugs for the association lua files during installation and uninstallation
— improved 70% of speed about the code for the colour of the text (which for large files blocking the program)
— Change the mode of painting the text (enabled or disabled menu options):
— Colour text colours only keywords
— Advanced Colour text colors the generic lua language classes and functions of the player
— After the spell that is not used to nothing compared to the time he missed
— Window of the suggestions set on not visible by default
— Possibility to export as homebrew with the new player HM6 (for setting export 3.XX CF)

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Pixel Attack (PSP Game)

Avoid falling and/or bouncing balls.

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Time Baby v14b (PSP Application)

Art has updated his “Time Baby” application for PSP.


– Added alarm mode to send five “shoot” infrared codes to a Pentax Optio camera spaced five seconds apart.
– Removed posible debugging artifact in alarm subdisplay mode while infrared graphic is being displayed.
– Bugfix so the circle button is no longer ignored the first time it is pressed in alarm sub display mode.
– Current time scale is now auto displayed when the Solar Power Monitor sub display mode is selected.
– Various improvements to Alarm, Stopwatch, and Heart Rate Monitor sub display mode graphics.
– Minor code optimisation.

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OpenIntents v0.1.7 (Android misc)

Imagine your Android “cookbook” application tells you to buy eggs, ginger, and cardamom, your “birthday reminder” application suggests you to buy a blue tulip (for a friend who loves the color blue), and your computer at home notifies your mobile phone that the color cartridge of your printer is almost empty. Would you like to receive three notifications by three different programs next time you are close to a supermarket? Or rather have them all store that information in your central shopping list? (by the way, your internet auction application that watches the central shopping list has already found an interesting offer for that blue tulip…)

Imagine you have to specify for a handful of programs (the favorite “ring-tone selector” application, your “answering machine”, your “smart to-do list”, your “calendar”, your “work time log”, …) where your “home”, your “office”, “gym”, “music school”, etc. is located by specifying the latitude and longitude or the corresponding street address for each of these applications. Would you not rather have a central place for your favorite locations that all applications can easily share?

(Many more ideas can be found on our list of ideas)

Keep your one great idea a secret that could make you win the Android Developer Challenge, but share those obvious and common ideas that you encounter while implementing and that you think could be used in many other applications as well. We will develop the most-required components together (e.g. a central shopping list), so you can concentrate on implementing your core idea (e.g. the weight-watching cookbook) while having interoperability with many other great OpenIntents applications built in right from the start.

Join this project if you have great ideas to share or if you are a good developer and look for a low-risk project.

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Incoming v1.0 (A2600 Game)

Ben Larson has released the “probably” final version of his game Incoming.

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Library of Doom (Build 2) (A2600 Game)

Atari 2600 game coder “atari2600land” comes up with a brandnew game called “Library of Doom”.

Release notes build 1:

For my 2,600th post, I’ve decided to make it about a 2600 game (only fitting.) It’s called “Library of Doom.” It’s still very buggy (especially the title screen, because apparently I *have* to use pfheights and/or pfcolors if I want to have both players have colors.)
Well, anyway, press fire to start. The hearts will be lives (once they’re finished.) The goal of the game is to get through as many library aisles as possible. There will be two things to make you lose lives. The first, which is activated, is the librarian. Touch her, and you’ll lose a life. Fortunately, you’re not helpless, as you have a spitgun. To use it, press the direction you want to shoot at and fire simultaneously. The librarian will disappear for a short time and you’ll get ten points. The second, which hasn’t been activated yet, is if you end up in the middle of a bookshelf when it scrolls, you’ll lose a life. If you go out one end of the aisle, you’ll come back in the other. The librarian will not. Should this be a paddle game, or is it fine with a joystick?

Release notes build 2:

Here’s a newer binary file that’s a little less buggy. Note that these are only temporary sfx. I’ve switched the background to all black (title screen and game screen.)

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ApprenticeMinusDS v0.2.6 (Master System emu for NDS)

Lordus has also updated his Sega Master System emulator ApprenticeMinusDS.

Features so far:

– Enhanced Z80 ASM core used in jEnesisDS.
– SMS/GG emulation.
– 10 Savestates per game.
– Rewind and fast forward feature.
– Settings can be saved per game.
– Fully rendered by the DS 2D hardware.
– Perfect sync option, that actually syncs every scanline (emulated scanline to DS scanline).
This option is more accurate, and needed for some games to look correctly, but it can be problematic to use it, when “Rewind” is enabled.
– sample accurate (almost ;P) PSG emulation.
– Stereo sound for GG games.

Known issues:

– timing is not exactly correct yet, so some games might not work, or have glitches.
– No FM emulation (yet?)
– Sprite updates need to be improved, sometimes there can be glitched sprites atm.
– Interface practically ripped from jEnesisDS 😉
– Many more, that i don’t remember now…

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jEnesisDS v0.7 (Genesis emu for NDS)

Here a little update to jEnesisDS, Lordus’ Genesis/MegaDrive emulator for the Nintendo DS.


– Fixed bug in Z80 core, preventing some games from having sound (Wonderboy, etc.).
– Fixed bug in 68000 optimization, that could make some games hang (Bonanza Brothers, etc.).
– Changed sound handling and doubled sample rate for PCM sound, resulting in slightly better sound quality.
– HW renderer partially rewritten, many glitches should be gone, some are still there (and will probably not be easy to fix ever)
– Sprite rendering completely rewritten in ASM. Should be faster and fix most of the sprite issues.
– Implemented mid frame palette updates (water effects in Sonic games, Castlevania, etc.). Note, that this just works, if a game is constantly fast enough, so slowdowns can still cause colors to flicker.
– Many little optimizations in memory handling and the CPU cores. Should reduce slowdowns.
– Added option for sprite masking (Landstalker etc.). It is not 100% emulated, just faked to be enough for most games using it (disable it, if sprites are missing, that should be there).
– Added option to change between 3- and 6-Button pad (just works, if the option is applied BEFORE loading a game). When 6-Button pad is disabled, L+R can be used to move the visible screen area, X to center it.
– Added sound state to the savestates, so that the correct tracks should play now when a state is loaded. Savestates are still not 100% reliable and loading old states can potentially cause problems.

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Tile World WIP (iPhone Game)

Virtualball is on half way to bring us Chip’s Challenge to the iPhone/iPod Touch, in form of “Tile World”.

Tile World is an emulation of the game “Chip’s Challenge”. “Chip’s Challenge” was originally written for the Atari Lynx by Chuck Sommerville, and was later ported to MS Windows by Microsoft (among other ports).

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