PyPOPS 0.1b (PSP Application misc)

That’s a Popstation GUI made in Python, using the TKinter module, it’s works for Popstation Single-Disc and Multi-Disc.

Simply run and put the PSX Images, and choose the Compress Level. Then press Make EBOOT button. If you want to customize your EBOOT, put ICON0.png, PIC0.png, BOOT.png, etc… in the program’s folder.

ATTENTION: You Need the Python Interpreter to run the program, you can download it here:

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Screensaver v1.0 (PSP Application)

This plugin, called screensaver.prx, allows you to turn your PSP into a very low energie consumer mode if you don’t use it for some time.

Here is what it does:
-Turns your psp into “sleep” mode after a time you set.
-Puts it to very low CPU frequency (you can set it too)
-Shows the hour while in sleep mode.

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PSP-Info v1 (PSP Application)

With PSP-Info you can see information about your PSP.

In this version:

-Voltage (milli)
-Charging (true/false)
-Disc (true/false)
-MAC Addres (this isn’t working good)
-Swicht (true/false)

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Daedalus WIP (N64 emu for PSP)

StrmnNrmn posted some progress news about Daedalus for Playstation Portable.

Here is the quote:

It’s been a while since the last update so I wanted to give some news on how things are going with work towards the next release.

I’ve spent a lot of time working on getting the HLE audio code working on the Media Engine. I’ve been making steady progress, but it’s been taking longer than I initially expected. Fortunately, I’m very close to getting all of the audio processing moved over to the ME – in fact I believe I have just one significant bug left to fix.

The issue seems to be a very odd synchronisation bug which causes the emulator to lock up when running the audio processing asynchronously. As with many of these types of bugs, it’s proving quite hard to track down because as soon as I change the code to debug the problem, the issue goes away. A true Heisenbug 🙁

What’s particularly annoying is that the bug is stopping me from measuring how much of a difference running the audio code on the ME makes. Hopefully I’ll be able to fix the bug over the Christmas break and be able to publish some timings over the new year.

As part of this work, I’ve also been writing a general-purpose ‘job manager’, which coordinates batches of work between the main CPU and the ME. The idea is to build on top of J.F.’s MediaEngine.prx to provide a simple interface for queing up and dispatching work asynchronously. When a job is added to the queue, a flag indicates whether the job is suitable for running on the ME, or whether it should just be run asynchronously on the main CPU instead.

Initially just the audio processing will run through the job manager on the ME, but eventually it should be possible run other pieces of work asynchronously too. I’m hoping that it will eventually be possible to move parts of the HLE graphics processing to run asynchronously too, but I need to investigate things a bit more first. That’s a job for future releases however.

Anyway, that’s all for now. I’m off to eat mince pies and watch The Great Escape on tv. Merry Christmas everyone 🙂


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Waves v1.0 (iPhone Application)

Waves is a small toy for your apple iPhone or iPod touch. You can select a predefined image or your own wallpaper and you can touch the screen to generate some wave effect over the image.

Thanks to for the news.

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iFartz (iPhone misc)

iFartz – The most useful application you’ll ever find for your iPhone.

Thanks to for the news (and the Screenshot!).

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DScalibrate v0.9 (Beta) (NDS Application)

DScalibrate is a “calibration” and testing tool for the Nintendo DS. This version comes with a new user interface.

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PSPSIM v1.1.1 (SamCoupe emu for PSP)

PSPSIM is a SamCoupe Emulator for Playstation Portable.


– Speed improvement for all render mode (all render modes use now the GU)
– Automatic start when a new disk is loaded
– Bug fix in the keyboard settings menu (d-pad can be used to move up or down in the key menu, even if the virtual keyboard is displayed)
– Analog pad can be used to scroll faster in the file menu requester

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Frog Feast (23-12-2007) (Coleco Vision Game)

Mark2008 is still heavily working on porting Frog Feast to the Coleco Vision. A new version as of 23rd December has been released.

Release notes:

I was in my local k-mart today, and they had for $9.99 the joystick game Intellivision lives, and it had a game on it called Frog Bog…..that surely must be the inspiration for Frog Feast.

It was really interesting to read about it, the same guy who wrote the Exec for Intellivision wrote the Atari VCS version of this game, called Frogs and Flies.

I’ll post later what he had to say…interesting because he was totally disparaging of the 2600…and its almost funny to read today.

It looks like too, that the Intv and Atari 2600 games had a bit more gameplay than this Frog Feast….but of course looked like total garbage, visually speaking….Frog Bog was a good game for Intellivision though…

Anyway….loggged in for the guy who wanted a screenie…this rom will allow you to take a screen shot…it’s just a partial port….one frog moves a little bit….currently he still can walk on water….just some of the routines were implemented.

I’ll post a much better rom of the game this weekend, if everything goes as planned.

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Tunnels and Trolls (Coleco Vision Techdemo)

Here comes a christmas release from PkK:

Release notes:

A few month ago I’ve started working on Tunnels & Trolls for the ColecoVision. Due to lots of university work I wasn’t able to make anything really interesting yet though.

However I just took my old code and made it into a little techdemo. It’s a map viewer. The map is rather big for a ColecoVision game. Most of it is just a huge swamp. However you start in the map’s upper left corner and it takes about 6 minutes of continuous scrolling to reach the swamp.

Here’s a map description so you don’t get lost:
You start in a small rural village with some houses, a pond and some fields where crop is planted. Some trees surround the village. Two roads lead out of the village. One leads to the south, where it approaches some farms (you find them south and west of the road at the roads’ second big turn to the east) before it turns east and north. The other road leads east, then turns south (southwest of the turn is a forest, east of the turn is some rocky area and further east a forest and a river). Where the two roads meet another road goes to the east, leading to a river. On the other end of the bridge a gate guards the entry to a town. North of the town is a forest. If you follow the road for some time, then go southeast where it splits or follow the river leading south you’ll reach a lake. There’s a town at the lake’s north shore. Farms are scattered throughout the area.

I’ve attached screenshots of the pond in the starting village and the bridge with town gate.

As you can see this simple techdemo needs about 29KB, so I’ll have to sacrifice some of what you see in this demo to be able to make a game out of it.

Merry christmas to all of you!

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