QDiskUsage v1.0.4.0 (Pandora Application Port)

QDiskUsage generates a navigable pie chart of your directory so you can easily find the largest directory or file on your disk!

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Firefox v5.0.0.1 (Pandora Browser Port)

The award-winning Firefox Web browser has security, speed and new features that will change the way you use the Web.

FireFox v3.6.3 (Pandora Application)

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OpenConsole #2 (misc)

OpenConsole is an Italian .pdf magazine specialized to report about open-source consoles news.,0,0,0,2,717

By with 0 comments v2.3 (C64 emu for Wii) is a networked port of the Frodo C64 emulator.


Added usb fat support
Added wiimote rumble support

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PRO-B7 Custom Firmware (PSP OS)

Another CFW for the PSP is around, this one claims to be “most compatible Aftermarket Custom Firmware”. Please be aware that modifying your Firmware might brick your PSP and will break you warranty!

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Krap-PSP v1.19 (PSP Application)

Krap-PSP is a “swiss army knive” for PSP.


*Enable/Disable psp from charging
*Automatically set cpu/brightness to low
*Automatically sleep on a certain battery percent
*Easily execute Shutdown,Sleep,Reboot(VSH) on a key combo
*Set auto timer for sleep and shutdown
*More Idle feature options
*Manipulate CPU speed
*Manipulate Brightness level
*Manipulate psp LEDs
*Easily detect the psp motherboard version
*Take screenshots
*Text battery warning
*Sound battery warning
*Put psp in music mode(Cpu goes to 80mhz,brightness/Led off that is inspired by hold plugin)
*Reset a game on key combo(ISO only)
*Paused a game on key combo(ISO only)
*Display the battery/cpu/and psp information
*Easily customizable


[!]Fix a bug in powersaver manipulation
[!]Fix a bug in LED manipulation
[!]Fix a bug in mobo detection
[!]Re-arrange Krap infos
[!]In-game sounds will suspended when krap menu is open(to avoid crash?)
[!]When paused(SELECT+RIGHT), only user_main will be disabled
[!]Increased thread delay to avoid low framerates when krap menu is open
[!]Change UsePspgo_MS = 1 to UsePspgo_MS = 0 ( set it back to 1 if you want to use mem. stick instead of internal mem.)
[+]Added 4 mobo detection(TA-092 – TA-095)
[+]Added Psp type in krap info
[+]Added the ability to see the volume bar in game(without having pressing the HOME button)
[+]Added new menu called “MISC” – somehow its not yet complete
[+]Added the ability to see all the active threads from MISC menu
[+]Added krapy stuff like “Test Buttons” in MISC menu

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Code Copy v0.1 (Dingoo Linux Lua Game)

Code Copy is a simple puzzle game in Lua using Love 2D. You are represented with a block pattern at the start of each level, the goal is to reproduce the pattern in the level by firing a shot that will either set a block or remove a block.,0,0,0,25,511

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DaedalusX64 (Revision 718) (N64 emu for PSP)

DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn and other contributors. It is a GPL Open Source project.


[=>] Merged from Dev branch:

Rev 306 – Salvy
[!] Remove country ID line from cheats to speed up cheat parsing (this was redundant anyways, since we now insert that info in the name itself)
[!] Updated entry of Aerogauge as an example how cheats are formatted now.

Note : All cheats need to be updated!
Rev 307 – Salvy
[!] Simplified DMA_PI_CopyFromRDRAM (we only for DOM2/ADDR2 anyways)
[!] Simplified WriteValue_Cartridge (Added notes too for games that write to ROM in DOM1/ADDR2..)
[!] Moved RTC READ out of ProcessEeprom to keep code clean, and added an assert for NOP cmds in PIF.
[~] Killed a couple of dead externals
[!] Signed extend DADD/DADDU and also operand in 32bit (fixes Excite Bike and saves 4 ops)
[~] Small clean ups here and there..
Rev 308 – Salvy
[!] Small fix for cheat names
[!] Updated all cheat entries

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Deminor (21-06-2011) (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

Deminor is a simple Minesweeper style game, written using SDL. Ported to Dingux by Coccijoe.,0,0,0,25,512

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Wiirtual Boy (19-06-2011) (Preview) (VB emu for Wii)

Wiirtual Boy is a Wii port of the Mednafen Virtual Boy module/emulator. This release is considered a pre-release with updates to follow.

Wiirtual Boy (Pre-pre-release)

Thanks to and for the news.

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