Toobin (Build 9) (A2600 Game)

Developer “atari2600land” is working on a new game, check out all the information you need at it’s release thread.

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Powder (Build 105) (PSP Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. Author of this piece of software is Jeff Lait.


[All but GBA]: When you load a game, the fact you have loaded it is immediately saved. This means you can no longer power down before you die to avoid save scumming. (Eilu, Zach Firth)
Familiars always leave corpses to facillitate their resurrection.
Petrified creatures count to your kill total
You are only punished for the death of a familiar when the death becomes irrevocable.
The party guilty for creating traps, lava, etc, is now tracked so proper responsibility can be assigned. (Andrew Poandl)
Dodge Skill’s “foes” properly ‘ified. (David Damerell)
Extra flavour text from Eilu.
Ricochet skill for arrows. (Furrot)
You can climb trees. (Adam Boyd)
When a bitmap has to many colours, it now fails more gracefully. (Ibson the Grey)
An embarassing mistake in combat calcs has been fixed. It is now the attacker’s skill, not the defender’s, used to roll attack bonus. This will mean weapon skills are more necessary and make monsters more threatening since they always default to 2 stars.
Jumping out of a pit only moves you one square. (Irashtar)
Incorrect there in helm of draining description (Mark Rushakoff)
Adjusted some monster sizes to better reflect how I envision them. Hopefully this doesn’t affect food nutrition balance too much. (David Damerell)
When you die your options are saved even if you don’t make the high score table. (Zappa Penguin)
Knock no longer closes the door if an item or creature blocks it.
Knock cast on doors with creatures on them will knock them back and damage them slightly. (Lim-Dul)
Light radius for creatures on fire increased to 2 from 1 to make it a bit less subtle. (R. Dan Henry)
[Start] and [Select] can be used to enter and shift respectively on the on-screen keyboard. (Zappa Penguin)
You can eat water elementals, but be warned there might still be some life in them. (Eilu)
Polying into or polying back into gargantuan forms will crush any walls that would entrap you. (Korgoth)
Flaming swords slightly nerfed to 1d3 fire damage to prevent them from being such an obvious weapon choice.
New item: lightning rapier. (Terje)
New item: ice mace.
Imps summoned by demons that you summon will no longer attack you provided the demon stil lives.
Monsters should now open doors if they are smart enough. (Derek Ray)
New monster: Kobold Thief.
You can now wish to learn a skill directly rather than having to acquire the specific book.
“wizard’s hands” in chilling touch description, “an uber-storm” for a living frost, along with an extra hyphen in that description. Description of Pax clarified to resolve amiguous sentence and disarm skill description has an s returned to it. Finally, another lost s added to the flesh golem description. (R. Dan Henry)
“You gain insight into the nature of foo.” now has a full stop. (David Damerell)
Ibson the Grey has produced a new 32×32 tileset based on the rltiles to give you some high resolution POWDER experience. Since this isn’t the 16×16 res, it doesn’t come packaged with POWDER but has to be installed manually from the artpack.

Note: While the highscore is kept, save games are never preserved between versions. Please wait until your current character dies before upgrading.

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Powder (Build 105) (GBA Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. Author of this piece of software is Jeff Lait.


[All but GBA]: When you load a game, the fact you have loaded it is immediately saved. This means you can no longer power down before you die to avoid save scumming. (Eilu, Zach Firth)
Familiars always leave corpses to facillitate their resurrection.
Petrified creatures count to your kill total
You are only punished for the death of a familiar when the death becomes irrevocable.
The party guilty for creating traps, lava, etc, is now tracked so proper responsibility can be assigned. (Andrew Poandl)
Dodge Skill’s “foes” properly ‘ified. (David Damerell)
Extra flavour text from Eilu.
Ricochet skill for arrows. (Furrot)
You can climb trees. (Adam Boyd)
When a bitmap has to many colours, it now fails more gracefully. (Ibson the Grey)
An embarassing mistake in combat calcs has been fixed. It is now the attacker’s skill, not the defender’s, used to roll attack bonus. This will mean weapon skills are more necessary and make monsters more threatening since they always default to 2 stars.
Jumping out of a pit only moves you one square. (Irashtar)
Incorrect there in helm of draining description (Mark Rushakoff)
Adjusted some monster sizes to better reflect how I envision them. Hopefully this doesn’t affect food nutrition balance too much. (David Damerell)
When you die your options are saved even if you don’t make the high score table. (Zappa Penguin)
Knock no longer closes the door if an item or creature blocks it.
Knock cast on doors with creatures on them will knock them back and damage them slightly. (Lim-Dul)
Light radius for creatures on fire increased to 2 from 1 to make it a bit less subtle. (R. Dan Henry)
[Start] and [Select] can be used to enter and shift respectively on the on-screen keyboard. (Zappa Penguin)
You can eat water elementals, but be warned there might still be some life in them. (Eilu)
Polying into or polying back into gargantuan forms will crush any walls that would entrap you. (Korgoth)
Flaming swords slightly nerfed to 1d3 fire damage to prevent them from being such an obvious weapon choice.
New item: lightning rapier. (Terje)
New item: ice mace.
Imps summoned by demons that you summon will no longer attack you provided the demon stil lives.
Monsters should now open doors if they are smart enough. (Derek Ray)
New monster: Kobold Thief.
You can now wish to learn a skill directly rather than having to acquire the specific book.
“wizard’s hands” in chilling touch description, “an uber-storm” for a living frost, along with an extra hyphen in that description. Description of Pax clarified to resolve amiguous sentence and disarm skill description has an s returned to it. Finally, another lost s added to the flesh golem description. (R. Dan Henry)
“You gain insight into the nature of foo.” now has a full stop. (David Damerell)
Ibson the Grey has produced a new 32×32 tileset based on the rltiles to give you some high resolution POWDER experience. Since this isn’t the 16×16 res, it doesn’t come packaged with POWDER but has to be installed manually from the artpack.

Note: While the highscore is kept, save games are never preserved between versions. Please wait until your current character dies before upgrading.

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Powder (Build 105) (NDS Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. Author of this piece of software is Jeff Lait.


[All but GBA]: When you load a game, the fact you have loaded it is immediately saved. This means you can no longer power down before you die to avoid save scumming. (Eilu, Zach Firth)
Familiars always leave corpses to facillitate their resurrection.
Petrified creatures count to your kill total
You are only punished for the death of a familiar when the death becomes irrevocable.
The party guilty for creating traps, lava, etc, is now tracked so proper responsibility can be assigned. (Andrew Poandl)
Dodge Skill’s “foes” properly ‘ified. (David Damerell)
Extra flavour text from Eilu.
Ricochet skill for arrows. (Furrot)
You can climb trees. (Adam Boyd)
When a bitmap has to many colours, it now fails more gracefully. (Ibson the Grey)
An embarassing mistake in combat calcs has been fixed. It is now the attacker’s skill, not the defender’s, used to roll attack bonus. This will mean weapon skills are more necessary and make monsters more threatening since they always default to 2 stars.
Jumping out of a pit only moves you one square. (Irashtar)
Incorrect there in helm of draining description (Mark Rushakoff)
Adjusted some monster sizes to better reflect how I envision them. Hopefully this doesn’t affect food nutrition balance too much. (David Damerell)
When you die your options are saved even if you don’t make the high score table. (Zappa Penguin)
Knock no longer closes the door if an item or creature blocks it.
Knock cast on doors with creatures on them will knock them back and damage them slightly. (Lim-Dul)
Light radius for creatures on fire increased to 2 from 1 to make it a bit less subtle. (R. Dan Henry)
[Start] and [Select] can be used to enter and shift respectively on the on-screen keyboard. (Zappa Penguin)
You can eat water elementals, but be warned there might still be some life in them. (Eilu)
Polying into or polying back into gargantuan forms will crush any walls that would entrap you. (Korgoth)
Flaming swords slightly nerfed to 1d3 fire damage to prevent them from being such an obvious weapon choice.
New item: lightning rapier. (Terje)
New item: ice mace.
Imps summoned by demons that you summon will no longer attack you provided the demon stil lives.
Monsters should now open doors if they are smart enough. (Derek Ray)
New monster: Kobold Thief.
You can now wish to learn a skill directly rather than having to acquire the specific book.
“wizard’s hands” in chilling touch description, “an uber-storm” for a living frost, along with an extra hyphen in that description. Description of Pax clarified to resolve amiguous sentence and disarm skill description has an s returned to it. Finally, another lost s added to the flesh golem description. (R. Dan Henry)
“You gain insight into the nature of foo.” now has a full stop. (David Damerell)
Ibson the Grey has produced a new 32×32 tileset based on the rltiles to give you some high resolution POWDER experience. Since this isn’t the 16×16 res, it doesn’t come packaged with POWDER but has to be installed manually from the artpack.

Note: While the highscore is kept, save games are never preserved between versions. Please wait until your current character dies before upgrading.

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DOSBox GP2x v0.72-2 (DOS emu for GP2x)

The DOSBox port by Pickle and Hitnrun got an update.


1. Mouse emulation via stick/dpad and buttons
2. Virtual Keyboard
3. Better touchscreen at 320×200 resolutions (no more scaling is needed)

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FPaint v0.6 (GP2x-F200 Application)

FPaint is a drawing app for GP2x-F200 working with touchscreen.


– F100 support added
– PNG format added for save/load
– New set of icons and minors changes on the UI
– Jukebox (mp3/ogg/mod player) added, put your mp3/mod/ogg in the jukebox folder (mp3 can cause randoms crashs)
– 3 new brushs (circle/circle/box no filled)
– New function for create image with custom size
– Optimization for the zoom mode

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Airstrike v1.1 (GP2x Game Port)

Airstrike is a 2D dogfighting game being slowly developed by various people around the net. It is not yet playable although there is an old version which may be a bit fun to try.


You and your opponent now have an amount of fuel, which will decrease while accelerating. In the middle of the screen is a rotating Fuel-Barrel which will increase your fuel amount again. If you fuel-up, the Fuel Barrel is locked for you for 10 seconds. You can see your and the opponents fuel amount.

There is now a new Button/Key, called Harakiri. If you ran out of fuel, you can kill yourself with this. Of course, when you kill yourself, enemy scores one. So, try to keep an eye on your fuel. AI(Red Baron by default) will kill itself if it has no fuel left.

I think this is a nice feature and make the game more challenging. I will made it configurable in the next release.

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One More Music Player Client v0.3.0 (GP2x Application)

Coder_TimT released a new version of his music player for the GP2x.


1. Separate clock speed option while locked, mostly for the f200 so that you can have a reasonable speed while interacting with the program so that the touchscreen can still work and have a low clock when locked still. You will notice a slight skip when locking because the music must be paused during the clock change or a lockup is likely. The pause causes the buffer to be emptied, thus the noticeable skip. There is still the slight possibility of a lockup during this operation, but I haven’t been able to trigger it in awhile. If you have problems, just set the clock options to the same speed and it will behave like previously.

2. Media Library – Browse by Artist, Album, Genre, Filesystem, or a flat list of all songs

3. Search/Filter – Filter lists being browsed with wildcard substrings. Use traditional or sql wildcards. So, *dog* will match all artists with “dog” in their name or g* will match all artists beginning with the letter ‘g’. Obviously it’s available for all lists…

4. Load folder/album/artist/genre as playlist. Pressing ‘Y’ on one of these items in the browser will make a new playlist will all songs under the item. So it will get all songs in a folder and its subfolders, or all songs in an album, or all songs for an artist, etc… Pressing ‘A’ will do the same, but append the items to the current playlist.

5. No more config file editing. If the folders don’t exists that are in the config file when you first run ommpc, the options dialog will popup and you will be able to edit your paths from there. Of course if you prefer to pre-edit the file you can.

6. Since you’ll now need to type, there is a new touchscreen enabled virtual keyboard that will present itself when needed. Obviously it can be used via buttons also… Not a full keyboard, but most everything you’ll need should be there. It is still definitely a work in progress though. There is no cursor or cursor keys, so mistakes can only be fixed via backspace. It’s a start though. I must once again apologize for any non-english users for my horrible lack of any internalization. It’s something I really need to look into.

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PSP-PDA v1.3.2 (PSP Application)

For those who haven’t seen previous versions of this great peace of homebrew, PSP-PDA is a set of PDA programs including notepad, music player, image viewer, address book, calendar, calculator, and clock.

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PVB Coding Competition (Virtual Boy misc)

The guys behind “Planet Virtual Boy” are having a coding competition for the good old Visual Boy. It’s pretty exotic, so it should hopefully attract a bunch of coders 😉

All details can be found at the compo page!

Thanks to retroK / for the news.

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