Wall Ball DS (NDS Game)

The goal is to get the ball to the goal. But watch out for the llamas, they will eat your ball!

Thanks to for the news.

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DSiP Client (Beta 2) (NDS Application)

JSR released a test version of his Voice over IP client.


As it seems difficult for people to share their voip account, he decided to code a little app out of his windows version of DSiP to report the compatibility with various VOIP Servers. There is a configuration file (dsip-config.cfg) where you write 4 parameters about your SIP Account. Here is an exemple (this is not a working account):


Then launch the program and when prompted, enter the telephone number of the phone you want to call.

Please report what the program print on screen in the comments of this post. If you don’t pass the “2 – Registered” stage, think twice (and even more) before reporting something. Also, if you can report what is your LAN (behind a router,firewall or not…), it would help me also. Please note that this version rely on DNS Resolving so it doesn’t work with IP Address (for the moment).

Thanks to for the news.

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2XRally v0.1 (GP2x Game Port)

This is a port of XRally (see

You control a blue car and collect yellow flags around a maze-like map, while avoiding the red cars. The blue car can use clouds of smoke through the maze. If a enemy touch any of these clouds, it stops for a while. The enemy cars can also crash one with the other, what gives you some extra time.

This game use the X server, which is included in the file and automatically installed (if not present),0,0,0,27,2195

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PSP Hexen II v1.0 (PSP Game Port)

PSP Hexen II ver. 1.0 is a port of Raven Software’s Hexen II to the PSP. It is based on PSP Quake port by Peter Mackay and original Hexen II source code.

Release notes:

– Software rendering.
– Single player game and Portal of Praevus single player game
– Sound
– Save/Load
– Console commands
– Command line commands (through ‘hexen2.cmdline’ file)
– Multiple screen resolutions (trough command line params)
– User made maps loading (from console or command line params)
– Demo recording and playback (from console)
– On Screen Keyboard

– Music playback (disabled)

– Multi player (creating multi player game works)

Known issues:
– No progress bar displayed when starting/loading/saving game (disabled because of stability problems)
– Restart or reload of a current map necessary if value of console variable ‘r_transwater’ is changed (otherwise water surfaces will not be rendered correctly)
– User made mods with modified progs.dat files will not work
– Sprite models with width or height that is not multiple of 4 can cause game to crash
– Some weird graphical artifacts can be observed sometimes

You need to be registered at to get the download.

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StellaDS v0.71 (A2600 emu for NDS)

Here is a much-needed StellaDS Atari 2600 emulator update before the major overhaul begins.


* DLDI and libfat support for all of the new flash cartridges
* Updated to latest devkitpro toolchain
* Long-awaited streaming sound without any crackling and popping noises
* Code optimizations (code in the ITCM and the new armv5te compiler optimizations)
* Faster speed but still not 100%
* Usability enhancements with the menus (key repeat, no more bogus dot entries)

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GP2xpectrum v1.4b3 (Spectrum emu for GP2x)

Metalbrain has released a bugfix version of GP2xpectrum.


What’s new:
– Fixed loading of .SNA files that became broken in previous version
– Small optimizations,0,0,0,5,1786

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Closed v0.7b (NDS Game)

Description of this game is available in french language at it’s release thread.

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fMSX-PSP v3.2.1 (MSX emu for PSP)

fMSX-PSP is a MSX emulator for PlayStation Portable.


* Added menu navigation options – select from US PSP navigation (X confirms, O cancels) or Japanese PSP navigation (O confirms, X cancels – also used by most homebrew emulators)
* Added RAM/VRAM adjustment options
* Added HBlank/VBlank period selection (PAL/NTSC)
* Added MSX model selection (MSX1, MSX2, MSX2+)
* Improved accuracy of frames-per-second counter
* User interface improvements
* fMSX updated to version 3.2
* Rendering speed increase, switched to 15bit color (these mostly affect menu rendering)
* Various bug fixes

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Homer and the lost Donut v0.5c (NDS Game)

Neumann has released an updated version of Homer and the lost Donut. This release adds one more level (11 levels in total now) and has minor graphic changes.

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Pacman4K (A2600 Game)

Pacman4K is a Pacman game for the Atari 2600 by Dennis Debro. Read instructions.txt for more details.

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