Atar v0.3 (A2600 Application)

Atar is some music application for Atari 2600 written by Fort Apocalypse.


0.3 more instruments… (all may change)

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Maouss DS (NDS Game)

Kukulcan has released a new game for the Nintendo DS. The goal is simple, you must destroy all-star level. You use it to help the CARRE your CRAFT destroy a star.

Thanks to for the news.

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NetHackDS v1.9 (NDS Game)

The goal of this project is to create a port of NetHack for the DS utilizing the unique features of the DS to create an easy-to-use NetHacking experience.


Added movement compass mode, ala iRogue, enabled with the new option ‘compassmode’, which can take the values 0 (disabled), 1 (relative mode), or 2 (absolute mode) (default off). See the packaged defaults.nh for an example.
Added support for sending ‘>’ (the floor) as well as ‘.’ (yourself) when being prompted for a direction (eg, digging, zapping, etc) by doing a regular tap for ‘.’, or a held tap (tapping and holding for about a half second) for ‘>’.
Added an input history to the keyboard (limited to the last ten items).
Added support to the keyboard for using the joypad to move the cursor.
Modified taps on locked doors so the initial tap attempts to open the door normally, and only the second tap begins kicking.
Optimized status updates, so enabling ‘time’ doesn’t slow the game down.
Fixed a bug that was most obvious with commands that prompted for directional input, where input keys would get ignored.
Fixed a menu bug triggered by a page down, resulting in the menu being dismissed erroneously.

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Tabbed v0.17a (NDS Application)

Wizlon has updated his guitar tab viewer for NDS.

Release notes:

Just a quick fix for R4 and M3 users, basically my save file was conflicting with the R4 and M3 save file causing everything to go bananas. I’ve tested this on an M3 so I hope it works for everyone. Btw, nothing new has been added for this version so if you don’t own an R4 or a M3 then I wouln’t bother grabbing it.

Also, big thanks to everyone who visited the site and reported the error, if I don’t know about these things then I can’t fix em. Cheers guys, have one on me! (wihtout me actually providing one in any way whatsoever)

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Atar v0.2 (A2600 Application)

Atar is some music application for Atari 2600 written by Fort Apocalypse.


0.2 can select instrument by pressing down on joystick. Then hit reset to play instrument

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DualSlot Browser v0.2 (NDS Application)

DualSlot Browser lets you browse and copy files to the filesystems available. Meaning if you have two FAT based flashcarts inserted, you will have access to both!

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Flashcart OS v1.0 (Beta) (NDS Application)

Flashcart OS: Slot-1 Edition is a homebrew OS for Slot-1 Flashcarts. Current features include a boot menu, MoonShell booting, and boot to GBA.

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HuP v1.11 (NDS Game)

Helium filled Balloons are moving skywards. Move them, but don’t let them collide with peaks. Once your ballons are save in the upper part, press the left or right sholder button, to let them disappear and gain points. There are nine levels with increasing difficulty.

This release has a minor update to the graphics.

The release thread does not mention v1.11 yet, but it’s downloadable under //files/1042/

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Squish Em (09-12-2007) (A2600 Game)

vdub_bobby has updated “Squish Em”.

Release notes:

Hi folks. Sorry, Manuel, I couldn’t find time to get online over the weekend and upload a PAL60 binary.

And you’re right – it’s no game yet! But soon, soon…

Big, big changes over the weekend! I worked hard.

Here’s a list:
-All music is done.
-Enemy movement routines are done. All enemies move properly and at the correct speed.
-All sound effects save one (game over SFX) are in and done. For me, the sounds (music and effects) are at least half the appeal of this game, so I am very pleased with how well they translated. Let me know what you think!
-Unsquishing timing is correct now.
-Color change upon level change is done.
-Extra life display is fixed and done.
-Score flashing during music is in and done.
-Crazy flashing screen when you grab a bonus item is in and done. See if you can spot the difference between this version and the A8 version. When I’m done I’ll post somewhere a list of differences – it’s already bigger than I hoped it would be, but most things are so minor it doesn’t really matter.
-Fixed (crosses fingers) a weird bug when you died and started to climb a girder on the same frame. (It would reset the game.)
-New enemy generation is done; you shouldn’t see weird things after level 15 (like Manuel mentioned above) anymore.
-Kernel is done.
-Fixed movement-speed error (you moved sideways to quickly).
-Created PAL60 version. I would appreciate input on this. The colors look mostly OK, though maybe the players shirt could be darker.

Known bug:
-Sometimes it will display two bonus item floors in a row. I *think* this happens when you die one floor before the bonus item will appear. Then when you restart it goofs up.

Yes, I only am aware of one bug. Please let me know if you see any others!

Next on my list:
-Finish brick-falling routine. I was able to finally disassemble that part of the A8 code and figure it out – it is rather odd how it’s set up, but pretty simple once I figured out what was going on.
-Finish death routine.

That will wrap up the gameplay elements, after that it’s just game-state and interface stuff. I’m hoping to finish by Friday! We’ll see…

Source, NTSC binary, and PAL60 binary in the zip file.

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iPhysics v0.9 (iPhone Game)

You play with crayons and physics. The goal of the game is to move the red ball so that it collects the stars. You can cause the red ball to move by drawing physical objects.


Scratch to erase! With an option in the menu to disable it (in case you don’t like to erase lines 🙂
Option to swap the tap/double-tap functions
Some performance enhancements
Some bugfixes (including the annoying object disappearance one)
And some nice new joints for level creators (iPhysics_Levelpack_Format)

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