Tyrian PSP v0.6 (PSP Game Port)

This is a PSP adoptation of TYRIAN, PC game by Eclipse Productions, published Epic MegaGames. The original game was programmed by Jason Emery, illustrated by Daniel Cook, and its music composed by Alexander Brandon and Andreas Molnar.

This port by deniska is based on OpenTyrian project code ( ), maintained by mindless2112, syntaxglitch,emacs.hacker and


– ~10% speed increase due to new rendering routine.
– better smoothing/scaling in full-screen mode
-original size mode fixed
– data cubes text scroll fixed
– black screen on startup bug hopefully gone
– fixed the startup title screen animations
– slightly better key handling in main menus.. still needs some work

To install, just overwrite the EBOOT.PBP from 0.5 version with the patched one

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Car Crash v2 (PSP Lua Game)

Grafele has updated his game Car Crash. It has been released as “second part” but actually it makes more sense to handle it as v2.

Changelog (translation from german to english by Kojote):

Added options menu
You can now turn on/off USB
You can now turn on/off the sound
Complete menu redesign
Different XMB preview design
Reshaped credits
Streets is broaden
Help part has been reshaped
Removed clouds
Removed font bug

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Rise Of The Triad DS v0.7 (NDS Game Port)

The Nintendo DS port of Rise Of The Triad has been updated.

Release notes:

Recent Changes:
* Improved music playback
* MissileCam added (it’s on the controls menu)
* Sleep mode (closing the DS lid)
* Updated for devkitARM r21

* Music requires extra work, and has some glitches.
* No network support… yet.

Thanks to for the news.

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Protracker NDS Replay (NDS misc)

A protracker files (.mod) replay routine for Nintendo DS, it’s a direct conversion from the original Amiga one so it’s should be as accurate as possible, also it handles modules from 4 to 16 channels and it’s very small.

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DualSlot Browse (NDS Application)

DualSlot Browser lets you browse and copy files to the filesystems available. Meaning if you have two FAT based flashcarts inserted, you will have access to both! Be aware this is a very basic version.

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Funnelcube (N64 Game Source Code)

marshall has released the source code to his N64 homebrew game Funnelcube.

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gpSPhone v1.1.2 (GBA emu for iPhone)

gpSPhone is a GBA emulator based ZodTTD’s port of gpSP to the GP2X. gpSP is a great GBA emulator written by the talented Exophase. ZodTTD ported it to the GP2X, and added an (iPhone/iTouch compatible) dynarec. By using this coding technique, fullspeed performance of GBA is obtained on the iPhone/iTouch.


– Slightly increased performance. Much less “hiccups”.
– Sound buffers changed. Games which run well, performance-wise, sound better. Games that run slowly will still have poor sound.

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Squish Em (06-12-2007) (A2600 Game)

vdub_bobby has updated “Squish Em”.

Release notes:


Biggest change is the music! All four musical cues are in: beginning a game, starting a new life, reaching a new level (i.e., every 16 floors), and grabbing a suitcase. Though the new-level music comes in one floor too early. Also got the background wah-wah-wah-wah sound in as well. These sounds translated very well from the A800, I think they sound pretty good.

I played around with the pocka-pocka sound for when you are moving/climbing, but I couldn’t get it to sound right and I can’t quite figure out how they get that exact effect in the A800 game – I found the notes for that but I can’t find where or how they vary the volume (or?) to get the “pocka” sound. I’ll keep digging.

I also fixed the collision detection, now you won’t die if you hit a suitcase/bonus item from underneath.

Source and binary are attached in the zip file.

EDIT: I almost forgot! The legs-up and dying/falling sounds are in as well. They also translated very well, especially the legs-up sound. The dying one not so well, though it’s close enough that I’m cool with it.

Basically, I’m running into two problems with translating the sound: First, the Atari 800 pure tones are divided down from 64 KHz (is that exact?) while the 2600 pure tones are divided down from 31.44 KHz. So it’s sort of close to half the frequency, so if I divide the frequencies in half then the result is pretty close. Of course, when I divide the frequencies in half I also lose a bit of precision, so it I’m losing accuracy in two ways. The other problem is that the A800 can divide it’s base frequency by 1-256, while the 2600 only can divide by 1-32. This hasn’t been a problem as much as I thought but, for example, the falling/dying sound is not nearly as smooth on the 2600 since if I change the frequency as fast as the A800 does I quickly run out of frequencies! I might look into some trickiness with switching to a different AUDCx value to get some lower frequencies, but I think it sounds OK right now so it isn’t a priority.

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Metro-Wardrive v1.0.1 (NDS Game)

Wardive is an adaptive game with locative levels. It converts wlan-waves into game objects. The wlan conversion uses a streamsearch algorithm which was also used in streamfishing and searchsongs.

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Tux L Impiccato v1.1.2 (GP2x Game)

This is a Hangman game for GP2x by Neurox. Previously made for GP2x-F200 (Touchscreen) it now has Joypad support, which makes it playable on any GP2x.

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