Pixelizer v1 (PSP Lua Game)

Here comes the readme:

Pixelizer v1
Coded by Judas

Pixelizer is my first public release. The game takes its likeness from the palettes and boards of Animal Crossing. Since there were already so many designs for it, I figured that would be best. The game also take part of its gameplay from Pencil Puzzles. Pencil Puzzles are small puzzles in the back of Tips & Tricks magazine. (Thanks T & T) The object is to fill in squares to form a picture. Well, combining that, with Animal Crossing brings you the addicting game you see here. And yes, there is a coder by the name of Access_Denied who created Pencil Puzzles for the PSP, but in all honesty, the code wasn’t that good. (Sorry Access_Denied) His game is what inspired me to make this. Anyway, here’s what the game is.

The object is simple. Fill in squares until you get a picture. On the right of the giant grid, you will see a block titled “Current Block”. Copy that block’s pixels over to the giant grid, following the coordinates indicated by the two ‘arrows’ to guide you to which box. As you progress, the picture will become more clear, but more confusing at the same time. In this case, look at the preview box to get a smaller, clearer picture of it. When you’re done you shall see the beautiful picture. Then, simply take a screenshot, and you’re done. Start a new puzzle.

R-Trigger + L-Trigger — Change Current Block.
Triangle — Change from giant grid to color select menu.
Cross — Assign the highlighted square the current color.
Start — Take a screenshot. (Saved in ~/Pixelizer/ScreenShots/xxxxx.png)
Select + Circle — Return to menu to select puzzle.

Future Releases
I plan on making future releases, including many, many puzzle releases. Please send all comments, questions, suggestions and bugs to or PM Judas on the forums.

I do plan on releasing more puzzles. But, I also plan on writing a guide on how to make your own puzzles. But, if you decide to make your own, please assign them random names, as to not give away their picture. (I use anagrams of the original name.)

All coding done by Judas.
Thanks to Access-Denied for the idea.
Thanks to Tips & Tricks for the puzzles.
Thanks to for the patterns.
And finally, thanks to for being awesome.

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LightMP3 v1.6.0 (Beta 1) (PSP Application)

Sakya has released a new beta of his audio media player LightMP3.


-Added: LightMP3 is now a 3.xx application (install it in PSP/GAME3XX directory)
-Added: support to OGG Vorbis file (with streaming, so no filesize-related problems)
OGG Vorbis has fast forward and rewind
Note: the equalizer won’t work with OGG Vorbis file.
OGG Vorbis works fine with CPU @ 50Mhz
-Added: Now supports 8khz, 11khz, 12khz, 16khz, 22khz, 24khz, 32khz, 44khz, 48khz (both MP3 and OGG Vorbis)
(many thanks to crazyc!)
-Added: “Repeat track” mode (old “Repeat” becomes “Repeat all”)
-Fixed: volume up and down with remote controller didn’t update volume bar.
-Fixed: display brightness is restored when you quit.

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Jack Turtle (16-10-2007) (NDS Game)

Kiswa has released the first alpha version of his platform / adventure game “Jack Turtle”.

Release notes:

Okay, I have uploaded an ALPHA demo of the game. You will want to DLDI patch it for your homebrew device as it uses FAT to auto-create a game save (and I don’t know if it will bug out if unpatched – maybe I should test that).

What it has:
* Splash Screen
* Main Menu (Only New Game and Credits do anything)
* Level Selection (See below)
* One Test Level – (This is NOT how they will look when released, just for testing!)
* Shooting
* Enemies that shoot back
* Hit-point tracking (player and enemies)
* Two Enemies with AI (Sea Urchins and SCOOWBA Fish)
* In-Game Pause Menu (Continue and Save & Quit both work)
* Lid checking (pause menu if in-game lid close)
* Some bugs (e.g. urchins flicker into screen just before appearing)

What it does NOT have:
* Scoring
* Any storytelling at all
* Good damage animations
* Death animations (they just disappear for now)
* More than one level
* More than two enemies
* Completely functional menus
* A bunch of other stuff a platform game should have that I can’t think of right now

Main Menu
Use the up/down d-pad to select items and A to activate
OR use the stylus to select and tap again to activate

Left and right – move (duh)
Down – crouch
A – jump (& double-jump)
A + Down – drop down a platform
B – shoot

I think that covers it. If you let me know of a new bug, I’ll add you to my playtesters list in the credits (if you want).

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redLight v0.1 (iPhone misc)

redLight has been released which gives out red light instead for amateur astronomers who need to preserve their night vision.

Thanks to Guyfawkes ( ) for the news!

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Light v0.3 (iPhone misc)

Erica Sadun has updated her Light program for the iPhone which turns your iPhone into a flashlight.

Thanks to Guyfawkes ( ) for the news!

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Fixzone UK looking for DS Coders! (NDS misc)

Just found this request on – Fixzone UK are looking for NDS Coders. If you are keen on making some cash out of your skills… here is the text:

I am not sure if I am posting this to the correct board. I am looking for a Nintendo DS programmer that can write a program for my company. My email address is paul(a) if anyone is interested in bidding for our project.

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Final Fantasy Battle (15-10-2007) (NDS Game)

Final Fantasy Battle is a “Final Fantasy” based battle game for Nintendo DS.


Just change the control style, and some small graphic detail. Now this game control more easy, the stylus release can throw the ball.

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CromoZome v0.8 (GP2x Game)

CromoZome is a score attack genetic survival game by Kevin “PokeParadox” Winfield-Pantoja, where you strive to keep your CromoZome alive, by eating the other CromoZomes.


* Changed volume handling code in Music and Sound classes.
* Implemented a collision detection fix.
* Some memory leaks plugged.
* Removed redundant state files.
* Some minor restructuring, hopefully adding performance.
* Fixed the bug that crashes out of the game (Thanks Parkydr).
* Added particle effects to high-score name entry screen.
* Added framebuffer effect to high-score name entry screen (Thanks YakumoFuji).
* New in game music by Magnar!,0,0,0,27,2244

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SvSIP (15-10-2007) (NDS Application)

SvSIP is a software that you allow to use your Nintendo DS like a phone. For this, it uses SIP protocol. This protocol is an open standard for creating, modifying, and terminating sessions with one or more participants. It is widely used as a signaling protocol for Voice over IP.


The wifi configuration is possible without commercial game. Improve wifi management. DS rings when call is received. Using of key [A] to call or to answer, [B] to hang up.

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HamHamDS WIP (NDS Game)

Cid2Mizard, known for a bunch of DS Lua games and news poster at has touched PAlib and is working on a game called HamHamDS.

More information in french language on his page.

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