MoonShell (Final Beta) (NDS Application)

Infantile Paralysiser has released a”final beta”of his application MoonShell.

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FCE Ultra v0.98.12 GC v1.0 (NES emu for GC)

FCE Ultra v0.98.12 GC v1.0 is a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator for Nintendo’s GameCube. Thanks to Mithos on EFNET #gcdev for the news.…

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OpenSNES (05-10-2005) (SNES emu for GP32)

Reesy has modified OpenSNES for the GP32 once more. OpenSNES is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator. Here is a partitial quote of the recent changes:

I have succeded in improving the current sound core, I moved the sound rendering to a DMA interrupt driven system. A section of sound is now rendered and played using a DMA, when the DMA completes it uses a interrupt to render some more code to play. Its a very clean setup and saves having to do all the messing around that Yoyofr had to do before in order to get clean sound.

I’ve also noticed that there must be a bug in the”fastmode”option on the video menu because then this in enabled the sound crackles and when it is off the sound is clear.

I’ve still got to fix the BLU+ and saving problems but here is another release for people to play with.

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Kitty Book Portable v1.2 (PSP Application)

Kitty Book Portable is a textreader for the PSP. Changes:

  • pls. note: songti.ttf has problem displaying english and numbers when using size 11. (install it to Wnidows/fonts, the name is”unisun”, you will see the problem in your textedit tool, like ultraedit) But 12 is fine.
  • english word related bug in 16 dots font fixed.
  • Some Chinese display bugs fixed.
  • Page turning logic enhanced again.
  • Power saving logic enhanced. Some people complained that when he wanna quit the app and press , it’s just too slow. This time I have opened a window for users want to quit quickly: Please exit to Main Window or to File Explorer Before you Press . ( quick) Otherwise, if you press when reading books( in the readingwindow) it takes about 2 seconds to quit. ( slow )
  • Draw English and HanZi better.

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    PSPRadio v0.35 Pre 1 (PSP Application)

    A new pre-release of PSPRadio, an internet radio client for the PSP, is out. Changes:

  • Refactored PSPSound/PSPSound_MP3. (lots of things are different. but one thing that is evident to the end user is that the buffers were reduced by a factor of 5. Next -pre release will allow for the buffers to be configurable).
  • Added basic multiple samplerate support! Supported rates: 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000. Any rate can be implemented, I just need to add it to the code, let me know if other rates are required. Note that the samplerate conversion is really linear and simplistic, and hence the produced sound will not be very good. Still, better than nothing.
  • UI now displays buffer percentage (instead of in/out number)

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    PSPVice v0.2b (C64 emu for PSP)

    Kristof has released a test/wip version of PSPVice. This version adds a fullscreen mode.

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    Cubez (03-10-2005) (PSP Game)

    Another minigame by Gozy is called”Cubez”. The download size is around 40kb as well and is a stand-alone application too.

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    Stardust (04-10-2005) (PSP Game)

    Gozy has released a little game for the PSP called”Stardust”. It’s about 40kb hughe and is a stand-alone application.

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    Zotbot DS (NDS Game/Techdemo)

    Image provided by: creepyplaidmanZotbot DS is an early attempt to create a nice game for the Nintendo DS by creepyplaidman. Thanks toDrunkenCodersfor the news.

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    iQuiz (05-10-2005) (NDS Game)

    iQuiz is a couple of two games. In the”QuizGame”you have to answer questions in limited time. In”Fastwriter”you have to type given words as fast as possible. On the upper screen you see everything you need to play, and on the lower screen you see a Keyboard for the input. In the”QuizGame”, there are 1393 Question! The whole game design is made up like you are typing on a PDA. Release notes for this version: New iQuiz version! It is now balanced and has sound!

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