Super Smash Bros Rumble (Demo 5) (NDS Game)

Super Smash Bros Rumble is a Mario themed fan game, which is now availble in it’s fifth demo/preview.

Thanks to for the news.

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DepanBrew v0.5b (Wii Application)

CashMan ( ) updated his duplicate channel remover homebrew application for the Nintendo Wii. Sometimes when you run import games on your Wii you’ll get duplicate channels. So this homebrew will remove them.

Thanks to for the news.

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Slide2Unlock2 v1.15 (PPC Application)

S2U2 (Slide2Unlock2) is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don’t use your device. And it’s has a CallerID function.

Although S2U2 is now called v1.15, it doesn’t mean it can be run perfectly on your device. Thanks to different devices produced by different vendors. So, please test it before use it everyday, especially the CallerID function.


– fixed the update problem of multiple appointments.
– removed “ReLockWaitMS” which caused some weird problems, i.e. no more relock.
– changed the default value of “NoKeyBoardHook” to 1; it’ll set to 1 as well when the “VolumeControl” is 0.
– fixed the S2U2 Settings that could not save/change the “Volume Control” & “Keyboard Hook” settings.
– some minor bugs fixed.

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PocketCAS v1.0.0 (PPC Application)

PocketCAS 1.0.0 – a free Computer Algebra System for Windows Mobile.

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gpSPhone v2.1.0 (GBA emu for iPhone)

ZodTTD posted some news about gpSPhone, a GBA emulator for the iPhone.


Today I felt well enough to get gpSPhone ported over from firmware 1.1.4 and earlier to 2.0.

I have added gpSPhone v2.1.0 BETA to the ZodTTD Cydia Beta repo for firmware 2.0. Beta Testers have immediate access to this release.

While this release is fully functional, I have chosen to release it as a beta as it is fairly untested across a wide range of games.

Here’s what is new:
– Now runs on firmware 2.0.
– No longer blits the controller skin every frame!
– Fixed the sound buffering, though it can still get a bit out of sync.
– Removed code that could make games appear “choppy”.

The GBA BIOS is not included. Remember to add the GBA BIOS, as it is required! Place it at /Applications/

For those who know how to use md5sum, gba_bios.bin should be: a860e8c0b6d573d191e4ec7db1b1e4f6

More firmware 2.0 goodness to come!

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iContact v1.03 Enders Edition (PPC Application)

Manage your contacts with iContact… based upon the original iContact, enhanced by Ender.

Release notes:

Feature : It is now based on Burt 6 codebase (Thanks to Burt). This brings all his features. See for his updates. Also please thank him for what he has done.
Feature : Displayed default number is now smarter. iContact will scan your outgoing call log the first chance it gets and use the most used number as default displayed number.
Feature : There is now a menu button animation while switching tabs. (See the configuration application for disabling/adjusting this)
Feature : Bottom menu now automatically hides while scrolling. (See the configuration application for disabling/adjusting this)
Feature : Call button (green soft button) will now call the selected contact
Modified : It comes with a default (and only) diamond skin which is based on Lycox’s work. (Sorry Punker I was going to use your skin but since I switchted to burt’s code skin format has changed as well )
Modified : Call times show next to the icon instead of on top of the icon
Fix : When you go back from the details page, that contact will be highlighted
Fix : Fixed a bug where having only one call log item would crash

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UNO v7 (Wii Game)

This is the card game Uno, 2 to 4 people can play via the Internet (or local area network). You can also play against 3 computer controlled opponents.

Thanks to for the news.

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Chippy v1.0 (Chip8 emu for Wii)

Iamabe updated his Chip8 emulator Chippy.


-bug fixes
-SCHIP support
-save/load state
-options menu
-save button mappings
-cant remember the other stuff

Thanks to for the news.

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2xZDoom Selector (05-08-2008) (GP2x Application)

These scripts by bman were designed to give any user access to run 2xZdoom without the need to manipulate any command line parameters.

Release notes:

Put the main iwad files into the ./wad directory. Put the pwad files (and any associated content i.e. wadname.deh) into the respective subdirectory.

Run Zdoom_selector.gpe.

Select your desired run level (original, new iwad, pwad/dehack) with A/Y, select your wad (none.wad is included for original games because selector needs an input file) and hit Ztart. It may take several seconds to start.

To warp to a particular level you can include wadname.warp with the selected map level (see zdoom.txt from 2xZdoom). This is actually required for heretic and some doom pwads.You can locate warp level data in text that accompanies a modified wad.,0,0,0,20,2659

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MyVirtualPiano v0.2 (Beta) (NDS Application)

MyVirtualPiano by Electronix allows you to play a piano on Nintendo DS.


+ animated keys (thanks to trippy)

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