Bee Ball v6.1 (A2600 Game)

Bee Ball is a volleyball type game, but the difference matters. You and your CPU player are bees and of course you don’t push around any ordinary volleyball, no it’s a honeyball!

Release notes:

It’s AI update, the unique way I found to fix that bug mentioned by Nathan is disable Stroke movement, in ball served by bee judge. You need touch the ball at first, to do stroke, but this time is enought to respositioning opponent player, to try blocking. And in overall, AI is more competitive. Still easy, but more challenging. I not fix the screen jump bug yet.

For now there is just a NTSC version, PAL version might follow.

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Ultimate Fenix v0.2 (GP2x misc)

This version make use of Fenix engine 0.92a (the “old” Fenix uses 0.84 engine), so it has fixed bugs, improvements, etc.

Logically games compiled with 0.84 will not work, so you will have to recompile them.,0,0,0,14,2332

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Cave In (RC 5) (A2600 Game)

Atarius Maximus has released the fifth release client of his game “Cave In”, which previously made it in the news as “Adventure Game”. The game is pretty complete.

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GoSub2 (Build 52) (A2600 Game)

GoSub2, the successor of GoSub has been updated… Build 52 is out!

Release notes:

Added levels 20-21. The level select code also works backwards, so by pressing left & fire, you can go backwards from 1 to 21.

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Boomshine2x (GP2x Fenix Game misc)

Boomshine2x has been rewritten to have use of the F200 Touchscreen! Check the Youtube-Video linked below… there is no binary release yet!

Boomshine2x is a relaxing game where the aim is to cause a chain reaction of explosions to complete each level.

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Fenix (Beta 6) (GP2x misc)

Fenix is a coding/scripting language for the GP2x, now with GP2x-F200 support!,0,0,0,14,1119

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Qwak (GBA Game misc)

Yesterday we wrote an e-mail to Jamie Woodhouse, coder of the cute platformer “Qwak” (GBA). As some of you know, he is currently selling real cartridges of his game – but… what will happen after those are sold out?

Jamie said that there is a high possibilty, that Qwak will be released as “Donationware”, once all cartridges are gone!

Let’s see what will happen, once the case comes closer. Thanks for your answer Jamie!

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Powder (Release 091) (NDS Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game. It is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. It uses actual graphic tiles (16×16) rather than the traditional characters.


Added a signpost in the tutorial warning of kiwis along with a kiwi to be warned of.
Familiars always have 10 HP rather than being a the mercy of a die roll.
On level up NPCs will gain a half magic level if they are magic users.
Some monsters have an advancement track. When they reach a certain threshold level they will grow into a new monster type.
Water walking creatures are now aware that they are not safe from acid so will no longer wander to their doom. (hotpoo)
Reworked how god distribute spells. This allows some more variety in non-wizard gods. Quizar will now grant spells on occasion, for example. Likewise, Pax will grant Flamestrike and Tlosh Magic Missile. (hotpoo)
Famliars will learn spells as they level up.
Track added to familiar tome.
New spells: diagnose, summon demon.
Summon Imp made cheaper.
Boosted power of Baezel’bub.
Page up and Page down can be used to quickly navigate lists, as can [R] and [L] on the GBA.
You can now Split Stacks in the inventory screen. This peels off one item and places it separate from the stack. Useful if you want to drop one or all but one of something breakable.
When you finish getting help on a spell or skill you are returned to the skill selection menu rather than to the inventory menu.
‘?’ can be used to get help on skills in the read menu as well as ‘i’.
When you finish viewing a help item, you are returned to the help list rather than the main game.

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Powder (Release 091) (GBA Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game. It is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. It uses actual graphic tiles (16×16) rather than the traditional characters.


Added a signpost in the tutorial warning of kiwis along with a kiwi to be warned of.
Familiars always have 10 HP rather than being a the mercy of a die roll.
On level up NPCs will gain a half magic level if they are magic users.
Some monsters have an advancement track. When they reach a certain threshold level they will grow into a new monster type.
Water walking creatures are now aware that they are not safe from acid so will no longer wander to their doom. (hotpoo)
Reworked how god distribute spells. This allows some more variety in non-wizard gods. Quizar will now grant spells on occasion, for example. Likewise, Pax will grant Flamestrike and Tlosh Magic Missile. (hotpoo)
Famliars will learn spells as they level up.
Track added to familiar tome.
New spells: diagnose, summon demon.
Summon Imp made cheaper.
Boosted power of Baezel’bub.
Page up and Page down can be used to quickly navigate lists, as can [R] and [L] on the GBA.
You can now Split Stacks in the inventory screen. This peels off one item and places it separate from the stack. Useful if you want to drop one or all but one of something breakable.
When you finish getting help on a spell or skill you are returned to the skill selection menu rather than to the inventory menu.
‘?’ can be used to get help on skills in the read menu as well as ‘i’.
When you finish viewing a help item, you are returned to the help list rather than the main game.

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Doom PSP v1.4 (PSP Game Port)

Chilly Willy updated his Doom port for PSP.


v1.4 – 2007/11/14 : Automatically switches on LCD after using TV. No need to tap the display button anymore. Now uses intraFonts from Ben Hur as long as the ltn8.pgf font can be loaded. Looks a LOT better. If it fails to load the font for some reason (you deleted it to make room in the flash or something), it falls back to the debug printing. Altered

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