Chillin Out (A2600 Game)

Tatum Clanton, Robert Norman and Ari Velazquez made a game called Chillin’ Out, where the user is Poncho the penguin, who must successfully traverse the playfield. Poncho also must watch out for the murderous Serge the sea lion, who will eat him at nearest chance. We did not include solutions to the game because we thought it would ruin the fun and the levels are fairly simple so it should not be too difficult.

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Cave Race (A2600 Game)

The object is to collect the fire, found at the end of the maze, in as little time as possible. The timer on the bottom records your progress, and will reset to zero when you make contact with any of the walls – something you are not allowed to do. The trick is patience and coordination, you are doing well if you can reach the end in under half a minute.

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Catch The Ball (A2600 Game)

Our game will be a 2-player game in which the players are puppies, and the objective of the game is to throw and catch a Frisbee at each other. The game ends after a set time or if one of the players fails to catch the Frisbee and the player who did not drop the Frisbee is declared the winner. The puppies will be able to move freely on the horizontal axis, but cannot go beyond the invisible vertical line drawn in the middle of the screen. There will also be treats falling from the sky which the puppies can catch for extra points.

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BreakBack (A2600 Game)

This game is an extension of the Atari game Breakout. The game has been expanded to include two player capabilities. The screen is divided in half, giving an equal-sized playing area to each player. Players compete to clear their board and stay alive (keep their ball onscreen) at the same time. Both players move horizontal paddles across the bottom of the screen to deflect the ball which will clear any blocks it touches.

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Block In (A2600 Game)

A two-player Pong-style combat game. Blocks destroyed on one side appear again on the other. Each player attempts to fill his opponent’s space.

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Aborigines Revenge (A2600 Game)

The Aborigines are angry that the British used their land to house their criminals. They built a giant hang glider and are destroying all the criminals with blow-darts. The criminal will appear at the bottom of the screen above the score. The player controls the hang glider and manages to hit the criminal 25 times to move on to the next level. If the criminal hits the hang glider 5 times, the player loses and the game start over.

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Top Rock (A2600 Game)

A rhythm action breakdancing game. Follow the moves of the dancer on the right. Use the joystick to select a move at the correct time to earn a point.

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Simple Simon (A2600 Game)

A Simon-style memory game for the VCS. To play, reset the console and then follow the computer prompts. Move the joystick in the direction that corresponds with the correct color/sound, press the button, and release the joystick.

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Push (Atari 2600 Game)

A two-player tetris-like game. Attempt to fill your opponent’s side of the screen by moving and turning the blocks to fit in the right place.

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Colon Mooninites Versus The Boston Bomb Squad (A2600 Game)

A two-player game. Player one uses a UFO to plant Mooninites that harvest the city’s buildings. Player two pilots a van-mounted gun in defense. With apologies to Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

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