Free Ball (A2600 Game)

In this two player game each player tries to put the ball in the other persons goal while at the same time navigating through a playfield littered in obstacles. The person to reach five points first wins and the next play field is loaded. There are three playfields total.

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Fallout (A2600 Game)

Player’s objective is to destroy radioactive falling debris in the sky with a limited number of missiles. The objective is to think logically because there is more debris than number of missiles, but when you hit a piece of debris a chain reaction is set off that hits nearby debris. Explosion of debris will be based on size of debris. The population number is the timer. The faster you blow up all of the debris the higher the score.

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Eliminator (A2600 Game)

Eliminator by Jennifer Whitlow, Chris Occhipinti, Chris Henderson.

Our design for our game consists of two player sprites that each have missiles. The object of the game is to shoot at the other player without being hit by the center missile or the other player. After a given amount of time the game will move to a new level. In each level, the sprite in the center begins to shoot more missiles more often. When one player gets hit, the other player gets a point and the game goes back to an earlier level in the game.

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Dumb Soccer (A2600 Game)

A simple two-player soccer game. One player shoots, the other defends.

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Dorothy X (A2600 Game)

“Dorothy X: The Witch’s Revenge,” a story of Americais favorite tornado survivor and her journey through a post apocalyptic Oz. As Dorothy travels down the yellow brick road, she does not encounter the same friendly creatures she had interacted with on her previous journey; instead she is startled to find a band of zombies out for her blood. Luckily for Dorothy, she remembered to bring her shotgun and is armed and dangerous, ready to fight her way down the yellow brick road to take down Oz.

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Doom Hockey (A2600 Game)

Doom hockey! Play it and you will feel an experience of pure carnal bliss as you drive an bouncing bomb into the enemy strong hold as either a Space Marine or a Doom Demon! Fire missiles and stun your enemy! First player to ten wins the battle but does he win the war? The battle rages on for all ages!

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DeathFlag (A2600 Game)

Joseph Simoneau, Joshua Strully and David Sponaas intention was to create a 2-person game based loosely on capture the flag with some new twists. Firstly, players will be able to shoot each other to immobilize them for some period of time. Secondly, a large portion of the playfield will have players concealed, so that each player will not be able to see the other player’s motions while in this area. Scoring will be based on returning a flag from an opposing base to your own. There will be no limit to the number of rounds played, and score will be kept as long as physically possible on the Atari 2600 system. Maps will cycle through a predetermined set of playfields for each round.

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Dancer (A2600 Game)

A two player dance performance game. Player one attempts to dance to earn points. Player two throws fruit from the audience in disappointment.

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Copter Commander (A2600 Game)

The goal of the game is to pilot a helicopter through a treacherous cave by controlling its height with the spacebar. The further into the cave you progress, the harder it gets to stay alive as the cave size and helicopter velocity change. As in all good games there is no winning condition, just survive as long as you can.

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Construction (A2600 Game)

The game’s plot is rather simple, you play as two construction workers who are upset with each other and decide to solve their differences by squishing the other underneath huge crates.

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