Third Annual Christmas Game Coding Competition (misc)

Create a Nintendo DS or GBA game with a holiday theme. Be it Wack-a-Santa or nuclear snowball fights with diminutive elves we want to see your wintery creations.

PS: Don’t forget the PDRoms compo is still going on till 16th September, you might want to enter there and then do some nice stuff for this compo organized by 🙂

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PDRoms – And the code goes on… (misc)

Celeth has returned and plans to continue improving the non public beta page. Let’s see what will happen 🙂

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PocketNES (07-08-2007) (NES emu for GBA)

Dewit has released a new testversion of PocketNES, a NES emulator for GBA (which also works on NDS due to compatibility). Save states will not work in this version!

Thanks to and for the news.

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Tank Attack 3D Remake (PSP Game)

This is waywardson’s attempt to recode “Tank Attack” for PSP. It’s in early stages.

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Sudoku Maniac v0.9 (NDS Game)

Sudoku Maniac is a Sudoku game for NDS by graph05.,1318.0.html

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IrDA Games v0.7 (PSP Game)

IrDA Games” is a homebrew for the PSP system which allows to play you games with an interactive and groundbreaking game-controlling with help of the IR-port of the PSP which reminds the Wii-game-controlling. IrDA Games v0.7 includes 8 different games which allow you to feel Wii on the PSP.

IrDA Games v0.7 contains 8 games (5 Singeplayer(Remotefun, Big Bang, Mr. Bucket, iR Bowling, iR Pong)- and 3 Multiplayer games(IrDA Wars, IrDA Soccer, iR Pong))


– 3 new games
– Possiblility to create and change themes
– Option file added, now you can change settings as you like
– Possibility to listen to your own music while you’re playing IrDA Games – New Code Structure
– Updated to IrDA Wars v1.1
– New Weapons
– Better IrDA Receiving System
– Ammo System
– New Weapon System
– More Informations are blitted
– Option to disable or enable the play with an IR-Remote
– Updated to IrDA Soccer v0.3
– Better IrDA Receiving System
– Option to disable or enable the play with an IR-Remote
– Updated to Mr. Bucket v0.4
– More backgrounds
– New Point System
– More objects
– Now, you loose no points, when you change levels
– iR Bowling v0.5 added
– 3D
– Level System
– Life/Tries System
– Choose the position of the bowling ball, the power of it, and its fly-angle with your IR-remote
– Highscore System
– iR Pong v0.5 added
– 10 random backgrounds
– Level System
– Balls/Lives System
– Possibility to play with an IR-remote or with the d-pad
– Highscore System

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Timers v0.8 (PSP Applicaton)

Baly23 has coded this homebrew, Timers. The homebrew will start a lot of timers (maximum 10) in sequential mode like “Nike Running Triax” watches. This could be used in gym or other case.

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Alienblaster v1.01 (GP2x Game)

Shoot the alien ships, collect powerups/upgrades.,0,0,0,30,2321

By with 0 comments v1.1.0 (NES emu for iPhone) is a Nintendo emulator for Apple’s iPhone. uses a modified version of the popular InfoNES emulation core to mimic the 6502 processor in a Nintendo Entertainment System, allowing you to play ROM dumps of games designed for the NES console. ROM dumps are files containing the dumped instruction code from a physical cartridge. In many cases, you are legally entitled to posess a ROM dump of any game that you presently own. ROM images for NES are widely available online, or with the appropriate hardware, you can dump them yourself directly from the cartridge. started as a fork of iPhoneNES v0.01, but has been completely rewritten to run very fast, and with many additional features including full sound, game genie codes, saved games, battery-saved ram support, and full screen support.

Changes since v1.0.0

Removed unnecessary mutex locking for layer write
Draw black box around emulator screen to prevent see-thru
Improved sound quality slightly by precaching more audio
Added status bar icons (for suspend)
Added more debugging
Removed unnecessary screenUpdateLock
Corrected Bubble Bobble color palette
Demand direct installation
Corrected intermittent crashing issues

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Starfighter-GP2x (GP2x Game Port)

Starfighter-GP2x is a GP2X port of Project:Starfighter, a SDL game by Stephen Sweeney and Richard Sweeney of Parallel Realities. The game is functional, but it needs to be adjusted from it’s current 800×600 resolution down to 320×240, or even 640×480 for both a speed increase and to eliminate downsampling artifacts.,0,0,0,27,2319

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