News v0.99.05 (NES emu for iPhone) is a Nintendo emulator for Apple’s iPhone. uses a modified version of the popular InfoNES emulation core to mimic the 6502 processor in a Nintendo Entertainment System, allowing you to play ROM dumps of games designed for the NES console. ROM dumps are files containing the dumped instruction code from a physical cartridge. In many cases, you are legally entitled to posess a ROM dump of any game that you presently own. ROM images for NES are widely available online, or with the appropriate hardware, you can dump them yourself directly from the cartridge. started as a fork of iPhoneNES v0.01, but has been completely rewritten to run very fast, and with many additional features including full sound, game genie codes, saved games, battery-saved ram support, and full screen support.

Changes since v0.99.04:

[nervegas] Fixed remaining multitouch issues (sliding with B and A)

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iPhoneeBooks v0.8.1 (iPhone Application) is a simple eBook reader for the iPhone. It reads HTML and text files stored in your Media/EBooks folder, and is smart enough to enter subdirectories, if, for instance, you’ve broken a book down by chapters.

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MobileFinder v1.0.5 (iPhone Application)

MobileFinder (strictly “Finder” in the iPhone’s springboard view) is a filesystem navigator and launcher for use with iPhones which have been jailbroken.

* Filesystem navigation with system file protection
* Icons differentiate different filetypes
* Copy, Move, Delete operations (requires that /bin/mv and /bin/cp be installed)
* File creation and renaming
* Application Launch – Also launches MobileStudio apps
* Executable launch (scripts, etc)
* Preferences screen with filesystem browse settings
* User modifiable associated file types that launch file viewers
* Open mode when launched by other apps in MobileStudio

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Mendeleiev v0.8 Alpha EX (NDS misc)

Mendeleiev ha been updated, it’s a helpful program for looking up the periodical table or element lists.,1229.0.html

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RGCD Issue 3 (misc)

RCCD is a new downloadable CD-ROM based magazine containing the very latest retro reviews, features and developer interviews, providing its readers with an essential one-stop resource for all their retro gaming needs. RGCD’s main focus is on the new releases for 8/16-Bit computer platforms, but they also dedicate a good percentage of their reviews and feature space to retro look-and-feel PC-based remakes and independent games.

Release notes:

Well, it’s not been easy, but we’ve managed to complete this issue just in time for distribution at Retro North! RGCD has seen a lot of changes since the last time I sat down to write an editorial – the development team has again doubled in size and we’ve recently started work on a GBA/DS homebrew side-project (see the RGCD online shop for details). As for the magazine itself, in addition to the usual game reviews and previews Issue #03 also contains part one our debut proper article (courtesy of Mike Bevan) detailing the history of indie-gaming hero Jeff ‘Llamasoft’ Minter – and we’ve even included our first serious peripheral review; a write-up of the MMC64 SD-card reader for the Commodore 64 (well, I bought it to play games on, so it still sort of fits the magazine’s remit…)

Successfully completing the magazine within a tight deadline has proven that the possibility of RGCD becoming a bi-monthly publication is not as unrealistic as I’d previously imagined, and it’s definitely a worthy target to aim for. We’re not quite there yet, but with the size of the dedicated team increasing exponentially I doubt it’ll take much longer. In just over 10 weeks we’ve amassed a total of 29 game reviews and 6 extra features, making this issue our biggest yet.

The content is of the usual high caliber, and yet again we’ve further diversified our platform range; inside Issue #03 you’ll find reviews of new releases for the AGA Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari 2600, Atari XE/XL, Commodore 64, MSX, Nintendo GBA and DS, Sinclair Spectrum and VIC20 – as well as the usual line-up of PC/Mac remakes and retro-style indie games. In addition to this we’ve held in-depth Q&A sessions with Matt Carr (he of the featured Blast Arena Advance cartridge project and Lemmings DS fame) as well as prolific Spectrum coder Jonathan Cauldwell (who talks about his upcoming EggHead title and his passion for Sir Clive’s 8-Bit opus).

Before anyone points out the obvious, I am aware that the last issue’s featured game was a GBA release (which is a bit cheeky in itself because the GBA is not quite retro yet), but I make no apologies for featuring Blast Arena Advance in Issue #03; it’s a cracking game and Matt Carr provided us with the inspiration to start our own cartridge project! Don’t worry though; we’ll re-address the balance in the next issue.

Other highlights include previews of Pumpkin Games’ Doppleganger and the awesome work-in-progress Lead 8K for the humble 2600, reviews of top C64 releases (lost and found commercial gem The Rebels and the Indiana Jones-aping Joe Gunn), Cosine’s latest projects (Kikstart C64 and Reaxion GBA) and our favourites from last year’s MSX Dev competition (Traffic Jam, Daedalian Opus and Malaika). PC retro-gamers are spoilt for choice this issue, with impressive remakes of Turrican (Hurican), arcade favorites Centipede (Millenipede and Spiga) and Robotron (Mechatron) and of course there’s a selection of top original releases such as the boss-battling Fraxy, visually-overwhelming Burn The Trash and turn-based X-Com tribute Urban Legend.

Well, that’s another issue wrapped up! Now I’ve got to burn 100 CDs, print out the artwork and get busy with those scissors…
Featured Game

* Blast Arena Advance (GBA)

Retro Reviews

* Aqua (Amstrad)
* Barbie Seahorse Adventures (PC)
* Blizzard’s Rift (ZX Spectrum)
* Burn The Trash (PC)
* Daedalian Opus (MSX)
* Elevators Amiss (Atari 2600)
* Fraxy (PC)
* Frogger ’07 (VIC20)
* Gangsters (Atari XE/XL)
* Hurrican (PC)
* Ifrit (English Translation) (PC)
* Io (The Remake) (PC)
* Joe Gunn (C64)
* Kikstart (C64)
* Lemmings DS (NDS)
* Malaika – Prehistoric Quest (MSX)
* Marble Logic (C64)
* Millenipede (PC)
* Reaxion (GBA)
* Sniper (Atari XE/XL)
* Spiga (PC)
* Stranded 2.5 (ZX Spectrum)
* Thrust Advance (GBA)
* Traffic Jam (MSX)
* The Rebels (C64)
* Ultra Violent Worlds (Amiga)
* Urban Legend (PC)
* Zub (PC)


* Doppelganger Preview (PC)
* Lead 8K Preview (Atari 2600)
* Llamasoft: The Dromedary Years (Part One) (Misc)
* MMC64 (C64)
* Sonic MegaMix (SMD)
* Streambolt Desero (PC)


* AtariWin800 Plus 4.0 (PC)
* Blue MSX 2.7 (PC)
* Kega Fusion 3.51 (PC)
* Klive 1.1 (PC)
* Stella 2.3.5 (PC)
* Visual Boy Advance 1.72 (PC)
* WinAPE 2.0 Alpha 13 (PC)
* WinAUE 1.4.3 (PC)
* Win Vice 1.21 (PC)

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Hexen II PSP v1.1 (PSP Game Port)

Hexen II is a first person shooter computer game developed by Raven Software from 1996 to 1997, published by id Software and distributed by Activision. It is the third game in the Hexen/Heretic series, and the last in the Serpent Riders trilogy. Using a modified Quake engine, it features single player and multi player game modes, as well as four character classes to choose from, each with different abilities. These include the offensive Paladin, the defensive Crusader, the spellcasting Necromancer, and the stealthy Assassin. [Description taken from ]


– Rendering errors that could be observed at some places. Two kind of errors are fixed :
1. Problem with surfaces not being drawn sometimes (visible at village2 map at room with hidden portal )
2. Problem with rendering beyond the edge of surface (visible at demo3 map at section with bell and uderground passage)
– Switching between transparent and opaque water no longer requires map reloading
– Some fixes related to model transparency rendering
– Support for suspending and resuming game
– Music playback trough MP3 implemented with MAD audio library
(can be switched on/off from options menu or from console)
– Optimised sky drawing
(three modes are available now : original, optimised , single color)

Thanks to for the news.

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CromoZome v0.5 (GP2x Game)

Guide your CromoZome to eat food and other CromoZomes. There is a balancing element between the CromoZomes, and as you eat your CromoZome grows and gets stronger. Get strong enough and you produce another CromoZome based on your strongest traits. You then play with this new CromoZome. Eating a blue CromoZome increases your speed, eating a red CromoZome gives you double energy points than normal but slows your speed and eating green loses you one health(poison) but you gain a green segment and this could poison another creature. You get a bonus for eating the same food/enemy segments as your starting colour.

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DS Dictionary v1 (NDS Application)

DS Dictionary is a dictionary for your Nintendo DS.

Thanks to for the news.

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MobileMoney v0.15 (iPhone Application)

Seems this update slipped under the table three days ago…

Mobile money allows you to manage your financial accounts on your iPhone.

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MobileFinder v1.0.0 (iPhone Application)

MobileFinder (strictly “Finder” in the iPhone’s springboard view) is a filesystem navigator and launcher for use with iPhones which have been jailbroken.

* Filesystem navigation with system file protection
* Icons differentiate different filetypes
* Copy, Move, Delete operations (requires that /bin/mv and /bin/cp be installed)
* File creation and renaming
* Application Launch – Also launches MobileStudio apps
* Executable launch (scripts, etc)
* Preferences screen with filesystem browse settings
* User modifiable associated file types that launch file viewers
* Open mode when launched by other apps in MobileStudio

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