LvR (Gameboy Advance)

SDL Sopwith (Alpha 2) (NDS Game)

Lazy1 has updated his port of SDL Sopwith for the Nintendo DS. The second release is Alpha 2. The changes:

  • Hopefully fixed all input bugs
  • Hopefully fixed bug with timing
  • Fixed .sopwithrc file open error, it will no longer try and open the file
  • Added options screen
  • Added more keys

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    Plasma Defence Commander (GP2x Game)

    Image provided by: evening2005evening2005 has released a new GP2x game to the public called Plasma Defence Commander. Sidenote: Screenshot is from the PC version.,0,0,0,27,950

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    Black Tiger v0.2 (Single Arcade emu for GBA)

    FluBBa has released an updated version of his Black Tiger Arcade emulator for the Gameboy Advance. Release notes:

    Fixed a rare graphics bug in Black Tiger and added new batch files for the old MAME roms.

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    Tilematch (3-12-2005) (GP2x Game)

    Miq01 has updated his game Tilematch for the GP2x. Tilematch is a logic game similar to”Zoo Keeper”. New in this version:

  • Goes back to the console menu after exiting.
  • Improved cursor movement with the stick during game.
  • High-Score table works.
  • No more”CREDITS”option (refer to README.ENG.txt).
  • Added basque and galician languages.
  • Some key functions have changed.

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    Spout v0.2 (GP2x Game Port)

    Image provided by: Florian HufskySpout is a port of a shooter with great physics and strange gaming concept, a must try. The port has been done by Florian Hufsky who is also known as no_skill. This version adds zooming and a proper exit function.

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    GP2PSX (03-12-2005) (PSX emu for GP2x)

    zodttd has released the FIRST Playstation (PSX) emulator for the GP2x. Very few games run, very few games are playable, and it’s slow. This is an EXTREMELY early release. There isn’t even an auto-frameskip option yet. Be glad if you found a game that runs and don’t complain too much as it’s only a start.


  • Support for multiple format ISO’s (.BIN) including compressed ISO’s: .Z and .ZNX These files can be compressed with PocketISO 2.0
  • Controls are mapped to the same place the psx controller has them.
  • Saving games should work but haven’t been tested much.

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    SXT BFM v1.00 (PSP Application)

    Here is a new SXT BFM Firmware loader including sources! Changes:

  • Loads 2.00 and higher firmwares (decrypted only)
  • New module loading method uses drive realocations by unmounting flash0 and flash1 and moint it again to the MS drive
  • more stable than the previous version.
  • faster to load.
  • no need to patch all of the fw modules.
  • A lot more ram freed.
  • can run eboots!
  • The fw believes ms0 is flash0.
  • Sources included !!!

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    LUA Player v0.15 Preview (PSP Application)

    Lua is a powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications. Lua is also frequently used as a general-purpose, stand-alone language. Lua is free software. Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, interpreted from bytecodes, and has automatic memory management with garbage collection, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping. A fundamental concept in the design of Lua is to provide meta-mechanisms for implementing features, instead of providing a host of features directly in the language. For example, although Lua is not a pure object-oriented language, it does provide meta-mechanisms for implementing classes and inheritance. Lua’s meta-mechanisms bring an economy of concepts and keep the language small, while allowing the semantics to be extended in unconventional ways. Extensible semantics is a distinguishing feature of Lua.This previewadds WiFi functions and Socket functions to the Lua Player!

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    pyTetris (3-12-2005) (GP2x Phyton Game)

    Image provided by: GP32xBarnesy released a port of pyTetris for the GP2x. There is no sound, but it is already playable.

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    NeoCDGP2X (03-12-2005) (NeoGeo CD emu for GP2x)

    NeoCDGP2x is a NeoGeo (CD) emulator based upon NeoCD/SDL and NeoCD/PSP. Thanks to for the news. Change: modified button mapping from console pad style in All.…

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