LvR (Gameboy Advance)

SnesGP2X (03-12-2005) (SNES emu for GP2x)

SnesGP2X has been updated. This SNES emulator for the GP2x is based upon work from snes9x, OpenSnes9x and Little John PalmOS. Thanks to GP32x for the news. Change: modified button mapping from console pad style in All + added OpenSnes9x asm core in SnesGP2X(experimental, no sound). (asm core is Type 1, snes9x core is Type 2).…

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NesGP2X (03-12-2005) (NES emu for GP2x)

NesGP2X has been updated. This emulator is based on work from InfoNES, Little John PalmOS and Nofrendo. Thanks to GP32x for the news. Change: modified button mapping from console pad style in All.…

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CheatDevice v0.2 for LCS (PSP Trainer)

Edison Carter released CheatDevice v0.2 for the PSP game”Liberty City Stories”which is a trainer and enables lot’s of cheating options. There are different version for the UK and US editions of this game. You will require firmware 2.0, 2.01 or 2.5. Cheats supported: Infinite Health and Armor, Edit Wanted Level, Edit Time, Edit Weather + Snow, Spawn Anything, Display Coordinates and Speed, Teleport, Step Through Walls snf Power Jump.

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2ch Browser Test v0.20 (PSP Application)

Here is another test release of this 2ch browser for the PSP.

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PSP RK v2.3 (PSP misc)

This seems to be a kind of interactive story/game for the PSP. As all information is available in japanese we can’t provide you with further information.

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X-TREME PSP Magazine #6 (PSP misc)

Here is another PSP magazine which has been released recently. Download it from it’s official homepage at:

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SDL Sopwith (Alpha) (NDS Game)

This is a port of the classic computer game”Sopwith”by Lazy1. Author notes:

I have gotten quite a bit of work done on my port of sdl sopwith to the nintendo ds, right now the game is playable but I’m not the best at finding bugs. So I’m releasing this alpha version to see how many people can find.

The game is playable in it’s current state but must be run under real hardware and does not have any sound. Keep in mind its still far from release quality.

Tested using a gbamp and passme so I’m not sure about other loading methods.

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CheatDevice v0.1f for LCS (PSP Trainer)

Edison Carter released CheatDevice v0.1f for the PSP game”Liberty City Stories”which is a trainer and enables lot’s of cheating options. Version 0.1f has to be used with the US/Canada version of LCS. You require firmware 2.0, 2.01 or 2.5 only.

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WiFi Lib Test v0.1 (NDS misc)

News from Stephen Stair and the WiFi support! Here is a quote from his page:

I’ve mainly been reworking some sections of code to better support IP fragmentation, I should be able to support that soon. And, the test program is coming along… version 0.1 can be found on Stephens page. – Version 0.1 only includes a”wardriving”app, capable of cataloging up to 512 access points the DS detects. More will be added before too long. I’ve been wasting a good deal of time lately – however, I’m getting back on track now and hopefully can manage to work on this a good deal more in the near future. Expect good things 🙂

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PSP X Mag #3 (PSP misc)

After a good amount of work, the PSP X MAG team is proud to release Issue 3, featuring 85 pages with: Everything GTA: LCS, Cheat Codes, Homebrew News, Reviews and more. You can download the magazine from:

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