LvR (Gameboy Advance)

PSP Lua Magazine #2 (PSP misc)

Officially Poor has released the second issue of his magazine specialized into the scripting/coding language LUA. Decription:

After a LONG wait, ISSUE 2. What’s new? A new section called”coding 4 n00bs”with small code example fully commented, and a off-topic section, that has video reviews.

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NeoCD2x (2-12-05) (Neo Geo CD emu for GP2x)

A new version of NeoCD2x for the GP2x has been released by NK. Thanks to GP32x for the news.,0,0,0,5,864

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Tilematch (1-12-05) (GP2x Game)

Image provided by: GP32SpainMiq01 has just released Tilematch for the GP2x. It is a logical game similar to”Zoo Keeper”for the Nintendo DS.

  • To run, unzip it wherever you want inside your SD card. It needs SDL libs to run.

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    Aka Noid X (GP32 Game)

    This JyCet’s last major release of AKA NOID X (X stand for eXtra). Thanks to JyCet himself for the news/email. Changes:

  • Extra mode with new gfx and new levels (thks to DaveC andProphet)
  • Compiled devkitARM r17 (gcc 4.0.2)
  • lot of news bonus and malus in extra mode
  • big gfx speed optimisation
  • change completly help screen
  • add intensity bit in options menu
  • add confirmation in game menu
  • some gfx change when enhanced is activate

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    RAIN r07 (NDS Application)

    RAIN (not to be confused with Raine) is an application for the Nintendo DS that helps you manage SRAM and EEPROM. It can launch NDS files too.

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    DGen v1.20 (Megadrive/Genesis emu for PSP)

    Syn-Z has improved DGen once more. It’s a Genesis/Megadrive emulator for the PSP. The changes are provided in japanese language, so we can’t give you further information about the changes.

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    GP2X User Guide (GP2x misc)

    Guyfawkes has released his GP2X User Guide. It contains over 30 pages of useful guides for your GP2X starting from installing and using software, listening to Music, watching Videos, reading E-Books, firmware flashing and an introduction to developing on the GP2X.If you notice any mistakes in the guide or have a suggestion on a new section to add please contact me by email at (remove NOSPAM) or on IRC – EFNet #gp2xdev. In particular we are looking for a video encoding guide so if you can help out please let him know.,0,0,0,23,933

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    CheatDevice v0.1d for LCS (PSP Trainer)

    The PSP Trainer for”Liberty City Stories”has been updated. For now it already supports a few basic cheats like: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather&Spawn Anything. This trainer in it’s version 0.1c works on the US/Canada version of LCS and requires a 2.0, 2.01 or 2.50 firmware. Version 1.0d seems to work only with the UK version of this game.Unzip the archive to your memory card so the files go in PSP/SAVEDATA/ULUS10041S0 if you’re installing the US version, PSP/SAVEDATA/ULES00151S0 for the UK version. This replaces the first save on the card. To start CheatDevice, simply load it like a saved game. You can then load another save if you want and CheatDevice stays in memory.Disclaimer: THIS CAN CRASH YOUR GAME. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Some of the spawn choices like the RC toys and boats will crash the game. Don’t save your game after using this.

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    Heretic32 (GP32 Game Port)

    Here is another Ego Shooter port by A600: Heretic! Here is the readme for further details:

    Heretic32 ported by A600 using chui’s SDL libraries Copy all files and folders included in the zip to /gpmm/ (use heretic+.fxe if you have a BLU+) Free wads for Heretic can be downloaded here: – Wads must be copied to gpmm/heretic.There are 8 levels of gamma correction and 10 levels of brightness. (Video options menu)The settings for the selector menu are stored in gpmm/heretic/cfg/wads.cfg. DON’T DELETE THIS FILE.The syntax is very easy:name displayed = commandline optionsFor example, the wads.cfg included:#Heretic wadsHeretic = A Dark Day in Hell = -file darkday.wadAbbey3 = -file abbey3.wadAsteriel = -file asteriel.wadBAB Heretic = -file babhtdm.wadCreatures of Light and Darkness = -file cold10.wadEnchanter = -file enchantr.wadFrags96 = -file frags96.wadHouse of Horror = -file horror.wadLHET = -file lhet400.wadThe Crypts = -file crypts.wad -warp 1 7You can choose the clockspeed with the command -gpspeed. Supported values are: 60 66 80 100 133 144 156 160 164 166. If you type a wrong value or don’t use it, the clockspeed is set to 133If the wads.cfg has only one entry, the menu isn’t displayed:#Heretic wadsHeretic = CONTROLS:[UP] Move Forward / Navigate Menu[SELECT]+[UP] Look Up[SELECT]+[RSHOULDER]+[UP] Fly Up[DOWN] Move Backward / Navigate Menu[SELECT]+[DOWN] Look Down[SELECT]+[RSHOULDER]+[DOWN] Fly Down[LEFT] Turn Left[SELECT]+[LEFT] Select Previous Weapon[SELECT]+[RSHOULDER]+[LEFT] Select Previous Inv. Item[RIGHT] Turn Right [SELECT]+[RIGHT] Select Next Weapon[SELECT]+[RSHOULDER]+[RIGHT] Select Next Inv. Item[A] Use Weapon / Select Menu Option / [Y][SELECT]+[A] Map Follow mode on/off[B] Use Object (doors, button,…) / Back to the prev menu[SELECT]+[B] Gamma Correction[START] Use Inv. Object / Select Menu Option / [ENTER] / [Y][SELECT]+[START] [ESCAPE][SELECT]+[RSHOULDER]+[START] Map[LSHOULDER] Turn always strafe on/off[SELECT]+[LSHOULDER] Turn always run on/off[SELECT]+[RSHOULDER]+[LSHOULDER] Look forward (center view)[RSHOULDER] Map-A600-

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    Hexen32 (GP32 Game Port)

    A600 who already did the one or other game port is presenting a port of Hexen today, called Hexen32. Hexen is a 3D Ego-Shooter with smaller puzzle elements. Here is the readme:

    Hexen32 ported by A600 using chui’s SDL libraries Copy all files and folders included in the zip to /gpmm/ (use hexen+.fxe if you have a BLU+)Free wads for Hexen can be downloaded here: must be copied to gpmm/hexen. Don’t use the 1.0 version of the full game (20.128.392 bytes) because there are some problems with it. Use instead 1.1 or 1.2 (20.083.672 bytes) versions.There are 8 levels of gamma correction and 10 levels of brightness. (Video options menu)The settings for the selector menu are stored in gpmm/hexen/cfg/wads.cfg. DON’T DELETE THIS FILE.The syntax is very easy:[name displayed] = [commandline options]For example, the wads.cfg included:#Hexen wadsHexen = Death Kings of the Dark Citadel = -file hexdd.wadCaldera = -file caldera.wadCentromere = -file cent092b.wadChuxen: Beyond Hexen = -file chuxen.wadHexQuake = -file hexquake.wadThe Dark Portal = -file drkportl.wadUndermountain = -file black.wad -gpspeed 156You can choose the clockspeed with the command -gpspeed. Supported values are: 60 66 80 100 133 144 156 160 164 166. If you type a wrong value or don’t use it, the clockspeed is set to 133If the wads.cfg has only one entry, the menu isn’t displayed:#Hexen wadsHexen = CONTROLS:[UP] Move Forward / Navigate Menu[SELECT]+[UP] Look Up[SELECT]+[RSHOULDER]+[UP] Fly Up[DOWN] Move Backward / Navigate Menu[SELECT]+[DOWN] Look Down[SELECT]+[RSHOULDER]+[DOWN] Fly Down[LEFT] Turn Left[SELECT]+[LEFT] Select Previous Weapon[SELECT]+[RSHOULDER]+[LEFT] Select Previous Inv. Item[RIGHT] Turn Right [SELECT]+[RIGHT] Select Next Weapon[SELECT]+[RSHOULDER]+[RIGHT] Select Next Inv. Item[A] Use Weapon / Select Menu Option / [Y][SELECT]+[A] Map Follow mode on/off[B] Use Object (doors, button,…) / Back to the prev menu[SELECT]+[B] Gamma Correction[START] Use Inv. Object / Select Menu Option / [ENTER] / [Y][SELECT]+[START] [ESCAPE][SELECT]+[RSHOULDER]+[START] Map[LSHOULDER] Turn always strafe on/off[SELECT]+[LSHOULDER] Turn always run on/off[SELECT]+[RSHOULDER]+[LSHOULDER] Look forward (center view)[RSHOULDER] Jump-A600-

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