iPhoneToday aims to be an iPhone Today style interface for Pocket PC’s.
Aimed features:
– Multiples screens (With animates transactions)
– Notification on icons for calls, sms, etc
– Is a Today (No problems when we push the home button, no problems with incoming calls, …)
– Compatibility with others todays (By example: Date Today and iPhoneToday after), today height configurable
– QVGA, VGA, WVGA… (The user define the icon size and height screen)
– Icons configuration in xml (you can to do copy & paste to other device)
– Write on C++
– For now, only 62Kb + Icons in memory
– Paint icons a bit more fast
– Fixed problem with icon calendar in QVGA (Only test in emulator…)
– Fixed error when it load days translation
– Added option for set font size (By default is 7 and normal, add in settings.xml 6 and 1 for change it)
– Fix various…
Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) is another auto locking program which utilizes the Windows Locking for partial locking (phone related keys are active) or complete locking (no keys are active).
02/05 – v6.07.2 – Fixes, Setup program to set the Hot Keys.
pedroduarte0 updated his Playstation 2 port of Doom. Original files are required.
Release notes:
This time, good news for people who want to run PS2Doom from memory cards:
Now the .WAD file is loaded from the same directory ps2doom.elf resides, so this avoid the mess of having files at the root of USB storage devices. As a consequence, the files can be entirely placed at memory cards. USB storage devices are still supported, of course.
Currently, HDD is not yet supported. To detect the device name and full path of ps2doom.elf I just parse the main’s argv[0] string. It seems that when launching from HDD using uLaunchELF, the device name appears as “host:â€â€¦ So I’m not sure on how to detect when ps2doom is executed from HDD. Any help?
I believe HDD support will be added along with a config file where would be listed all the .WAD paths to feed a WAD selector.
Another feature added :
– The Quit option menu now boots back to the OSD PS2 Browser
Next stop: Strafe support.
Thanks to for the news.
Added May 2, 2009, Under:
Japanese coder “and” has released an updated version of “Super Star Shooter”. It’s a solid 2D topdown space shooter, which is also available for other systems such as the Gameboy Advance ( //files/1096/ ).
Thanks to for the news!
Added May 2, 2009, Under:
The Homebrew Browser allows you to download the latest homebrew applications and games all through your Wii. You don’t need to take your SD card out. You don’t even need a computer! You can also delete homebrew you no longer want.
No more dead links, no more extracting files, no more finding out that the homebrew application doesn’t include an icon.png and meta.xml in the zip file!
Able to download and browse at the same time (just click on a category when downloading)
Fixed bug which didn’t show the last character for applications names, descriptions, etc.
Fixed bug where the wrong applications were shown after downloading from download queue
Added GC controller support (port #1)
Added nunchuck support for scrolling the apps list
Added ability to power off the Wii via the Wiimote power button
Menu items are now accessible when in the help or settings screen
Thanks to for the news!
Added May 2, 2009, Under:
Speed dial button to place phone calls to your “Grandma”. It is easy to configure in a few seconds and you’ll forget about using favorites or any other phone number list.
Added May 2, 2009, Under:
A nifty small app which will mirror the pictures that one takes on an iPhone onto another unlimited sized photo disk on the Internet.
This is an attempt to support and promote citizen journalism by a traditional media organization. Instead of competing with citizen journalism, for the attention of today’s tech savvy readers, and Cincinnati Enquirer will provide utilities and conveniences to help citizen storytellers to capture the moments, then write and publish stories in style and in colors.
Added May 2, 2009, Under:
The GoldKey Dashboard allows registered users of the site to access their statistics, messages, and account manager contact information in real time.
Added May 2, 2009, Under:
Bronx Baseball is a tool that will allow you to get the latest up-to-date news about your favorite MLB Team the NY Yankees right to your iPhone. This application will provide you important news and updates that will help keep you current on everything that is going on with the New York Yankees. Bronx Baseball information is updated from a variety of news sites picked by real fans. You can be sure the information you are getting is always precise and current and from different sources. Features include alerts with summaries containing direct links to the original site for more detailed information, as well as support for the 3G iPhone’s accelerometer so you can rotate your iPhone and Bronx Baseball will rotate along with it. You can also Edit the order in which the feeds are in to set your favorite to the top!
Added May 2, 2009, Under:
Oog & Gappo in the kitchen – Slide Puzzle is a variant of the classic 15 puzzle game (also known as gem puzzle, bozz puzzle, game of fitheen or mystic square) with images from the interactive children’s book Oog & Gappo in the kitchen.
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