Pocket Volleyball (02-12-2008) (DC Game Port)

Maturion has updated his port of Pocket Volleyball. Changes include additional graphics and a fully supported joypad.

Thanks to Maturion himself for the news via the PDRoms webboard.

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The Game Of Life (RC1) (PSP Game)

A “Game of Life” game by maxthebest for PlayStation Portable.

Release notes:

Here is finally a real version of my Game Of Life.
I released a few weeks ago a demo which you could not interact with, and which generated noise. Now, in this one, you can edit the life pattern as you want, and load some I already made, but there is no more sound because of some bugs I’ll fix for next time.

– A splash screen has been added (press any key to continue)
– A definition screen has been added: you can see an extract from wikipedia’s definition of the Game Of Life
– Sound has been removed for two reasons: headaches and it didn’t work. It’ll be back in next version, with the possibility of shutting it off.
– A menu pops up when you press SELECT, and you can chose one of the three patterns (for the moment: empty, random, and Goper’s glider gun). Keep SELECT pressed while pressing up/down/cross to navigate in this menu.
– You can see the number of generations that have happened since the beginning of the pattern by pressing L. This number is reset when you generate a new pattern, or edit the actual one.
– When you press START, you will pause the evolution, and see a “0” or “1” printed in red on the screen, this is your cursor, move it with up/down/left/right, and press Cross to give life to a cell, and circle to take life from it.
– When in pause mode, Square will clean the screen.
– To take a screenshot, press R. Screenshots are saved under ms0:/PICTURES/GoLX.png, X being the number attributed to the picture.
– If the Picture folder does not exist, the program will create it (to avoid annoying bugs).
– The icon has been changed (you can see Gosper’s glider gun on it now).

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Xwhiite-linux v0.1 (Wii misc)

Bert Jan released his custom linux distribution “xwhiite-linux” for Nintendo Wii.

Release notes:

I’ve arranged a test version of my Wii-linux distro: xwhiite. Basically it’s just Xorg running on top of the existing debian/whiite package, along with the necessary drivers, config and apps to make the x ‘magic’ happen.
Videos of the system in action are here and here.

– (almost) everything also in whiite linux (I stripped a few things to save some space)
– working Xorg, using nuvalo’s ‘cube’ driver (as discussed here).
– Fluxbox windowmanager
– wiimote input (libcwiid + fastsync)
– SMB / CIFS support (useful for mounting your media NAS)
– some useful apps preinstalled (mplayer, vlc, opera, firefox)
– a nice look & feel
– uses less than 512M on disk

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IceNotes ME v0.90.002 (J2ME Application)

IceNotes ME for Mobile Devices is an usefull JAVA ME (J2ME) application to store all your important (text)notes on your mobile phone using “Twofish” encryption. Your notes are organized by assigning your own custom tags to your notes.

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Task Facade v3.8.1.5 (PPC Application)

Task Facade, previously known as Dynamo 3, is a cool, animated task manager for your PocketPC 2003/05/06 device. Say goodbye to boring text lists of running programs and instead manage your programs by sliding in images of all your running applications onto your screen. For each program on your device an image is saved and when you click the hotkey they all zoom onto your screen. Simply click the one you want and it will increase to fill the screen. Quickly seeing all the running programs is far more efficient than having to read through a text-based task list so Task Facade can make task switching a much faster, and cooler, experience.

Task Facade also allows you to quit programs from inside the image view meaning that it does everything your old text-based program manager could do.

As well as just looking generally cooler, Task Facade offers far more customization than before and allows the whole application to be controlled using either your PDAs hardware keys or the stylus.


+ AppToDate support

***BEFORE INSTALL***: Before installing version 3.8, uninstall the previous version AND MANUALLY REMOVE THE ‘TASK FACADE’ FOLDER from Program Files’. You do not need its old content.

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Using Assembler in NDS homebrews (NDS misc)

Quirky, famous for various Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS homebrews, wrote a pretty hughe and interesting article about using Assembler with NDS homebrews.

Maybe the one or other can be assimilated by Quirkys idea, so head over and read 🙂

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WeightWatch v0.9.10 (J2ME Application)

WeightWatch is a J2ME application that takes daily readings of your weight and displays them in a chart with a moving average “tendency curve” in order to absorb errors in daily weighing.

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TehSkeens Nintendo Wii Coding Competition 2008 Results (Wii misc)

Brakken, webmaster of and initiator of this coding competition, has released the final results.


#1 Portii
#2 CosmoRaketti
#3 Smashing
#4 Rokoban Wii
#5 uschtris

#1 WiiCalc
#2 LibWiiGameLoad

All entries can be downloaded from TehSkeen!

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Pocket Forecast v0.37 (PPC Application)

Pocket Forecast which is formerly known as Pocket Weather has been udpated.

This weather forecast application has the following features:

1. Multiple locations
2. Cached weather feeds
3. Skinnable themes
4. Uses Yahoo/ RSS feed – see to look up location codes (also uses U.S. zip codes)
5. Open source (code posted on forums)
6. Configurable interval for updating weather feed


– Changed how form color is set to reduce font ‘fuzziness’
– Added optional themePCFont, themePDAFont variables
– Fix background image file to select fileP, fileL (portrait, landscape)
– Fixed minor bugs

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DSwiki v0.2 (Alpha 2) (NDS Application)

DSwiki is an offline viewer for Wiki markup, for example for the Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wiktionaries, …


The long awaited bookmarks in an early version. They can be added and loaded, but not edited in DSwiki itself. But the bookmarks will be saved in a plain text file, so edit it as you like! (a must-have, but nonetheless, suggested by Sphere)
I got rid of most remaining ASCII-text-output and replaced it by a better looking dialog interface.
The display can be inverted (suggested by Sphere). Activate the option menu with “Start” or the left icon. The search looks ugly then, but that doesn’t affect usability.
The search can be reached with an icon in the main window


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