Nuclear Attack v1.0.0.0 (Pandora Game Port)

Nuclear Attack is a game by Thomas Harte and ported to Pandora by Cobalt.

Faced with states he suspects of developing nuclear weapons, the leader has decided to launch a pre-emptive strike on key buildings in their command structure using the latest in mini-nukes. A missile launcher has been deployed to the outskirts of every major enemy city. OICW, a great war hero, must aim and guide the leader’s missiles towards their strategically chosen targets.

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DMVGM v3 (GBA Application)

DMVGM allows you to listen to SEGA Master System / Game Gear music on the Gameboy Advance!

Thanks to mic, the author himself, for the news hint.

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Garden of Coloured Lights v1.0.8.2 (Pandora Game Port)

Garden of Coloured Lights by Linley Henzell is a musical shoot-em-up influenced by rRootage, Radiant Silvergun and Rez. Ported to Pandora by mcobit.


Changed Enter back to enter; Now it is possible to map the A Button again in the menu.

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PND_Utils v0.9.4.0 (Pandora Application)

Joey Forgues-Forget’s “PND_Utils” is a collection of various utilities/tools to be used on your Pandora.


This is a set of tools and os tweaks to give pnd a more ‘native’ feeling. For now, it include pqr ( and pnd_assoc. pqr is a script to launch the first (default) application from a pnd, it can either be used to call the path to the pnd directly, or a just the pnd name, the script will search it on the sd cards. pnd_assoc is a script that act as a bridge between the os file associations and the pnd system. Using it, one can link just about any mime type to any pnd. This package also include the presets i use for associations (in a separate install). as of now, only the video files have a prebuilt association with panplayer. So that if you open a movie in thunar, it will open using panplayer. (if it can find the pnd on your sds)

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Micro Zig-Zag Racer v0.95 (Beta) (PSP Lua Game)

Micro Zig-Zag Racer is a 2D race car game by Boujack where you have only one oportunity to try complete all levels.

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Overgod v1.0.0.0 (Pandora Game Port)

For too long has humanity been ruled by cruel and disputatious gods! Fly through the various layers of the Celestial Oversphere to unseat those who control the universe.

Overgod initially created by Linley Henzell and ported to Pandora by Cobalt.

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Aikisado v0.3.5.0 (Pandora Game Port)

Aikisado is a computerized board game unofficially created in the likeness of Kamisado by Peter Burley of Burley Games.

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jumanji v1.1.2.4 (Pandora Application Port)

jumanji is a highly customizable and functional web browser based on the libwebkit web content engine and the gtk+ toolkit. The idea behind jumanji is a web browser that provides a minimalistic and space saving interface as well as an easy usage that mainly focuses on keyboard interaction like vimperator does.


+ with latest libs available (thanks to slaeshjag)
+ with Adobe Flashplayer support (put as in appdata/jumanji/plugins)

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Midori v0.3.6.13 (Pandora Application Port)

Midori is a lightweight web browser.


No changes mentioned

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Earth Shaker DS (22-05-2011) (NDS Game)

ant512 comes up with a remake of “Earth Shaker“, a “Boulder Dash” like game, originally released on ZX Spectrum in 1990.


This version has a few tweaks and bugfixes:

– Tweaked control system.
– Added extra life sound to sound test.
– Sounds stop when switching screens/game sections/etc.
– Added animation when collecting beans.
– Added pause when collecting teleports.

The most important change is the tweaked control system, which makes it far less error-prone when trying to nip around corners and avoid falling boulders.

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