Titanium Plugin CAnalogClock v0.7b (PPC Application)

This is a replacement for the default Titanium CClock, the way that it should have been.


0.7 Beta (don’t need to upgrade if you haven’t experienced any of the errors below)
Fix: Error “Directory Not Found” when in multilanguage roms
Fix: Error “CalendarInfo resource not found” when no appointments in calendar
Add: Error log in program filesrpereiraCAnalogClocklogerrorlog.txt

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Phone Creeper v0.1 (PPC Application)

This is a phone espionage suite.

Currently it has the following features:

* secretly and remotely read incoming / outgoing sms
* secretly and remotely delete incoming / outgoing sms
* secretly and remotely view call history
* secretly and remotely listen to person. (Initiates silent call back of person to your phone with thier speaker phone enabled)

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Max in GhostPix v1.0 (Wiz Fenix Game)

Max must solve some things called ‘Ghostpix’, or ghost pictures. At first he won’t see anything of the picture, but using logic and his ghost powers he will reveal the hidden picture. This videogame is based on a popular japanese game called picross.,0,0,0,25,114

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The Sanvian Warrior v0.1 (Beta) (PSP Game)

The Sanvian Warrior is about a soldier who used to be in the sanvian army, but he is the last one who survived. Still, try to defend Sanvia city!

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RetroChallenge 2009 (misc)

Do you like old computer/handheld/console stuff? Here comes a nice compo!

Read on:

RetroChallenge commences July 1st, 2009 and runs until July 31st, 2009
In order to qualify, computer systems must use a pre-pentium processor… in general, this means 486 or below, 680×0 and pretty much everything with an 8-bit processor, but we’ll also let you in if you have an old Cray kicking about.
Gaming consoles and PDAs qualify if they are at least ten years old as of July1, 2009.
Where appropriate, replica hardware and emulators may be used.
Entrants are responsible for adequately documenting their projects and submitting occasional updates during the contest.
Projects may encompass any aspect of retrocomputing that tickles the fancy of the individual entrant.
Winners will be arbitrarily chosen and crap prizes doled out during the first week of August 2009.
Have fun.

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Light Cycle 3D v3.0 (PSP Game)

This is a PSP clone of a Tron Light Cycle racing game. Objective of the game is to make your enemies collide with the trail you leave behind you as you speed along the grid in cyber space.


* Now you can race up to 29 opponents! Go nuts, first one to place first out of 30 get’s a cookie…
* New variable grid size! Choose from small, normal, large and HUGE!
* New mini-map – toggle it on/off in-game with []!
* New type of AI added
* New gametype added – you may now choose from ‘Classic’ and ‘Uber’ (more on this later)
* Custom Skin support! Easy-to-use Modular skin system implemented. Read ‘Skin.txt’ in the folder for instructions. I’d like to thank 0m3GA ARS3NAL for the Virtual Reality skin from MGS I now have bundled with Light Cycle 3D v3.0
* more i’m just forgetting sorry

Thanks to for the news.

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RedHoody 2 (Alpha v1.0) (PSP Lua Game)

RedHoody was left for dead after his final fight against the Big Bad Wolf. Racoons stole his heart and replaced it by a robotic heart. But RedHoody is not dead and its makes sense than his barely indestructible heart will back! She will need to jolt his body to keep running his fake heart and stay in condition (of course, this game is a total parody of Crank II High Voltage).

This demonstration is an Alpha version, just to show the concept. There just one screen and no scrolling, but it’s enough to play. The game using the Euphoria LUA Player v2.

Thanks to and for the news.

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HardHats Battle Arena v0.61 (PSP Game)

Welcome to Sushi Island. As an aspiring Mage Master, your mission is to collect and train a party of up to 6 low level mages and eventually win the Sushi Island Tournament. Thus rescuing your kingdom from your traitor of a brother.

You start with one of 29 Mage Apprentices and through battles of skill and strength, you can upgrade their experience points, gradually growing stronger and stronger mages until you are ready to enter the tournament for the top prize of the Sushi Cup.


– added trainers who guide you through the whole Mage Master experience.
– fixed underpowered spells from increasing your opponent’s health. It now says
attack was ineffective.
– moved game save to START so that those O saving loops go away
– use O to exit from battle preparation screens.
– all new mage upgrades now happen at green or white training centres
– rearranged the order of the training centres to have a more natural flow around the road, and switched the game save format. The order is now: white, yellow, red, blue, black (tournament) and green. Please consider restarting your game, I load, but don’t gurantee the integrety of your old games.

Thanks to for the news.

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PSPMarble v2.5b (PSP Game)

PSPMarble is a homebrew game that adopted the style of the “Marble” game (remember that old retro game?), but also extended the gameplay to 3D, with physics and some new gameplay ideas.


COMPLETED REQUEST regarding the camera system (wrapping is allowed now). Requested by “the underminer”.
UPDATED physics module, now marble goes a bit faster, but the controls remain accurate, and they won’t make your life harder with “puzzles”.
UPDATED stacked particle system for smoother animation.
UPDATED session cache manager, and now the load times while you switch menu-related session are improved.
UPDATED an input event in the tutorial mode.
Plus more not-so-worth to mention.

Thanks to for the news.

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Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) v6.14 (PPC Application)

Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) is another auto locking program which utilizes the Windows Locking for partial locking (phone related keys are active) or complete locking (no keys are active).


18/06 – v.6.14 – Fixes, option to Hangup call after specific time.

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