Added Sep 24, 2009, Under:
Pimp My Wi is an homebrew that will install missing and outdated titles from your Wii console. A “title” can be an IOS or your Wii version. You can update your Wii securely using this homebrew and you can too update your Wii Shop to have the same advantages than the Wii 4.1 without these disadvantages. The homebrew is displayed automatically in english or french depending of your Wii’s language.
Thanks to for the news.
AVEC is a Vector map viewer capable of displaying and navigating mapss in the common Polish format maps. If the map file has street information, the program tells you what street you are in, or lookup the name of a street selected with the crosshair.
Hi Guys,
Here’s a time lapse photography session done with AVEC GPS connected
to a GPS via serial port, and the PSP Go Cam via USB at the same time.
YouTube – AVEC GPS – Time Lapse Camera Demo –
The video is produced by saving one photo frame for every map screen image capture,
and saving them one after the other. Then I used an AVISynth script in Windows
to crop the images and stack the odd images vertically,
and Virtual Dub to produce a WMV video for upload.
Cheers, Art.
Ultimate VSH Menu Revised by Total_Noob is alternative plugin to replace M33 and GEN official VSH menu. It is compatabile with custom firmware versions; 5.00M33, 5.02GEN, 5.03GEN & 5.50GEN.
* All functions of the official VSH Menu.
* Ability to customize the colors.
* The SELECT button can either open the Recovery(in-VSH Recovery), the VshMenu or nothing.
* Recovery can reboot by holding R and exit the Recovery (useful for VSH plugins and other configurations).
* The SELECT button can be change via the combo R + L + [].
* VSH Recovery can be open in the VSH Menu.
* Random color option is available to change the system color randomly.
* An option in the VSH Menu to quickly start a homebrew (ms0:/PSP/GAME/VSHMENU/EBOOT.PBP).
* Convert battery option is available in the VSH Menu (convert battery to Normal, Pandora or Autoboot).
* Slim Colors Patch by Bubbletune integrate (only for psp phat).
* USB charge can be change in the VSH Menu (only for psp slim).
* Ability to hide the MAC address in the System Information.
* UMD update icon can be hide in the XMB.
* Possibility to take screenshots (combos are NOTE, R + NOTE, L + NOTE, R + SCREEN, L + SCREEN or NOTE + SCREEN).
* Ability to suspend the device in the VSH Menu.
The objective of the game is to dominate ur opponent by capturing the most no of blocks.
Little Big Tank is primarily a puzzle game where you occasionally get to shoot things.
Added Sep 24, 2009, Under:
“Run and Jump and Crap” is supposed to be a crap game, while you can 100% count on it to be crap 🙂
You’ve been warned!
Alice in Crapland is a Jump’n’Run game, for now running using Dingux.
The title already gives a tiny hint about what you have to do! Simulate the birth of a baby! Good luck!
Added Sep 24, 2009, Under:
The title already gives a tiny hint about what you have to do! Simulate the birth of a baby! Good luck!
Added Sep 24, 2009, Under:
Neko Project II emulates a NEC PC-9801.
can change allocations from keyboard keys to wiimote buttons
Thanks to for the news.
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