LvR (Gameboy Advance)

AMeBa v0.8 (RC) (PPC Application)

As all you know, in the latest builds of WM 6.5.x the position of start (Win) and close (X) buttons have changed from the task bar (on top of the screen) to the menu bar (bottom of the screen). Therefore, all the applications that modifiy the behaviour of this buttons do not work anymore.

AMeBa (Adapting Menu Bar) for WM6.5.x is a little application to customize the default behaviour of those buttons.


– Run as service.
– Tap on close button: customizable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaCloseTapAction.
– Tap&Hold on close button: customizable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaCloseHoldAction.
– Tap on start button: customizable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaStartTapAction.
– Tap&Hold on start button: customizable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaStartHoldAction.
– Posible values for close actions (CloseTapAction and CloseHoldAction):
* 0 = None: no action is done
* 1 = Default: default wm action (minimize app)
* 2 = Run App: launch a program (configurable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaCloseTapRun or HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaCloseHoldRun) with arguments (configurable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaCloseTapRunArguments or HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaCloseHoldRunArguments)
* 3 = Close: close the current app
* 4 = ScreenTap: simulate a tap on screen (position is configurable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaCloseClickX and HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaCloseClickX[/I])
– Posible values for start actions (StartTapAction and StartHoldAction):
* 0 = None: no action is done
* 1 = Default: default wm action (launch default honeycomb menu)
* 2 = Run App: launch a program (configurable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaStartTapRun or HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaStartHoldRun) with arguments (configurable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaStartTapRunArguments or HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaStartHoldRunArguments)
* 3 = QuickMenu: show QuickMenu menu (faster than runing QuickMenu.exe)
* 4 = ScreenTap: simulate a tap on screen (position is configurable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaStartClickX and HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaStartClickX[/I])
– Use HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaShowHoldAnimation to show (value 1) or not (value) tap and hold animation.
– Haptic feedback (not tested): customizable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaVibration. Posible values:
* 0 = None: no vibration at all
* 1 = During: vibration activated while taping (until releasing)
* 2 = End: vibration at the end of Tap or Tap&Hold (duration configurable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaTapVibrationTime or HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaHoldVibrationTime, set to 0 to disable one of them)
– Position Fix: Auto detects windows that overlap menu bar and move/resize them. Three working modes(configurable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaPositionFix):
* 0 = Disabled: no position fix.
* 1 = Use black list: do no apply position fix in the the apps included in the list on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaPositionFixList.
* 2 = Use white list: apply position fix only in the the apps included in the list on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaPositionFixList.
* HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaPositionFixList is a semi-colon separated list of filenames with full path.
– Launcher for those devices that the service does not start automatically
– Force Close: If a window does not close friendly, with this option active AMeBa will try to close it forced. (Disabled by default, can be activated setting HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaForceClose to 1)
– Close exclusion list with the list of apps that must be minimized instead of closed (configurable HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaCloseExclusionList). It is a semi-colon separated list of filenames with full path (for example: Windowsreplog.exe for ActiveSync).
– Configurable CPU usage: you can specify the number the milliseconds between searching for new windows (configurable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaPollingInterval). If you increase this number AMeBa use less CPU but it takes more time to detect new windows.

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ArkSwitch v1.1.4 (PPC Application)

ArkSwitch is an easy to use, finger-friendly task manager for Windows Mobile 6.5.3 (with a WM6.5 compatibility mode). It is developed mainly in C#, with a C++ helper DLL.


– FIX: Couple of bugs with the new process mode

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XTask v2.20 (PPC Application)

XTask is a task manager for Windows Mobile PDA phone. It does, not only the most wanted job of cleaning system RAM by closing unused tasks, but with many more features. For example, it can correct the overlay problem of the WM6.5.x buttom bar for any programs such as Resco Explorer, also automaticlly set button-X to Close instead of minimizing a window.


* Bug fixes.
* Based on 2.2b4, stable with basic WM system.

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Slide2Play (S2P) v0.83 (Beta) (PPC Application)

S2P is a stylus-free MP3/MP4/M4A/AAC/WMA/WAV/M3U/PLS/ASX player application. It simply lets you browse your music files & play. It fully integrates with S2U2; & supports A2DP & AVRCP.

Since the “Album View” is still buggy, this is released as a “beta” with the “Album View” disabled. Other than that, all other functions are workable & more practical than the old version.


– temporarily disabled the “Album View” (both Portrait & Landscape).
– fine tuned the selection sensitivty of all lists.
– a few minor bugs fixed.

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JMLToday v5.70 (PPC Application)

The JMLToday Titanium plugin provides you with,


– Clock, Date
– Weather forecast current, today and the follwing 4 day + city + conditions
– Tear-off calendar
– Notifications: Battery, Wifi, Bluetooth, next appointment, next alarm.
– Supports S2U2 weather (option: UserWeather)
– Context menu (on page 1)
– Special Internet Setting for light use (Page 2)
– Interface to implement AddOns by using simple MortScript (Micha will explain it)


– skins Multi-Resolution (i hope)
– new notifications managment (JMLWinToday.exe background process) for best response time
– new appointments notification (Replace CHome appointment notification = 2 days only)
– new contacts notification (auto-update anniversaries on Page5)
– fix Private.txt event bug (@benno1)
– add SMS.txt file for sending predifined text-SMS.
– add isBatteryVeryCritical registry key and if Battery < critical_value (defined in .ini) -> switch OFF Bluetooth and Wifi
– add ‘Rdv2’ register key to display 2 appointments on 1st Page (@benno1)
– add RamFree, RamPNG, RamSize, RamPercent registry keys
– add RomFree, RomPNG, RomSize, RomPercent registry keys
– add SystemPNG and SystemVal (Battery% + Ram%) registry keys (with 6 state-pictures in ‘sys’ folder)
– Page3 : show up to 5 next appointments on 30 next days
– Page4 : unread SMS or ALL SMS (with a parameter defined in .ini)
– Page4 : contextual menu with CALL, REPLY, MARK, DELETE actions
– Page5 : contextual menu with CALL, SEND-SMS actions
– add functionality to copy/duplicate default JMLToday registry key to your own registry key (other item and other page). It’s defined in a .ini file for each skin.
– start/stop all notifications when titanium enabled/disabled (wait 5s to detect if Titanium Refresh only)
– add Map-Weather for MSN-Weather
– add Google-Weather (@brunoisa10) with google folder for pictures
– fix ACCUWeather connection problem
– ACCUWeather in your language

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JWMD Icon Changer V2.6 (Beta) (PPC Application)

JWMD Icon Changer is a Start Menu customization tool designed for Windows Mobile 6.5

– Changing/Removing the Icon
– Can create New Folder
– Saving/Loading Themes
– Sorting Start Menu Programs
– Register shortcut files
– Changing the Animated Bootup Screen (the 2nd bootup screen)
– Chaging Microsoft Bootup Screen (the 3rd bootup screen)


– Names in Control Panel/Settings
– Faster NETCFFolderBrowser
– Trapping errors in JWMDPictureBrowser

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iPhoneToday v1.5.0 (PPC Application)

iPhoneToday aims to be an iPhone Today style interface for Pocket PC’s.


1.Fixed battery drainage issue.
2.Improved quality of icons by using the averaging interpolation method for resizing them.
3.Added an alternative method for alpha blending to the background that should be faster but requires more memory.
4.Added an option to “use mask for transparency” that might help the scrolling performance on some devices.
5.Added text quality option (Default, Draft, Nonantialiased, Antialiased, Cleartype, Cleartype comp), but it is available only when alpha blend on background is disabled.
6.Added facename (font family) option for the text labels under the icons, the header text, and the special icons text. (you have to manually configure the XML, no dialog yet).
7.Added shadow and roundrect options for the header text.
8.Added –winkey command to display the start menu.
9.Added an option to show battery percentage while charging (enabled by default).
10.Changed default value of vibration for non phone devices to 0.
11.Fixed crash when copying icons from topbar.
12.Fixed bug with pressed icon not displaying correctly when alpha blend is enabled.
13.If reloadIcon is 2 icons.xml are saved after loading them from registry.
14.Installer now displays a warning that today plugin will not be available if you choose to install to storage card.
15.Some minor fixes and improvements.

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AmazeDS v1.1 (NDS Game)

Help the pengiun to find his way out of the maze!

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Galactic Winter Games (NDS Game)

Galactic Winter Games is a scifi puzzle game.

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Powermanga v0.80 (Wiz Game Port)

Powermanga is an arcade 2D shoot-em-up game with 41 levels and more than 200 sprites.,0,0,0,27,367

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